When a MTG player drops a mixtape (Primer)

Legacy fuster

SCORE: 91 | 150 COMMENTS | 19484 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

fuster says... #1

Lhurgyof I agree it's not worth. The most problematic enchantment in Legacy for this deck outside of the Enchantress deck is Leyline of Sanctity and given proper sideboarding I can simply ignore that card.

Pyromancer's Swath isn't viable because it's 3 mana and can't do any damage on it's own. Also the drawback on the card is crippling when you have burn spells you may want to save for your opponent's turn. A 3cmc card in burn has to be a game changer like Sulfuric Vortex.

September 4, 2015 5:19 p.m. Edited.

Aeidon says... #2

How are you able to ignore Leyline of Sanctity? Just curious for my own sake. Also, what about Pyrostatic Pillar?

September 4, 2015 6:49 p.m. Edited.

If budget is an issue, Stomping Ground is a good alternative to Taiga. I do agree that Leyline of Sanctity almost guarantees match over if it's in their opening hand, hence my previous suggestion of Destructive Revelry.

September 4, 2015 8:25 p.m.

fuster says... #4

Aeidon, aeonstoremyliver, this deck actually has enough creatures and non-targeted damage that we can ignore the Leyline. If we know a deck runs Leyline of Sanctity, we can board out some of our targeted burn spells in exchange for more creatures, such as Grim Lavamancer, or Vexing Shusher, as the decks that board Leyline of sanctity more likely than not are combo decks that run little to no creatures.

Don't forget, we can still burn our opponent using non-targeted damage such as Sulfuric Vortex or Price of Progress. I've won 2 matches (and lost 0) against a rather rogue leyline combo deck that runs 4 Leyline of Sanctity mainboard using this plan.

September 5, 2015 2:43 p.m. Edited.

ΩValdyrΩ says... #5

I would suggest diversifying the sideboard, 3 Tormod's Crypt is pretty excessive, and worse than Grafdigger's Cage

September 11, 2015 5:17 p.m.

ΩValdyrΩ says... #6

also Blood Moon is pretty good against alot of decks

September 11, 2015 5:18 p.m.

Aeidon says... #7

Actually, he's said before that he doesn't have to worry as much about the decks that Grafdigger's Cage is used against and preferred Tormod's Crypt as it came with no tempo loss, so that's a meta call on his part. Blood Moon probably won't be used because his 3 drops need to be game changing, as he will most likely be able to burn someone for 9 points instead of dropping Blood Moon. That may not be the same reasoning that he has, but it's what I see.

September 11, 2015 6:06 p.m.

fuster says... #8

Valdyr, I used to have 2x cage in my sideboard, but the 0 cmc on Crypt was what made me switch to it. I choose to run 3 because against graveyard based decks like Dredge, I need enough copies to be sure I can actually draw it in a game. I know the odds are still pretty low but 3 makes for the highest possible percentage without sacrificing other matchups. If I wanted to focus more on Reanimator I would replace Crypts with Faerie Macabre because Macabre can't be countered normally. However, Crypt is still a good card against that deck, and I expect to play against dredge more often anyway (so yes, Crypt is a meta call). The only deck Cage hits that Crypt doesn't is Elves, and I can already use the burn spells in my deck to shut them down much better than Cage can.

Blood Moon isn't as good as you think in burn either. It does 0 damage on it's own, and since it's a 3-drop, that will usually mean I can't play any more spells that turn. In addition, Price of Progress is already nonbasic land hate. Once your opponent knows we play burn, they are either going to fetch basics or you're gonna hit them for massive damage, so blood moon loses it's effectiveness once you consider that fact.

The problem with diversifying your SB for burn is that you're less likely to draw your sided in tech since we don't run tutors, library manipulation, or card draw. Burn decks with consolidated sideboards containing a few cards that are run as 2-4 of's have historically placed better.

Just wondering, how exactly would you build a legacy burn sideboard?

September 12, 2015 12:20 a.m. Edited.

ΩValdyrΩ says... #9

fuster personally my sideboard would be

2x Grafdigger's Cage - Reanimator

2x Pyroblast - blue decks for the utility

1x Ensnaring Bridge - sneak and show

2x Searing Blood - delver and the mirror

1x Ashen Rider - sneak and show

2x Mindbreak Trap - storm

1x Taiga - miracles

2x Krosan Grip - miracles

2x Price of Progress - delver/stoneblade

September 12, 2015 12:42 a.m.

fuster says... #10

Valdyr some comments regarding your choices:

Grafdigger's Cage: Again, gravehate is personal preference. Crypt just doesn't prevent me from having a T1 play. Faerie Macabre is a better card against Reanimator, however.

Pyroblast: I prefer Red Elemental Blast just because of Spellskite. A merfolk player sided in that card against me one time when I ran 3x Pyroblast in my board and it made my Pyroblasts useless and I got rekt. Also, due to the surgence of Omni-tell and Miracles, I actually prefer a whole playset.

Ensnaring Bridge: Sneak and show isn't really played anymore because Omni-tell is more popular. If you're still worried about that deck, however, one Ensnaring Bridge doesn't do much.

Searing Blood: I already have 3x Searing Blaze main and Grim Lavamancer is also good for the mirror too.

Ashen Rider: Same as Ensnaring Bridge really. Omni-tell can also win through Ashen's ETB trigger so it's also not useful here.

Mindbreak Trap: I actually do agree with this, and I also agree with the quantity. Since we run 4 Eidolon main, having 6 threats against storm game 2/3 is great. I just don't have the room in my sideboard.

Taiga: Splashing colors isn't really the best thing for burn, and I imagine having land in your board is worse than that.

Krosan Grip: Again, not sure if worth the color splash. Besides, Vexing Shusher is also decent against Miracles anyway. Even though you're bringing in 3 cards against Miracles, you're really only bringing in 2 because one of your 3 cards is a land.

Price of Progress: I can't have 6 copies in my 75, sorry.

You also can't draw any of these cards reliably because they come in such low quantities. Taiga is the only exception because I run 8 fetches. I only run 2 Lavamancer in my board because I don't want to draw more than 2 in any given game.

September 12, 2015 10:42 a.m.

jules11788 says... #11

Have you thought about Browbeat? It's either 5 damage for 3 mana, or draw 3 cards for 3 mana. Either way you look at it it's a good deal. Can be a great finishing card if your opponent is at 7 life or less. They don't want to take the 5 damage in case you draw a 3 damage spell next turn, but they also don't want to let you draw 3 cards in case you draw more direct damage spells.

September 22, 2015 10:09 p.m.

fuster says... #12

jules11788 The fact that the opponent gets to choose makes the card very bad. The only reason I didn't list it as an example in my last update is because nobody who's commented so far was enough of a filthy casual to actually think this card was good in competitive play, so I thought it didn't need to be mentioned.

September 23, 2015 12:05 a.m.

jules11788 says... #13

Seriously? Just because they get to choose doesn't mean it's bad. It becomes a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of situation. It's the late-game MTG version of "Sophie's Choice".

September 23, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Browbeat seems good on paper, but in all reality it's never what you want when you need it. It's really a horrible card in a competitive setting. I'd rather top deck a Bolt, Price of Progress, or Fireblast.

September 23, 2015 11:55 a.m.

jules11788 says... #15

I've won a bunch of matches in MTGO with it, where I had my opponent down to anywhere between 4-7 health, and then since they didn't want to take the 5 damage they let me draw 3 cards. Within those 3 cards I always got at least 2 more burn spells, then hit them for the win. If they had taken the damage, the next spell would have been burn anyways, so they would have still lost. Had I not played the card, I would be relying on top-decking burn for the next two turns just to do enough damage to win.

September 23, 2015 12:13 p.m.

jules11788 says... #16

As I said, it's a late-game finisher, definitely not something you'd want to draw in your opening hand.

September 23, 2015 12:16 p.m.

fuster says... #17

jules11788, Fireblast is a late-game finisher. Browbeat is just bad.

September 23, 2015 12:25 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #18

Hey, I know you are quick to dismiss the card, but Exquisite Firecraft is showing up in a lot of sideboards lately. I'm not suggesting it, just wanted to bring it to your attention incase you didn't know. Meta might evolve to make it beneficial to include.

November 17, 2015 7:41 p.m.

fuster says... #19

Nixin72, I'm more than aware of the card's use. I personally don't agree with including it because I feel like the conditional "can't be countered" clause does not justify the relative inefficiency of the card. I believe that in burn a 3CMC spell needs to be game changing, such as Sulfuric Vortex. I win every time I have resolved a Vortex and it doesn't get removed.

The DTT ban has weakened Miracles as well, which was the main deck this card was being brought in against. I still haven't tested the matchup yet but I feel like Vexing Shusher does enough against the deck now.

December 13, 2015 10:52 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #20

I trust your judgment fully. I don't play legacy, but I am building burn. Just waiting for PoP to come in the mail

December 13, 2015 11:35 a.m.

Makes me want to turn my modern burn into a Legacy list.

December 14, 2015 1:13 a.m.

fuster says... #22

JonathanSamurai, you absolutely should! Legacy burn has a lot of great tools that Modern burn doesn't have, plus it's actually cheaper to build than the Modern version because you're in one color and don't have to buy shocklands. If you want to go super budget, fetches are optional too, so your manabase can just be 19-20 mountains.

I can't play Modern burn (possibly even modern in general) just because it feels like a nerfed, stripped down version of this deck. It's not enjoyable to me lol.

December 14, 2015 10:29 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #23

That's exactly what I'm doing too- transforming modern into legacy

December 14, 2015 9:42 p.m.

theCTHman says... #24

Nice deck. So, what are the Bloodstained Mire and Wooded Foothills in there for if you don't have any Swamps/Forests in the deck? Also I might try something like Bitter Feud, Curse of Bloodletting, or Fire Servant to double the burn. Also I'm not sure how the Eidolon of the Great Revel benefits you that much. It just seems like it would deal more damage to you than to the opponent(s).

March 8, 2016 12:34 a.m.

fuster says... #25

theCTHman, you must not play a lot of competitive Legacy. The fetches are in the deck to supplement Searing Blaze, Sensei's Divining Top, and the sideboard Grim Lavamancer. I promise they aren't just there for mere deck thinning.

The vast majority of cards played in competitive Legacy decks are 3CMC or less. Thus, Eidolon of the Great Revel is one of the most effective cards in my entire deck and it's the card that pushes burn to about tier 2/tier 1.5 in the format. In the same vein, the vast majority of cards that are 4CMC and up are unplayable, especially for a deck like mine that runs only 19-20 lands. The enchantments you suggested are also bad because on their own they don't deal any damage, and therefore make for poor topdecks.

March 8, 2016 3:06 p.m. Edited.

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