The Blue Deck

Casual CivilizedSin


Lil_Cupp says... #1

If you aren't playing fetches I wouldn't play Brainstorm. Ponder and Preordain are both stronger without fetches, with fetches Brainstorm is much better. Fun deck though.

August 23, 2016 6:52 a.m.

CivilizedSin says... #2

Oh man, fantastic point. I'm so used to playing Chasm Skulker that Brainstorm has just always been the natural choice. Thank you for the recommendation! Definitely making the change.

August 23, 2016 10:22 a.m.

Hamster2558 says... #4

You should make a modern version of this

August 23, 2016 10:38 a.m.

humanbean says... #5

Delver is not a horror when it flips, so be careful about that.

August 23, 2016 10:40 a.m.

CivilizedSin says... #6

Hamster2558: Making this Modern-legal wouldn't be too too difficult: The newly-added Preordain could be replaced with a modern equivalent, perhaps Serum Visions.

humanbean: Absolutely! Also if I already have Docent of Perfection  Flip there's the awkward chance of losing all the tokens it's created. Thing in the Ice  Flip is just such a powerhouse on it's own that I can't think of another early-game creature I'd prefer. Any suggestions as to what it could be swapped with?

August 23, 2016 11:50 a.m.

humanbean says... #7

Well snap caster mage but that is money. It may be better making that slot more instants and sorceries.

August 23, 2016 2:16 p.m.

CivilizedSin says... #8

True. I've been considering bumping this down to 12 creatures for a while now, purely for the fact that it makes the deck more thematic as a whole, while additionally guaranteeing more hits for Delver of Secrets  Flip and Aberrant Researcher  Flip. I just loathe the fact of losing Thing in the Ice  Flip due to how powerful it truly is.

August 23, 2016 5:57 p.m.

Dredge4life says... #9

August 23, 2016 7:49 p.m.

ant_19 says... #10

Delver of Tribes?

Apart from the name suggestion, Thing in the Ice  Flip replacement:Voidmage Prodigy not only can it blow up some tokens for Counterspell's it can be buffed too a doesn't have to kill itself with its ability.

August 23, 2016 8:06 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #11

Adaptive Automaton could fit here instead of TITI. There might be another wizard "lord" somewhere. Love the deck!

BTW you should totally sideboard 4 Scornful Egotist for trolling purposes.

August 24, 2016 12:33 p.m.

CivilizedSin says... #12

Thanks for all the support and advice everyone!

Dredge4life: To me this feels like it will be too slow and my handsize would be too small to loot properly. Unless, of course, I'm missing something that's glaringly obvious!

ant_19: While God himself knows how much I ADORE Voidmage Prodigy, I have a few worries replacing Thing in the Ice  Flip with it: The latter is setup to be a wincon on it's own, as well as a good early-game blocker, whereas the former fulfills neither of these roles, instead relying on OTHER cards to function properly and actually lowering my board presence at the same time. Unfortunately, this deck isn't a WIZARD tribal, where the Voidmage would truly shine. In fact, the Docent of Perfection  Flip is the only consistent "Wizard" in the entire deck. I definitely like the thought though!

Bovine073: It is much to my chagrin that I must decline Adaptive Automaton for the same reason- there just aren't enough Wizards in the deck to consistently guarantee the Automaton to function as intended! For the same reason, I'd be hard-pressed to call "Human", "Insect", or "Horror'. On the flip side though, I LOVE the flexibility that it offers to be able to call any of them.

August 24, 2016 5:25 p.m.

Do you find that you get much use out of TiTi's front face? Or is it mostly there as a cheap finisher?

August 29, 2016 10:23 p.m.

I'd drop to 12 creatures (no thing because of the anti-synergy) and play a ton of cantrips. 4 ponder, 4 preordain, 4 serum visions.

Unsubstantiate seems really bad, no offense. Just, pointless, I guess. 4 Daze would be much more fun.

If you play a lot of cantrips, you can drop a few lands too. You'll draw plenty.

September 2, 2016 4:10 p.m.

CivilizedSin says... #15

Definitely_Paying_Attention: I find it seems to depend ENTIRELY on the matchup. Because this is a casual kitchen table deck, it can end up playing against anything. Being the natural wall it is, I've gotten lot of value out of blocking things like Warren Instigator and other similar early-game threats. However, there are some matchups where it just ends up sitting there looking pretty while my opponent assembles some unknown combo.

ToolmasterOfBrainerd: Thank you for the critique! I definitely agree that more cantrips, or draw in general, is necessary. However, I don't think at the cost of TiTi. I'll playtest swapping out Vapor Snag for Serum Visions/Ponder, and see what I think of it. As for Unsubstantiate I've found it's flexibility invaluable. Since I am playing so many creatures, there are times when I miss the opportunity for the counter and would rather have the bounce. Especially when running Isochron Scepter, I've found it absolutely delightful to bounce their creature with the first activation, and then keep it locked out for 2 for the rest of the game if I so wish. Daze... I may have to try it. It doesn't play nice with the aforementioned Isochron, but it is undoubtedly more powerful on it's own. It's definitely worth the consideration.

September 6, 2016 6:42 p.m.

Ajuntoson says... #16

This deck looks way to fun for what it is. It definitely seems like something I would try out. Maybe something like Learn from the Past or Elixir of Immortality to get back some of those cantrips? I am rather reluctant with those suggestions, as they have a rather late game use.

September 6, 2016 9 p.m.

aholder7 says... #17

i know cutting TiTI, was mentioned above, so im here to suggest Mana Leak. Mana Leak is always a great card early to mid game. it can help keep your creatures alive through kill spells, or prevent blockers from coming down. you really only need to land a threat or two to kill your opponent, so imo cheap counterspells help you out.

it's also modern legal if that's something you're interested in.

September 6, 2016 9:24 p.m.

CivilizedSin says... #18

Ajuntoson: It definitely is way fun! I really enjoy the flavour of the deck and it's control elements, and it's safe for kitchentable as it's not cruel control, and aside from Isochron Scepter + Counterspell it tends to soft-lock opponents rather than hard-locking them. As for your suggestions, they're definitely valid! However, I'd save them more as sideboard tech rather than mainboard tools.

aholder7: Fantastic suggestion! Mana Leak was absolutely considered in the initial draft of the deck, but was ultimately cut for Counterspell when I decided against making this Modern. It's definitely what I'd replace it with if that's the direction I wanted to head, though. However, in it's currently-unformatted state, were I to run another counterspell in that vein I'd probably have to go with Daze instead, due to it's mana-less potency.

September 8, 2016 2:01 p.m.

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