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Revolution (Budget, Revolt)

Standard BGW (Abzan, Junk) Budget




The Mission

The aim of this deck is to get Aid from the Cowl to give you Aetherwind Basker for free (oh that would be so nice). Since that's not really likely to happen the alternate goal is to mess about with Revolt shenanigans.

The Deck

On to round three with this deck. I have done some play testing and tried out a few things. Still

are essentials. This version sometimes stalls on triggers so Terrarion has also been making an appearance every now and then. I prefer this to Unbridled Growth because it doesn't rely on having a green mana spare and can smooth out those three colour mana issues.

I am now thinking Aid from the Cowl has more value, so I made this a three-of. Other continuing main-stays:

have all been solid. The stockpile is great for producing chumps and revolt triggers (plus the bonus scry); The recruit is a great hitter; and the Rallier is good at bringing back the map or evolving wilds which help you get to that all important 5 mana mark with bonus revolt triggers.

The big new entry is Catacomb Sifter which I'm tempted to put four of in. Getting the extra scry and the bonus scion (ramp and revolt trigger) is perfect. The dream play is T3 Sifter into T4 Aid from the Cowl. The scry here is great because it gives you a good chance that Aid won't poop out something less exciting.

Other new entries for removal that also triggers revolt are:

Earlier notes are below for more of my ramblings.

Notes from version 2

So after some testing this is working a little more consistently. There are a few ways in which this can work: one is the servo swarm if you get multiple Hidden Stockpile; another is death by dwarf i.e. Solemn Recruit; or the one which seems to come off most is the free giants Aid from the Cowl / Call for Unity.

To make things run smoothly, you will need to manage your Revolt enablers so that you can be revolting every turn. Fortunately there are a lot of enablers packed in. The no mana ones being:

One mana sac enablers are:

And the two mana sac i.e. clue courtesy of:

For the early game you can stall with Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim or Solemn Recruit as deterrents, or Vengeful Rebel and Deadeye Harpooner as removal. After that you will hopefully get out Aid from the Cowl or Call for Unity and things will probably start looking much happier.

A few noteworthy cards

I initially left out Renegade Rallier because I didn't read it carefully. I thought it only brought back critters which is a bit unexciting for this deck. It does of course bring back permanents so it is now a four of and usually fetches Renegade Map, Evolving Wilds or Unbridled Growth. This makes enabling revolt and getting to 5 mana out a lot easier. In the late game it is handy to be able to resurrect Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim.

Now Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim is another super card for this deck because she can do a cheap servo sac (revolt enabler) but also it's usually not difficult to get her exiling mojo on in a stalled game and suddenly she is clearing the battlefield with great efficiency.

Lastly Ulvenwald Mysteries is hilarious against an opponent who kills every critter you play, because it gives you the clue, that replaces your lost card and enables revolt at the same time. On top of that you get your soldier... that's nice.

Old Jottings

It takes a while to establish all the revolt goodies (some set of Aid from the Cowl, Call for Unity, Hidden Stockpile, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim) so for the early game we have an energy feint with Aethergeode Miner and Longtusk Cub. Hopefully while this occupies your opponent you can start building up your Revolt assets. The miner of course is worth more protection because you'll be wanting to attack and blink with her for revolt triggers.

Vengeful Rebel and Deadeye Harpooner are our removal. I have avoided non permanents because later on we may well see Aid from the Cowl in action and we don't want it to be hitting something it can't pop onto the battlefield. I have three Acrobatic Maneuver however mainly to flicker these guys.

Solemn Recruit is our mid-game hitter. And if it starts dragging Call for Unity can start making your battlefield unbeatable.

Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim can be a game winner if you are using her to kill servos for revolt triggers because later you may well be able to start exiling the opponents more difficult cards.

Renegade Map and Evolving Wilds are must haves for mana joy and revolt triggers.

Lastly I put one Aetherwind Basker in as a finisher.

New addition, Renegade Rallier for ramp, or other shiggles.


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Revision 3 See all

(7 years ago)

+1 Aid from the Cowl main
+2 Angelic Purge main
+3 Catacomb Sifter main
-1 Deadeye Harpooner side
-2 Decommission main
+1 Forest main
+3 Make Obsolete side
+2 Mockery of Nature main
-2 Narnam Renegade side
-1 Natural State side
+1 Plains main
+1 Swamp main
+1 Terrarion maybe
-2 Tranquil Expanse main
-1 Ulvenwald Mysteries main
-2 Unbridled Growth main
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 2 Rares

22 - 7 Uncommons

11 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens Clue, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Energy Reserve, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Servo 1/1 C
Folders Standard Stirrings, Save Decks
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