I'm not even sorry

Modern* MrBiggieD

SCORE: 169 | 118 COMMENTS | 22618 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

HydraOoze says... #1

March 16, 2015 midnight

MrBiggieD says... #2

HydraOoze Somehow forgot about that one. She's in for sure.

March 16, 2015 12:05 a.m.

Foxhound438 says... #3

Raise the Alarm for your scepter... Squadron hawks seems to be a weak win con in comparison.

March 16, 2015 2:29 a.m.

MrBiggieD says... #4

Foxhound438: I don't know how I didn't include Raise the Alarm in the first place. It absolutely fits perfectly in this deck with the scepter. Thanks!

March 16, 2015 9:48 a.m.

Desecration Demon is not incredibly useful in Modern. Nor is Dash Hopes. Control is difficult, but I'm assuming this is for FNM. Which is good because it does look fun to play.

Really, what you want to due with Control is play something of an attrition game. This means heavy sac effects and life gain/drain over time. In stead of Dash Hopes I would play Geth's Verdict. This way you're forcing your opponent to lose creatures and life. Pay 5 life for a Siege Rhino is perfectly acceptable. Especially if you have to waste another spell to get rid of it.

Next I would remove Silence it just won't do enough in the long term. I would opt for putting in a single Dismember and 3x Suture Priest. This will let you maintain a steady stream of life gain and life loss for your opponent. Your other option is Blood Artist though you have no sweepers, so this makes it problematic.

To that end you may wish to consider 1-2 Day of Judgment /Wrath of God/Damnation depending on your budget.

Right now your focus seems a little skewed though. Are you going with a token strategy or an attrition one? I also don't really like the Scepter as it gets in the way of more valuable cards that could be slotted in. Also, what is your meta game and budget like? Without knowing these things it is difficult to make further suggestions. Do you have a sideboard?

March 18, 2015 11:04 a.m.

MrBiggieD says... #6

CanadianShinobi This is the kind of help I was looking for! I knew there wasn't any real synergy/strategy in the deck and this helps me get it going in the right direction. Thanks so much for your response. I have the majority of these cards already so the budget is kinda open but I'd prefer not spending more than $10 a card. As for the sideboard, I haven't even thought about it yet. Still working on getting the mainboard worked out. I'll be going through the deck later tonight when I have some time to see about swapping in some of these pieces. Thanks again!

March 18, 2015 12:22 p.m.

I'm more than happy to give advice. Control decks are my specialty. What are your thoughts of adding a third colour? I know it can significantly increase the price due to the mana base, but adding Blue (if you want to play control) can be effective. However, I'll subscribe so that I can keep tabs on this deck and see if we can make it a little more efficient.

Just remember, when building a deck you want to have a game plan.

March 18, 2015 2:08 p.m.

MrBiggieD says... #8

So I'm leaning towards the attrition game however, I'm not the biggest fan of blue so I'd like to stick with B/W. Even though I'm not going the route of tokens, I'd like to keep Lingering Souls in the deck. (I already have a B/W token deck We on a swarm! so no need to make another) Raise the Alarm sounded good at first but now that the deck is moving in a different selection, I'm sure there's a better card for that slot. As for Isochron Scepter, I had purchased a playset of these nearly 6 months ago and have been dying to get them into a deck so unless there's a much better alternative, I think they'll stay in (for now...). I cut down on the Silence to make room for Suture Priest and Geth's Verdict was also added over Dash Hopes. The deck appears to be headed in the right direction now so any further advice is appreciated!

March 19, 2015 9:47 a.m.

MrBiggieD says... #9

Oh... And I swapped out Desecration Demon for Butcher of Malakir.

March 19, 2015 9:51 a.m.

Lingering Souls is pretty much a staple in anything B/W it's just one of those cards that provides value. It staying in is more than fine. Butcher of Malakir is too expensive. I like Baneslayer Angel as a finisher. One of the biggest problems with B/W is a lack of solid low drop creatures. One of your alternatives is to perhaps attempt an Aristocrats deck. I'll give it some thought.

March 19, 2015 10:18 a.m.

BigFace says... #11

I'd like to see Blood Artist and maybe a couple of sweepers. I think it'll be a little more well rounded.

Suture Priest has it's benefits, however. I just don't like him because if I play control of varied types he's a rather dead drop unlike Artist. Could be wrong tho.

March 21, 2015 10:19 p.m.

MrBiggieD says... #12

So, it looks like Blood Artist+Wrath of God is gonna be the plan. Not taking Suture Priest out of the equation just yet but gonna have to do some play testing to know if it's the right move.

March 22, 2015 midnight

belligerence says... #13

why not just run Obzedat, Ghost Council instead of baneslayer? Surgical Extraction could be added to the s/b. I don't do modern but i hope it helps o.O

March 24, 2015 9:53 a.m.

326 says... #14

Blood Artist is meh. I would much rather see something like Tidehollow Sculler in the slot. What exactly is Dawn Charm there for? I honestly don't see why you would play it in the mainboard. Raise the Alarm isn't all that impressive, either, without any actual support for the token theme.

Some cards that I think you should at least consider are Kitchen Finks, Leonin Arbiter Bitterblossom and Inquisition of Kozilek. A mix of three copies of each (Inquisition and Thoughtseize) is generally quite good and seems like something the deck would want. Leonin Arbiter works really well against fetchlands, which are extremely prevalent in modern.

Do you not have a sideboard for the deck or have you just not written it down on tappedout? If you want to play modern on any non-kitchen table level you're going to need one. Some good cards to consider are Rest in Peace, Drown in Sorrow (or other sweepers such as Wrath of God or Damnation), Kor Firewalker/Timely Reinforcements, Rule of Law, Stony Silence, Aven Mindcensor, Zealous Persecution and discard spells such as Duress or additional copies of your mainboard discard spells.

March 24, 2015 10:02 a.m.

MrBiggieD says... #15

As CanadianShinobi suggested awhile back, I'm thinking of actually going ahead and adding blue to the mix for an esper deck. I'm going to work on this tonight and see what I can come up with. Any thoughts on blue cards to add are appreciated as well.

March 24, 2015 10:18 a.m.

Raren says... #16

Since you have Surgical Extraction in your maybeboard, have you thought of Extirpate?

April 18, 2015 3:01 p.m.

adamthetiger says... #17

you might want Apostle's Blessing to protect your scepter from things like Abrupt Decay or Nature's Claim

April 18, 2015 5:28 p.m.

farthernick says... #18

I've been working on a similar deck.


Archfiend of Depravity and Desecration Demon work rather well as far as closers go, especially seeing how you run more spot removal.

If you decide to keep the scepter, Tithe Drinker might help you bleed them out a bit.

If anything I would recommend some more creatures.

April 18, 2015 6:51 p.m.

SirFowler says... #19

I feel like Desecration Demon would do well in this deck.

April 18, 2015 11:03 p.m.

farthernick says... #20

So I was thinking on this last night and came up with a few ideas.

If this deck is really going to play like a control deck, you're basically holding onto your spot removal until t5-6 when you board wipe and and take control of the field.


4x Nyx-Fleece Ram : A 2 drop with a big butt that gains you one life per turn doesn't come off as the most impressive, but it will likely be a better blocker than 1/1 soldier tokens. The life gain is minimal, but it should allow you to more comfortably stall until you're ready for the first board wipe.

3x Souls of the Faultless : The mana cost is a bit specific, but this wall does something incredibly important, it dissuades your opponent from attacking. They're either going to have to waste a kill spell on it, or be willing to lose at least 4 life while you gain that much.

2x Divine Reckoning : In a control deck you try and save your spot removal by relying on boardwipes. Reckoning is interesting, as it allows you to keep your finisher on the board, while reducing your opponent to one creature that you can easily remove. The flashback is nice in case things get out of hand later on.

What I would take out for these

4x Blood Artist : From my experience this works best is a weenie swarm deck. I'm not sure it's doing much for you in this deck.

3x Raise the Alarm : It is nice to have it on a scepter, but if the scepter gets destroyed you are losing a lot of defensive potential. Again, this card works a bit better in a weenie swarm deck.

1x Dawn Charm : 3 may just be a bit much

1x Isochron Scepter : 4 scepters again may be a bit much. The only time I ever ran 4 scepters was when I was playing scepter-chant in legacy back in the day. If your play group runs a lot of artifact removal you might consider dumping the scepters altogether. They sort of paint a huge target on your head in multiplayer games, and in 1v1 they will be the target of every available destroy spell.

I feel as if the scepters could be pulled, but I want to respect your idea. If you're willing to cut one thoughtsieze and a lingering souls, I would recommend maybe 2 Akroma, Angel of Wrath. She has a decent price tag, but is an excellent finisher.

April 19, 2015 11:22 a.m.

MrBiggieD says... #21

Desecration Demon is in. I had him in a loooong time ago and removed him for some strange reason.

farthernick: Thanks for the great ideas! I'm gonna keep a couple Raise the Alarm in the deck still but was able to find room for the suggestions.

April 19, 2015 12:48 p.m.

SirFowler says... #22

I just realized another great card that would help. 1x Obzedat, Ghost Council. An easy, but effective way to help your opponent lose life and help you gain life in the process. He evades your opponents mass destruction and with all of your removal, his haste ability would get by really effectively.

April 19, 2015 4:43 p.m.

notKingCole says... #23

I'd recommend Inquisition of Kozilek mainboard and 2-3 Thoughtseize sideboard-- Inquisition hits almost everything that sees play in modern, and doesn't cost you life. Also, with all of your permanents with , you might consider a one-of Gray Merchant of Asphodel.

May 4, 2015 11:28 a.m.

slap a hide/seek on your isochron. lifegain and exile big card out of opponent's library.

May 13, 2015 6:35 p.m.

Nef says... #25

Bile Blight should probably be somewhere in the list.
B/w token decks will probably give this deck a little bit of trouble.

May 14, 2015 3:09 p.m.

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