Taking All the Turns

Modern Oloro_Magic


Dr_Jay says... #1

Hey! A Turns Player!

How have you been feeling about Primal Amulet from Ixalan? Not much for the Primal Amulet side, but for the flip side. It seems a bit slow, but if you are able to stick one, you should be able to easily double all of your turns spells. For consideration? It may be better for me, since I play primarily Bant turns.

September 25, 2017 11:10 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #2

Dr_Jay first off thanks for the upvote!

As for Primal Amulet it does seem to have more of a home in bant with the ramp you have access to but here I don't think it can work simply because turn 4 ideally I can tap down my opponent or cryptic setting up a turn 5 kill. The effect on the card is cool and I'll likely add a section on it in under consideration but as for practical use, it is likely too slow though worth testing probably.

The effect also is kind of what I get from Thing in the Ice  Flip, nice extra value that goes far in winning the game but thing is only 2 Mana and a relevant blocker. Thanks for the suggestion and it's nice to see another turns player. How are you liking bant turns? I personally never was sold on it but I would love to hear your experiences with it.

September 25, 2017 11:24 p.m. Edited.

ancientskull says... #3

Love the deck, needs more Bribery! +1

October 4, 2017 9:01 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #4


Since this deck is competitive I don't think I can use Bribery seems sort of one ended but I love the way you think, thanks!

October 4, 2017 9:12 a.m.

ancientskull says... #5

I personally prefer it over Commandeer, especially in the 'board. Against Breach/Grishoalbrand/Nahiri decks it's great for hijacking the Emrakul/Grisledaddy/whatever out of their deck, instead of waiting for them to cast something big and stealing it. But either way works! Overall, I still love the deck. Might try to build it myself soon!

October 4, 2017 12:20 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #6


Interesting point however the big attraction for Commandeer is that it is free to cast whereas Bribery needs to be paid for, also Breach requires heavy mana investment and this deck is designed in a way which makes sure that much mana is not floating around for the opponent. Also, Commandeer steals turn 3 Karn Liberated which is it's primary function really.

Also, word of advice if you build the deck, make sure you like it first, a lot of the cards cannot be put in any other decks and as such you really want to be sure you love playing turns before building it. Either way I'm always happy to see the turns community grow.

Also, thanks for the upvote!

October 4, 2017 12:27 p.m. Edited.

Sarphendon says... #7

I run 3 opt 2 Serum visions in my main. I find it a bit better against the control matchup. I also find Tasigur amazing against classic blue based control strats.

November 29, 2017 4:15 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #8

Sarphendon Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sold on Opt in terms but I hear what you are saying. I find the digging three is just so much more advantages in the early game and later. Though I will admit I have hit Temporal Mastery off the serum draw many many painful times. I'll give it a go but judging from the control light meta in my area it will probably end up being some useful information for me to store when the meta shifts thanks.

As for Tasigur, the Golden Fang its funny you mention him as for the past couple weeks I've been playing around with Search for Azcanta to see how it runs in the deck; Tasigur may be good sideboard tech if that testing pays off and would therefore give me a reason to be milling.

How are you finding the deck against control matchups as I don't get too much control in my agro and tron meta. It would be helpful to hear more from someone who has to play control on probably a more regular basis.

November 29, 2017 9:25 p.m.

Sarphendon says... #9

Oloro_Magic Sorry for the long reply time, I hadn't been checking in regularly. I find the control match is heavily draw dependent. Most of the time I'm winning because I stuck a Snapcaster Mage after an EoT Gigadrowse, or I've been lucky enough to get my T2 Thing in the Ice  Flip. I personally don't run a Vendilion Clique, though I likely should. But there are same games where I dont really interact with them, and they can just ult a planeswalker, or hold up infinite counter magic and beat me to death with a snapcaster.

January 18, 2018 4:17 p.m.

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