NAME: Tiggas LEVEL: 1 MAXIMUM LEVEL: 6 EXPERIENCE POINTS (XP): 0 XP NEEDED TO REACH NEXT LEVEL: 300(See the XP table here.) MAXIMUM LIFE TOTAL: 15(13 + 2xlevel) CURRENT LIFE TOTAL: 15 POISON COUNTERS: 0 GOLD: 0 PREPARATION TIME: 1(Players may take up to 1 secret preparation turn per level before entering every match. Players cannot affect each other in any way during preparation.) BACKPACKUse your Maybeboard to write down your items(Start every match with UP TO 6 of your backpack items already on the battlefield. At the end of a match, each item you own that is still on the battlefield under your control or in your hand is put back into your backpack.) SPELL BOOKAka Sideboard(Whenever you rest in an inn or a library, you may study your spell book (rearrange your deck by swapping cards with any of your sideboard cards). You CANNOT use your sideboard to modify your deck anywhere else.) FORMS: None PERMITS: None HIGHEST ACCLAMATION POINTS SCORE: 0 STEALTH SCORE: +5 GORGON HEAD TROPHIES OBTAINED: 0 COMMANDER: None OTHER COMMANDER SCROLLS: None PASSWORDS: None LAST SAVE: OPEN THIS LINK INTO A NEW WINDOW TO LOAD GAME ***
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