Mono Blue eldrazi

Standard* rofl_im_jonny


SonofSith says... #1


November 29, 2015 11:24 a.m.

clayperce says... #2

Cool deck; +1!

I've found Wandering Fumarole to be an absolute beast late-game. I just added Ruins of Oran-Rief too ... I don't have a lot of experience with it but it's been GREAT so far.

What's the thought on the Hedron Archive? It seems a little out of place to me ... kind of a high CMC and by then I'm not sure you need it. Extra mana for counterspells maybe? I'm just wondering if Artificer's Epiphany might be better value.

Finally, how's the Dimensional Infiltrator doing? I looked really hard at that as a 2-drop for my deck, Izzet Thoptorzz (OGW Standard). I ended up with Stormchaser Mage instead, but I've always wondered how the Infiltrator would have turned out ...

Draw well!

March 4, 2016 10:29 a.m. Edited.

rofl_im_jonny says... #3

Wandering fumaroil would work quite well. I think I'll add a few. Thanks for the suggestion!

Hedron archive is in there for exactly what you said. Extra mana so you can lay a creature but still have mana for a counter or to flash in a dimensional infiltratior. That and some card draw if you have enough mana. It's quite useful in a pinch.

Dimensional infiltrator is a SWEET 2 drop. 2/1 flyer with flash is great but then it has an ability as well? It's quite nice. Using him as a blocker and then exiling a land off someone's deck is ever so rewarding as well as super annoying to your opponent. Depending on how many non-creature spells you're running the storm chaser mage may be better for you, though.

March 4, 2016 2:38 p.m.

clayperce says... #4

Cool; good luck (and good skill) with the Fumarole!

That's really interesting on the Hedron Archive; I'll keep it in mind if I go more control-y after rotation!

I get a Prowess trigger for the Mage often, but (almost by definition) it tends to whiff when I need it the most :-)
Glad to hear the Infiltrator's working out nicely though ... it gives me an option if I ever need to swap!


March 4, 2016 3:12 p.m.

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