This is a take on a go wide Strategy with my take on how to get us there. The goal is to make this deck so that it can work more with pods rather than 1v1 since Edgar is banned in that format of the game. Speed/Agro is definitely what this deck goes for. I do not have this deck built to go infinite so this is not a cEDH deck however; this is definitely a more competitive deck for a casual setting. What I mean by that is you could take this to FNM and do well with it.


When I originally made the deck I had issues with draw. I certainly didn’t enjoy games where I’m relying on my top deck. This area of the deck is always ever changing. I’ve had recent inclusions of Necropotence, Phyrexian Arena and even Liliana, Dreadhorde General. While Liliana doesn’t offer the best synergy for Vampires, her static ability is what landed her in the 99. Other includes for card draw are Skullclamp, Vanquisher's Banner and to lesser extent Hearld’s Horn as you get to see the top card if it’s a Vampire you put it in your hand. We run 24 Vampires so chances of hitting one are relatively high. As card draw options in Mardu are limited I’d like to run closer to 10 draw style cards that make sense for the deck so; in lieu of this I run a handful of tutors, Four to be exact in Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, and Diabolic Intent.


The other issue that plagued this deck was my mana pool. I constantly found myself saying I wish I had one more mana so I could do more than one thing. Having to choose one majority of the time felt restrictive. I have yet to really find much that adds “fast mana” to the deck outside of Dark Ritual and Crypt Ghast. I did have Nirkana Revenant in here. Although she’s a vampire and meets the criteria for fast mana I found her too expensive. While I do run Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth I wanted more ways to get that rolling than just two lands. Since Mardu once again doesn’t offer much in the area of ramp or dorks I had to get creative. I found this with being tribal cards such as Urza's Incubator, Herald's Horn along with Jet Medallion kind of bend the fast Mana for our vampires. Jet Medallion has been exceptionally good here as it reduces all black spells. Since 55% of the deck is black spells this card I have found pretty invaluable.


With a go wide in Mardu colors you’re swinging into opponents constantly. We need a way to Spam them to the board and beef them up. Edgar can spam token vamps right from the command Zone. We work with this even more by adding in 4 cards that also spam more token creatures onto the field in Anointed Procession,Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, and Bloodline Keeper  . Edgar also beefs up our tribe when he starts attacking. We’re usually only casting him to come in with huge damage and finishing people off. With a whole host of cards to do this for us that are dedicated to make our Vampires tough to deal with. We have powerhouses such as Cathars' Crusade, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite which also works as a sort of board wipe, Lord of Lineage and Coat of Arms which the latter can really get out of hand if we can get it on the board.


A few interesting you could say combo pieces all the more to make our vampires even scarier. First we have cards like Blood Artist, Cruel Celebrant which work well for dealing massive damage if there is a board wipe or we swing and die. If not then Sanctum Seeker really just adds to the hurt when our vampires swing. All three of these are true huge treats and garner a lot of attention when they hit the field. While you could say they're not actual combo pieces they do just combo well with the whole overall deck. Yes they're that powerful. Another interesting interaction I came across is Reconnaissance + Stromkirk Captain . Here is a neat little trick we can do when our vampires swing is Stromkirk gives them first strike. From here on the stack if our opponents assign blocker we get our first strike damage then we untap our vampires with reconnaissance. Since first strike is an extra combat step before the normal combat step we can destroy our opponent’s creatures with first strike damage. untap ours and save them creating a form of board wipe. With Fervor in the mix was can give our creatures haste so everyone can swing on in just making this combo a bit more to deal with.

The aspects listed above I feel are the most troubled parts of the deck and some of the decks greatest strengths. The rest is the supporting cast to make this deck more interactive and support our goal. This is my first deck into the magic World. I’ve had a ton of fun with it and continue to play it. Sometimes just making changes and collaborating with the community is just as much fun as playing the deck itself. With that I’m always welcome to ideas or suggestions that maybe made anyone else’s Edgar decks run more smoothly or had some fun combos.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
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This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens City's Blessing, On an Adventure, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 WB, Vampire 1/1 B, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B
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