I completely changed my myr deck, first of all now it's blue and not white anymore.
A few card choices may seem strange to you guys, but it's simply because these are the cards i own. Cards that I want to acquire are on the maybeboard, such as Akroma's Memorial for example. A few eplanations on the changes i made :
I like the Darksteel Myr simply because artifacts are easily disposed of. Often on turn 4 or 5, your opponent might send all your artifacts to the graveyard, so having this guy standing up and not going down easily helps a lot.
Myr Battlesphere is pretty self explanatory. It's one of the win cards of this deck.
Mana dorks such as Palladium Myr, Silver Myr and Plague Myr are here to get the infinite mana combo with 2x Myr Galvanizer to instant mill your opponent with Blue Sun's Zenith. It's my second way of winning the game.
Myr Turbine is so good, it can bring out the battlespheres if needed, or get you a myr galvanizer if you need it for the combo, or anytinhg else really.
Temple Bell is here to get me to draw more obviously, but i'm currently looking for another artifact drawing mechanic, because i don't like the fact that my opponent gets benefits from it as well. What's worse than giving your opponent a present with "win the game" written on it ?
Tomb of the Spirit Dragon is actually the only card that saved me multiple times from losing the game, since i don't have anything to defend against flying or w/e, and since this deck is pretty slow compared to aggro ones, i need these.
Moonsilver Spear is, i know, not very good in this deck. I don't even like it that much, it's just that i needed something to defend against flying creatures. And since i'm dumb, i only want artifacts. Yeah i know, dumb right ?
I happened to have a one of Dig Through Time, so i put it in here just for the hell of it, and i turned out pretty good for now.
So tell me your ideas on how to improve this deck, remember that i'm on a budget and i can't afford cards like All is Dust at the moment.
I'm only playing casual with friends, and so far this deck is so much fun !
Criticism is the only way to improve so feel free to comment and tell me i've done everything wrong, but please explain why :D.
Thanks !