Now you see me...

Modern* abdulbaqr


Mirb says... #1

Card's such as Gitaxian Probe or Gut Shot can allow you to cast a spell on turn 3 and cast Illusory Angel , allowing you to by-pass the casting restriction. Vapor Snag can also allow you to keep you getting damage in early.

August 12, 2012 4:23 p.m.

pheonix_222 says... #2

Mind Sculpt and Thought Scour aren't doing you any help from milling, you might even be helping certain graveyard based decks. How about Vapor Snag or Preordain instead? Remand or Mana Leak ?

August 12, 2012 7:22 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #3

The purpose of Mind Sculpt and Thought Scour was to get the 10 cards in their graveyard to make card:Jace's Phantasm retarded.

August 12, 2012 7:29 p.m.

pheonix_222 says... #4

even though card:Jace's Phantasm is a great 1 drop beater that blue otherwise doesn't have I don't think having to cast at least 2 extra spells that have no other use other than to enable card:Jace's Phantasm is kind of a waste. those 7 extra slots could be going towards trying to control the field a bit.

August 12, 2012 7:32 p.m.

Xelistren says... #5

Listen to Pheonix I have played a grave deck and mill decks made it too easy. You might get a +4/+4 but someone playing a Wreath of Geists would be getting better most likely. I have gone against people who would make me mill around 6 cards and because of my deck already being grave heavy due to Splinterfright I ended up with around a 14/14 on the field. Also green has a nasty Ghoultree which means you get a 5/5 while you give them a 10/10 that they may end up being able to turn into a 20/20 in one turn.

August 13, 2012 1:05 a.m.

abdulbaqr says... #6

Mill and grave decks are always at odds. I could always go deeper into it and put in a couple of Sands of Delirium and some card:Tormod's Crypt in the side in case of grave decks. Well, this doesn't have a sideboard, because like i said this is mostly kitchen table stuff. For a FNM or something i would make up a sideboard, but i don't think there is much in the local meta for reanimator decks.

August 13, 2012 6:24 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #7

I like it. +1 for using Illusory Angel in your deck. While you're milling, Tome Scour would be a good mill card here.

September 7, 2012 9 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #8

There's another one that is 3 off the top and has flashback, isn't there? the name escapes me...

September 7, 2012 9:16 p.m.

Dake says... #9

October 18, 2012 4:25 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #10

that's it! that's totally worth looking at to make it more milling and give me mana options in the absence of an hourglass.

October 19, 2012 8:14 p.m.

Kcin says... #11

+1 for being able to incorporate Jace's Phantasm ! I was debating on it and decided against it... have you tried Jace's Mindseeker ? seems to fit your deck, not so much mine... i tried it and it was not very successful.

July 23, 2014 12:05 a.m.

Milkaholic says... #12

At this point, I would suggest making it a modern legal deck and swapping the Ponders for Sleight of Hand.

In a mono colored aggro, run 18-20 lands, not 22. I also recommend Gitaxian Probe as it is a free draw and also enables a T3 Illusory Angel.

Since you don't really plan on milling your opponent, I think Jace, Memory Adept should be removed. Personally, I'd take him and the two islands out for a set of probes, but if you have your heart set on a planeswalker, I suggest either Jace Beleren or Jace, the Living Guildpact.

January 11, 2015 9:37 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #13

Milkaholic, the reason that I ran the 22 lands is to make sure that my T5 jace goes off, and if i can use his +0 move, that makes my Jace's Phantasm go bananas. I'm not arguing with you, just seeing if that makes sense. replacing the 2 lands and the PWs for the probes makes sense, but do you have any suggestion for the phantasms? without being able to mill out the ten, they seem more miss than hit.

January 11, 2015 10:17 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #14

Thought Scour is always a nice choice. If you are really concerned about it, Dream Twist also works. But with 4 LotU and 4 Phantasmal Images, you'll often get the phantasm to 2/2 or 3/3, and those stats on a flyer for 1 cmc makes it very far above the curve

January 11, 2015 11:17 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #15

good call, i think that should be good enough.

January 11, 2015 11:31 p.m.

pheonix_222 says... #16

I always preferred Serum Visions to Sleight of Hand. But there are pros and cons.

January 12, 2015 10:03 a.m.

abdulbaqr says... #17

ooh that actually bears some thought. i can see the immediate awesomeness of a 2 card scry, even if i am forced to draw the top card. I may use that.

January 12, 2015 12:03 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #18

The only issue with Serum Visions is that it is 8 bucks a piece.

January 12, 2015 3:57 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #19

oh shit lol. Maybe that one gets back-burnered for a little bit

January 12, 2015 4:31 p.m.

Kcin says... #20

+1 from me for using Polymorphist's Jest.... wouldn't have thought to try that one in my Illusions deck. may have to... how does it fair for you?

"And Just Like That... They Were Gone" is my illusion deck if you wanted to check it out.

May 26, 2016 2:08 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #21

@Kcin It works out decently; i'm a huge fan of combat tricks. There are some changes I'd like to make's been a little while since i messed with this. off the top of my head i'd like to get some Serum Visions in place of other stuff.

May 27, 2016 12:23 a.m.

Daynen says... #22

You might want to compare Serum Visions to Anticipate before you pick one. One mana more, but instant speed and your choice of three cards to draw. I also love the good ol' frogstorm; I still wish I had a good way to -1/-1 the whole board or deal one damage to everything in mono-blue to follow up, but I guess one deck can't have it all...

If you want some super-draw though, consider Ideas Unbound. As long as you can play all three cards on your turn, you lose nothing and get a massive tempo boost for two mana. Great as a one or two-of, as it can jumpstart you in a stalled game and peel away a land bubble in the worst case.

August 1, 2016 1:48 p.m.

Ccvcv says... #23

maybe some counterspells

July 10, 2017 10:36 p.m.

chefjeff says... #24

You may want to switch out your cantrip Think Twice for Thought Scour. You draw cards more cheaply and you can get your Jace's Phantasms in business earlier.

September 18, 2017 3:39 p.m.

ZookNingel says... #25

I also have an illusions deck and pretty similar but I would suggest taking out at least one Illusory Angel because for me they are very often dead cards if I don't have at least 4 mana and a one drop.

November 10, 2017 10:47 a.m.

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