Melira pod:use Melira, Sylvok Outcast, cards with persist(Kitchen Finks, Murderous Redcap) and an infinite sac outlet(Viscera Seer) to combo for infinite damage/life. Birthing Pod and some other cards (Chord of Calling, Ranger of Eos, Gavony Township, Reveillark, Eternal Witness) help me do this. I also added in the Spike Feeder + Archangel of Thune infinite life and counters combo. The good thing about birthing pod is that you can win without using the combo. There are tons of creatures on board anyways, and there are ways to find more and even buff them (Gavony Township)
The other day i came across a situation against Liliana of the Veil where i would have loved to fetch for a Dryad Arbor. It also makes Voice of Resurgence tokens stronger and can fetch for Viscera Seer with birthing pod (i think). I can also get it with Ranger of Eos if i need to. At the moment dryad arbor is in the deck and it's looking like a keeper. This also due to the fact that it does not actually take up a creature slot. I replaced a forest with it.
Sin Collector
is in sideboard, but is mainboardable because every deck has cards i want to take out with it.
I could also put a Sigarda, Host of Herons in the sideboard for tough Liliana of the Veil matchups or other similar things.
Wall of Roots is in most pod decklists as a 1-of, but in my experience it has not done very much for me. I have not have much experience actually playing in modern events (once i finally get the last few cards for this deck i will), so this decision might me the easiest to make.
Thoughtseize is also something that is just good. I already have 4 sideboard but especially for combo-heavy metagames i can put perhaps 2 or 3 mainboard.
If i wanted a 6-drop, it would be this: Sun Titan. Its not even bad, also because of having to kill reveillark anyways for the effect, but it is a little high curve, which is why it isnt in the deck now.
Aven Mindcensor possible sideboard - good in mirrormatch/ other search effects obviously
Burrenton Forge-Tender also good sideboard option against anything red and aggressive.
Maybe i would want to switch Qasali Pridemage for Reclamation Sage out of the sideboard. But i think for now i prefer the 2 mana spell (also allows to do it on their turn- twin exarch etc) Right now i have sage mainboard and mage sideboard to smooth out the mana curve, and because i need more 3 mana sacable creatures because i am very 4-mana heavy.
There are 2 things that i would change if i had 2 more slots available. Firstly i would put Kitchen Finks up to 4. This card is just amazing in every way, and i want as many as i can get in this deck. it is also another 3 mana creature that can be sacrificed for all my 4-mana things and it is part of the infinite combo. The other card i would like to add another of is Chord of Calling. I had to cut one for something else. Many of the competitive lists play 3 Chord of Calling and 2 Abrupt Decay, but i really think abrupt decay is very very impportant for this deck, and even more so than chord. If i can however, i will find another slot for the 3rd Chord of Calling