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$10 RakCackHackManiacAttack

Casual Aggro BRG (Jund) Budget Casual


I'm working on a $10 deck series, where each deck has a retail value of 10 USD or less. They're designed for the new player, the player without a lot of money, and the kitchen table. This one is aggressive--very aggressive. It relies on fast, powerful attacks from the likes of Rakdos Cackler and Jund Hackblade to overwhelm the opponent. Gruul Guildmage keeps the heat coming if the attacks stall out.

As a beginning point to improve this deck, look for the enchantment Rhythm of the Wild. It's low cost and keeps the pressure coming, with haste on creatures that need it and a stat boost for the ones that don't. And they're all uncounterable, did I mention that?

To see more:

$10 Rogues

$10 Mana Ramp

$10 Metallic Sheen

$10 MidRage

$10 Survival

$10 Orzhov Control

$10 Dredgeworms

$10 Flicker

$10 Counterburn

$10 Boros Weenie

$10 Sunlight and Mist

$10 Madness

$10 Reanimator

Decks in progress

$10 Bounce

$10 Tempo


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Folders Budget decks, $10 Decks, aggro, Budget, cheep, cool decks, Decks to be made
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