It Came From THE DEEP

Commander / EDH maxon


maxon says... #1

Love-in-Theory, Just got around to posting up my sea monster kami deck. Could you suggest any special lands that you have found useful in a Kami of the Crescent Moon deck?

May 26, 2017 10:17 p.m.

Asher_Maid says... #2

Well, with all the big sea creatures I think, Quest for Ula's Temple would be good. And i'm not sure for land.. Tolarian Academy? You do have some artifacts....

May 26, 2017 10:40 p.m.

Calliber says... #3

Thought about Throne of the High City? Being a mono deck Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx would really come in useful.

May 26, 2017 11:15 p.m.

Love-in-Theory says... #4

Asher_Maid - Tolarian Academyisn't legal in EDH unfortunately.

maxon- I really like Boseiju, Who Shelters All, and Tolaria West. Boseiju allows you to get your most crucial instant/sorceries to resolve at the price of 2 life.

Tolaria can Transmute for any 0cmc card, (including lands like Reliquary Tower + Boseiju, Who Shelters All)

May 27, 2017 2:59 a.m.

cklise says... #5

With such nice big fat creatures, I would recommend both more land and ramp. Myriad Landscape would be an excellent inclusion for both, here.

May 27, 2017 2:25 p.m.

maxon says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions, fellow wizards. I will be adding some of those for sure. cklise, I know the land count seems low, but after quite a bit of play with this deck at 38 land, I found with all the extra draw, along with the mana rocks, 38 was just too many. Myriad Landscape will definitely be going in though.

May 27, 2017 2:36 p.m.

Love-in-Theory says... #7

How well do Domineering Will and Illusionist's Gambit work for you? I play a lot of multiplayer magic too, so these might be what I need

May 29, 2017 2:58 a.m.

maxon says... #8

Love-in-Theory,Both are awesome.

Illusionist's Gambit is a great trick. Being able to not only prevent the damage, but also force them to attack someone else always feels good. If you're only going to pick one of the two to try, the gambit is the one.

Domineering Will is a great way to use other peoples creatures to save your skin. Sometimes the cost feels high for the effect, but when someone swings at me and I steal other people's or their own creatures to block with I can't help but enjoy it. Can also be used outside of combat for other tricky shenanigans should the board present an opportunity.

May 29, 2017 3:32 a.m. Edited.

You've got my plus one. I also have a mono-blue group hug deck. Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar is my commander, so the win-con is different because of that. I love your list. Although I might suggest Dreamscape Artist for some ramp. Ramping is important, and discarding cards in this deck doesn't hurt really.

June 21, 2017 10:50 p.m.

clayperce says... #14

What Shadow12721 said.

Brilliant write-up. It makes me want to play the deck, and this is not at all the kind of deck I normally like.

June 23, 2017 7:30 p.m. Edited.

maxon says... #15

Thanks! It's my favorite deck to play at the moment.

June 25, 2017 9:52 p.m.

yahelhotam says... #16

June 26, 2017 3:16 p.m.

Leumas says... #17

Nice deck, just wondering about the inclusion of Coralhelm Commander because you only have one other merfolk who doesn't really need the buff. I would add something like Chasm Skulker or Ebony Owl Netsuke or Sphinx's Tutelage. Quest for Ula's Temple could also be fun since you have a lot of kraken, octopods, and leviathan.

June 26, 2017 11:51 p.m.

Have you considered Kefnet the Mindful?

Consecrated Sphinx has also been very powerful, esp with Font of Mythos on the field.

Levitation can give you're sea monsturs wings?

Also, how is Soramaro, First to Dream , Patron of the Moon, and Magus of the Jar?

June 29, 2017 5:27 a.m.

Trtl says... #19

Are you finding you have too many cards in hand and have to discard some of your precious knowledge? Fear not! I come with a suggestion!

Library of Leng, perhaps over Thought Vessel. While Vessel helps you mana ramp, the Library saves you from discard effects such as Anvil of Bogardan, Forbid (another card to consider), and an untimely Wheel of Fortune (or any of its cousins)

June 30, 2017 1:19 a.m.

maxon says... #20

Sorry all for the late reply. I hadn't noticed all the comments.

I actually came to this deck to make notify of some changes, for those curious.

Out: Trinket Mage, Coralhelm Commander, Deadeye Navigator, Dissolve, Aeon Chronicler, Aether Gale, Trailblazer's Boots, Soramaro, First to Dream, Mnemonic Wall

In: Forbid, Recall, Dissipation Field, Time Stop, Amnesia, Long-Term Plans, Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Ivory Tower, Kefnet the Mindful

To Leumas, yeah, Coralhelm Commander didn't do a whole lot in this deck, and has been cut. I never found myself wanting to bother with leveling it up. My initial thought was it would make for a nice flier with spare mana. Not worth it though. Chasm Skulker was in this deck before Kami was the commander, and it was fun, but with the return to hand effects I have in this deck, I either lose the counters on it, or if it's been destroyed, I lose the tokens. It's good, but not so much for this build. Ebony Owl Netsuke I do like as well, but I am specifically trying to stay away from effects like that. It's just personal preference. Quest for Ula's Temple is great too, but I don't want anyone knowing anything have in my hand, and it also suffers from my own return to hand spells like Devastation Tide. I could see Sphinx's Tutelage being in here at some point though. I will keep it in the maybeboard. Thanks!

To Love-in-Theory, you'll see I just added Kefnet the Mindful. It seems really broken for this deck, and I'm excited to see it hit the field. I like Levitation, but my deck usually doesn't swing unless I can get a little hit in, or when there is one opponent left, in which case this deck can easily defeat that last opponent after I've crafted my hand the whole game. Soramaro, First to Dream wasn't bad, but it wasn't doing a whole lot for me either. It's been cut for now. Patron of the Moon has come up minimally since I've added it, but I haven't been upset to see it, and it feels nice to be able to jettison land from my hand. Magus of the Jar I haven't really had come up too much so I can't really say one way or the other how well it's going to really work. That draw sphinx I don't really need. I could see getting it some day, but for now I'm gonna hold off.

To Trtl, I could never get rid of Thought Vessel. It's too good in this deck. The vessel is great for this deck not just because of bit of ramp but because of the no max hand size attribute. I've been suggested Library of Leng before, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. My playgroup doesn't do much in the way of wheel effects, though one of my friends was talking about making a deck with that new Locust god, and how good it would be with a bunch of wheels, so perhaps that will be a much needed inclusion in the future. I will add it to the Maybeboard. Forbid I DID just add, so that suggestion was spot on!

July 4, 2017 3:23 p.m. Edited.

maxon- I like kefnet, I feel like he's easier to be able to block with.

Also about Library of Leng, i like it in my Kami deck a lot. I can Hive Mind + Windfall to disrupt everybody else's hands, and safely put mine back on my library. And even aside from that, it's a 1 drop unlimited hand size.

July 4, 2017 4:26 p.m.

I need to update my Kami list too. I'll tag you when I do that later today

July 4, 2017 4:30 p.m.

Trtl says... #23

You realize that the only thing Thought Vessel does that Library doesn't is tap for . Library of Leng also gives you a limitless handsize.

July 4, 2017 4:38 p.m.

maxon says... #24

Yes, but this deck wants the mana more. I run 36 lands and have high mana spells. If I do add it, it will be in addition to Thought Vessel, not a replacement.

July 4, 2017 4:53 p.m.

Trtl says... #25

assuming its in your budget, you could run some mana rocks. Mana Vault, Worn Powerstone, Caged Sun, and Extraplanar Lens + Snow-Covered Island are a few that come to mind. (mana vault is my highest recommendation out of these)

July 4, 2017 5 p.m.

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