When a MTG player drops a mixtape (Primer)

Legacy fuster

SCORE: 91 | 150 COMMENTS | 19484 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

irtrusco says... #1

June 11, 2015 12:35 p.m.

fuster says... #2

I've playtested Devil, and he is a waste of 9 dollars IMO. In a deck who's biggest strength is the quality of topdecks, Devil is the worst card to topdeck when you're facing a few decently sized creatures including 4/5 Tarmogoyf with an empty hand and your opponent is at 3 or 4 life.

It's only decent turns 1-2 and even then it doesn't guarantee any damage, as most people I play against just let it stick and then remove it on their turn. It might be somewhat playable in Modern because removal is worse there but even in modern I think there are some better options.

June 11, 2015 2:46 p.m.

AmirTemir says... #3

June 12, 2015 9:21 a.m.

fuster says... #4

The exact polar opposite of Devil, Wrath is only good when you topdeck it, it's dead and unplayable if you get it in your opening hand. It's also less flexible than Lava spike and Rift Bolt because you can only cast it during your draw step.

June 14, 2015 12:15 a.m.

Aeidon says... #5

Assault Strobe Searing Blood Blazing Salvo Arcbond Blistercoil Weird
Just some suggestions. I am not familiar with Legacy too much but these seemed like they may help

Maybe Ash Zealot for the S/B?

June 22, 2015 3:09 a.m.

brcap says... #6

Surprised to see Fireblast and not Shard Volley in the main, but i'm assuming you've play-tested it out.The pain lands as further fuel for Grim Lavamancer is cleaver. Cool stuff all around.

June 26, 2015 10:37 a.m.

fuster says... #7

brcap, this is the Legacy version of burn, and Fireblast is better than Shard Volley here, since I can cast it while I'm tapped out, and for more damage to boot. If I was playing the Modern version I'd run Shard Volley though.

June 26, 2015 11:54 a.m.

AmirTemir says... #8

How about Exquisite Firecraft? Looks like a nice finisher to me.

June 29, 2015 10:22 p.m.

fuster says... #9

AmirTemir what would I take out for that?

June 29, 2015 11:27 p.m.

Play 2x Taiga mainboard (or Stomping Ground if budget is an issue) for Destructive Revelry in the sideboard. I like Revelry over Smash to Smithereens. If you have any Show and Tell variants in your meta, Ashen Rider is boss.

July 5, 2015 3:31 p.m.

fuster says... #11

aeonstoremyliver, I've thought about doing that, I'm mostly worried about consistency issues vs my current mono red build, however. Running taiga opens me up to Wasteland and also makes my Prices hurt me.

Which Variants are Ashen Rider good against? If you bring it in versus the sneak and show deck, I prefer Ensnaring Bridge because you can still hardcast that card if you draw it late. If it's omni-tell, I can see where you're coming from, but I still feel that siding in Pyroblasts and Shushers is still effective as well. What quantities would you want Rider in and what do you feel like could come out of the sideboard?

July 10, 2015 1:47 p.m.

Running eight fetches, you could easily find Taiga. You could also play around Wasteland, not fetching for it unless you have to cast Destructive Revelry. You could even sideboard Taiga, to fool the opponent. I wouldn't worry about Price of Progress hitting you for two. It'll often hit them for 6+ as a coup de tat. You could also side in Pithing Needle naming Wasteland...

Ensnaring Bridge is also a good choice, as it's good against Reanimator as well. I like Ashen Rider because it fits into our Aggro plan. I like 3x copies, as you need it against all variants of S&T. It also can't be FoW'd when they play S&T... I'd take out two Shushers and a Pyroblast or Grim Lavamancer. Shushers are nice against grindy tempo/control decks; I run a few SB.

July 10, 2015 5:51 p.m.

fuster says... #13

aeonstoremyliver, I feel like to be able to consistently get Taiga I'd have to run more than 8 fetches (I have an elf deck that runs 9 fetches so I can consistently get my black splash). I've seen people on the MTGsalvation forums try that splash and say it works well, but I wish there was a way in mono-red to remove enchantments lol. I may actually try that and see how it does since I already have the cards.

As for Ensnaring Bridge, I decided to remove it from my sideboard because Sneak and Show is on the decline, and Omni-tell is the more popular SNT variant. Pyroblast and Shusher are both crucial cards in that matchup, whereas Bridge does almost nothing. Ashen Riders may work against omni-tell though, but then again they can always respond to the trigger with a bunch of free instants. Either way I still feel more confident in just the Pyroblast/shusher sb plan against that deck, it's worked well in practice.

Shushers are also really crucial vs the Miracles matchup and there's one of those decks that runs around the local meta. I could drop 1 and still have 8 cards to bring in vs miracles, but having a playset makes sb decisions a lot easier for me tbh.

July 11, 2015 1:47 a.m.

True that color pie! I run like 7 fetches and usually don't have an issue fetching a dual, but I do run two main. Whatever is clever tho!

I hate Miracles lol! Well, if your meta is chock full of control, then keep your SB as is.

You're right in that S&T/Omni-Tell could play Stifle effects. It's a hard matchup as it is.

July 11, 2015 11:46 a.m.

fuster says... #15

aeonstoremyliver, the meta isn't really "chock-full" of control, but there is one miracles deck that consistently shows and 1-2 others playing other control archetypes like shardless sultai. There are also some wasteland decks floating around, I have one myself that I sometimes loan to friends, and there's also deathblade and a delver deck that has waste too.

I was looking into trying to build omni-tell and they do run Trickbind in the sideboard, so in response to an Ashen Rider trigger, they could simply play for free Cunning wish into trickbind. I'm fine with just Pyroblast on Show and Tell with Shusher backup; there's actually an omni-tell player in our local meta and I 2-0'd him with this plan.

July 12, 2015 9:06 p.m.

aleckermit says... #16

I might be missing something obvious but why are Bloodstained Mire and Wooded Foothills chosen over Sulfurous Springs and Karplusan Forest?

July 17, 2015 1:39 p.m.

aleckermit says... #17

Or rather... why are fetch/dual used at all when you're running mono? I'm a bit new to fetch strategies :P.

July 17, 2015 1:43 p.m.

fuster says... #18

aleckermit, There are 3 reasons I run 8 fetches in a mono deck like this one.

  1. It thins my deck. I understand the effect is negligible but I still feel that every little tiny percentage helps.
  2. Grim Lavamancer. Fetches add to my graveyard so I have more fuel for Lavamancer's ability.
  3. Searing Blaze. Fetches allow me to have landfall on my opponent's turn.

Not to mention that if I ever decide to splash green and run 2 taigas 8 fetches is enough to ensure I can get green whenever I need it. Painlands are bad in Legacy, duals are good because you can use fetchlands to grab them. Dual/fetch manabases offer superior color fixing for 3-4 color decks in Legacy.

July 17, 2015 1:50 p.m.

aleckermit says... #19

fuster, Thank you for the explanation. Very cool strategies. I play budget Legacy & Standard but I do currently possess 5 dual lands from revised, I can't justify using them though haha.

July 17, 2015 2:11 p.m.

fuster says... #20

aleckermit, you only really need 2 copies of each dual to get a solid tricolor manabase with fetches depending on your deck.

July 17, 2015 4:03 p.m.

4 swiftspears and searing blaze isnt great. i play burn in legacy and usualyy g0 4-0. my maineboard has 4 swiftspears and no searing blaze i run divining top and thunderous wrath i run 1 lavamancer 2 eidelons

July 18, 2015 10:57 p.m.

fuster says... #22

I run Searing Blaze because I find a lot of times I have to use a burn spell to kill an opponent's creature, which means I lose the option to burn their face later on, and thus causes me to lose the game by 1-2 points of damage. With Blaze I can bolt their creature and their face with just one card. Turn 1 Swiftspear into turn 2 Searing blaze is an amazing play, you kill their creature and deal 6 to their face.

Over the past 2 Legacy FNM's I've been to I've had a combined record of 7 wins and 1 loss, and the one loss was to a combo deck that went off the turn before I could kill them.

Running Thunderous Wrath and only 2 eidolon seems rather suboptimal. Eidolons are your best turn 2 play vs almost any deck in the format if you're going first; they will save your matchup vs combo decks. Against fair decks, they make the next spell (or spells if they don't remove it immediately) your opponent plays shock themselves, giving you plenty of value.

July 19, 2015 1:16 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #23

When you go to a big event with this, if at all, I highly suggest the full 4 Grim Lavamancer. It's just the best card in the deck. it deals with more than half of the threats that you'll see on its own (namely Deathrite Shaman and Delver of Secrets  Flip), turns your used burn into more burn, gives you something to do with your fetch lands, and gives Goblin Guide an easier time getting in there.

For casual, you don't really need it as much, but competitively, you need to have the four if you want to do as well as you can.

July 29, 2015 2:13 p.m.

fuster says... #24

ThatJunkMage, Lavamancer is a good card, and I used to have 4 in earlier builds before Monastery Swiftspear was printed. However it's bad to draw more than 2 of them in a game, not to mention the worst nonland card to topdeck when your hand is empty. Ideally I'd want 2 lavamancers in the deck, but I just don't have room and my deck plays fine with one main one side.

July 29, 2015 9:41 p.m. Edited.

Nixin72 says... #25

What are your thoughts on Exquisite Firecraft in legacy? It's a control dominated format, so it seems like a good card.

August 3, 2015 12:47 a.m.

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