When a MTG player drops a mixtape (Primer)

Legacy fuster

SCORE: 91 | 150 COMMENTS | 19484 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

fuster says... #1

Cekrit doesn't Grim Lavamancer look like he finna drop the hottest mixtape of 2017?

May 28, 2017 11:15 p.m.

superhuman21 says... #2

I like the look of it except that I'd probably choose a burn deck color pattern. Otherwise I'd be totally considering Rashmi, Eternities Crafter

Consider: Obliterate.

August 29, 2017 2:47 p.m.

fuster says... #3

superhuman21, I don't think I properly addressed splashing extra colors in the primer I wrote, but the advantages of staying mono-red are manabase consistency and resistance to nonbasic land hate. Splashing extra colors makes our manabase sub optimal.

Why would Obliterate or Rashmi even be worth considering in competitive Legacy, either as a card to play or a card to play against?

August 29, 2017 9:59 p.m. Edited.

Erich_Zann says... #4

I love the title to this deck and I like burn. +1

September 22, 2017 1:24 a.m.

Two Fireblast just seems... wrong? It's the most busted card in the deck except perhaps Price of Progress!

October 26, 2017 5:47 p.m.

fuster says... #6

Rusty_Shackleford Fireblast sucks when you get opening hands with 2 or more copies, or if you draw more than 2 over the course of a game. Admittedly running 2 has been kind of holdover from the days I ran Top in the list but I've always been annoyed when I draw excessive copies of Fireblast that I can't reasonably cast. If you have enough land to cast 3 or more you've probably already lost.

October 28, 2017 2:17 a.m. Edited.

shrapnel_ says... #7

Hey fuster. I REALLY like burn too. It is great to have a <$300 deck that can stand up to $3000 decks in the format. Everyone hates us though, I guess that's the tradeoff.

I second what Rusty_Shackleford says to having 4x Fireblast. You will rarely get more than two a game and having an 8 damage finisher AFTER dropping 4 mana on spells turn 4 is a pretty much guaranteed end. Fireblast is just insane.

Most burn lists do have 4x Goblin Guide in them. I don't like the card acceleration it gives opponents.

I used to run 4x Searing Blaze. It probably works GREAT with your fetchlands to trip the landfall. Consider Satyr Firedancer for passive removal as well.

The main card advantage of burn is the lack of permanents. Lacking artifacts/creatures/enchantments makes a lot of removals useless. Consider going creatureless as possible. I have creatures in my deck just because some like Monastery Swiftspear are so synergistic though.

Vexing Devil is NASTY. Worth a look into. Most people see it and choose to eat the 4 damage, which is great. I've also seen some people toying with Bomat Courier for a quick hand reload. Might be worth a look as well.

Magma Jet is slower, but the scry really helps me sometimes. I take it in and out of my mainboard since I have mixed feelings about it. Worth considering I think.

Ball Lightning, Hellspark Elemental, Spark Elemental, and Faithless Looting are all worth considering I think. I don't include any in my current deck, but have in the past. I used to run Hellspark Elemental with Needle Drop, Lava Dart, Faithless Looting, Keldon Marauders, and Quest for Pure Flame. It was fun, but not as fast as my current list (or yours).

I think Glacial Chasm as a 1-2x in burn has a lot of potential and isn't used often. If you drop this turn 2-4 with a deck that has no life gain or tendrils, you just bought yourself enough turns to win.

I toyed with Leyline of Punishment and Flamebreak in the sideboard for a bit. I kept a few Flamebreaks but ended up taking the Leylines out. I hope this gives you some ideas!

November 18, 2017 12:18 a.m.

fuster says... #8

shrapnel_ Wow, this is a lot of suggestions. Some suggestions aren't bad (mostly old tech) but some of these suggestions are just scrub tier. In this whole list, there's only one card that I haven't actually thought about that's worth a look into testing, and I'll tell you which card that is later.

Firstly, I'll say that I don't think 4x Fireblast is incorrect but then again I don't think 2x is incorrect either. Determining the number of copies of a card you run in a deck really just depends on how often you want to see the card. For me, it is a great finisher but because you have to sac lands for it a finisher is all it is most of the time, so that's why I choose to run it as a 2-of. As I said in a prior comment, it sucks when you get multiple fireblasts clogging your opening hand or if you draw more than 2 a game. For me to want to run a card as a 4-of, I have say yes to the question of "If I could legally run 5 or more copies in this deck, would I do so?" Needless to say, the answer to that question is a hard No for Fireblast. However, saying "yes" to the question is also completely justifiable and logical and I don't think it's bad to run 4 copies. It just doesn't suit my personal preferences.

The great thing about Burn is that the deck can virtually ignore most forms of card advantage in the format. The correct philosophy for a burn player is "It doesn't matter how many cards my opponent draws if they are dead." For example, Shardless BUG is a great matchup for burn despite it being a heavyweight card advantage monster in the mid game. Unless your opponent is playing lands I think the extra card advantage Goblin Guide gives to your opponents is negligible (and I've even had games against lands where Guide made my opponents draw 3 cards in an entire 3-game match). The great thing is, if your opponent doesn't draw land, you get to know what your opponent draws next, so sometimes the drawback isn't even a drawback.

Read my primer for why I choose to run creatures in my burn list, as it includes the criteria for if a creature merits inclusion should you go that route. As per the criteria, Satyr Firedancer is not good enough for Legacy burn, as it doesn't immediately deal damage on it's own. You need another spell to get it started, and at 2 mana that's a lot to ask for just to maybe get a 2-for-one.

The main advantage of permanents in burn is the extra card advantage. If your opponent doesn't have the removal right away, you can hit your opponent for extra damage in subsequent turns without spending any cards to do so. That's why you don't see any creatureless burn decks. It's way too easy for those builds to gas out and run out of cards before killing your opponent because there's little to no repeating sources of damage if you choose to not run any creatures. As for permanents like Sulfuric Vortex, there's little enchantment removal that sees maindeck play, and I personally don't run enough copies to justify any opponents siding in enchantment removal.

Vexing Devil is pretty bad especially if you draw it past turn 3. At best it's 4 damage. At worst, it's a late game dead draw that chump blocks a Tarmogoyf.

Bomat Courier doesn't look too shabby, however. I'll see if any other Legacy burn players are testing it and how it works for them. This is your one suggestion that I actually haven't thought about that merits a look.

I used to run Magma Jet in older versions of the deck years ago but now it just seems too slow, even with the scry. Burn is all about hyper efficiency nowadays and 2 damage for 2 mana is not good enough even with a scry clause attached.

Ball Lightning is too expensive for a creature that can die easily. Spark Elemental is just worse than any of the 16 1-mana bolt spells that we run. I used to run Hellspark Elemental in older versions of the deck (before Eidolon and Swiftspear were printed), but it's pretty old tech at this point. Heck, every card you mention after that point is old tech.

Faithless Looting is useless in this 75. This is burn, play burn spells. Actually, it's slightly worse than useless since it generates -1 card advantage while dealing a grand total of 0 damage.

Glacial Chasm is also useless in our build. What exactly do we need this against? What fair non-combo deck are we slower than? With proper draws burn wins most damage races against decks that win using creatures anyway. In addition, saccing lands and eating a land drop is pretty horrible for us since we need to maximize our mana as early as possible. If we drop this turn 2-3 we've essentially wasted a play that could have been used to play a burn spell.

Leyline of Punishment is pretty bad. It's usually a dead draw if you don't start the game with it on the field and it doesn't deal any damage on it's own anyway so I don't think it's worth the dead draw risk. Patrick Sullivan (or some other Modern Naya burn player on SCG I don't remember exactly) wrote an article on why the Leyline was bad and even suggested that Skullcrack was a better sideboard card than Leyline.

I think Volcanic Fallout is a better Sideboard card than Flamebreak since most creatures played in legacy are X/2's. There's not many X/3 creatures being played at the moment. With blue creature decks running around in the format, I believe the uncounterable clause is more important than being able to nab an X/3 and getting around regeneration.

November 18, 2017 1:37 a.m. Edited.

shrapnel_ says... #9

fuster well, I'm glad I gave you at least one idea to toy with!

November 18, 2017 1:02 p.m.

2 Fireblast is totally incorrect.

November 18, 2017 11:04 p.m.

fuster says... #11

Rusty_Shackleford What the heck would I even cut for them? There's no room in the list. As someone who actually played with the full playset for years, 2 feels better to me anyway.

November 19, 2017 2:47 a.m.

@fuster I do believe Rusty_Shackleford is correct. running less than 4 Fireblast is a grievous error. you don't play 4 copies to draw 2 early on. You play 4 so you see it every game. It's an instant-speed 4 damage for free, which is insane in legacy. It's simply too good to pass up. I'd suggest cutting a Sulfuric Vortex and a Searing Blaze for 2 more Fireblast (note that this is coming from a fellow Legacy burn player!). I won't say that netdecking will always give you optimal decks, but EVERY competitive burn list in the format will run 4 of this card.

The sideboard seems a wee bit weird as well. Mindbreak Trap is a dead card 90% of the time, and the last thing you want to have in your hand when your gameplan revolves around casting a critical number of spells is having dead cards. 6 searing effects in the 75 plus 2 lavamancer seem a but much, but I suppose it's a meta call ultimately. isn't Relic of Progenitus better than crypt? I like the zero cost of crypt, but relic replaces itself and can exile individual cards for as long as you want. Another option to consier: Grafdigger's Cage works against snappy, reanimator, elves, and storm, and it sticks around indefinitely (unlike crypt or relic).

December 2, 2017 12:57 p.m.

fuster says... #13

VraskaTheCursed Ultimately I cut 2 Fireblast because I saw it way too often at 4 copies and sometimes they would be dead draws. Two copies means I see them at my desired frequency. If I did put them back in the deck I'd probably cut the Lavamancers. Every local meta I play in has decks that can get hit by Searing Blaze, and for those that don't, I can switch them out with sideboard cards.

Mindbreak Trap is strictly for combo decks (which Searing Blaze is actually dead against, so technically I'm replacing 3 dead cards with 3 hate cards for that matchup), and it helps protect me against turn 1 combo. If the combo player duresses the trap out of my hand, they weren't going off turn 1 anyway. In addition, combined with Eidolon, I now have a total of 7 combo hate cards in my deck after game 1.

The zero cost of Crypt is exactly why I prefer it over Relic and Cage (I've tested all 3). I like being able to get Crypt in my opening hand while still making a turn 1 play. Crypt also plays nicely with Monastery Swiftspear. The last time I played a Reanimator deck, my opening hand game 3 had 2 crypts and a Swiftspear, so not only did I get to double up on grave hate and essentially prevent him from making any plays, but I got to hit him for 3 damage on turn 1 with a creature. Snapcaster seems less prevalent now that Miracles is gone, and against elves and storm I already have Searing Blood and Mindbreak Trap.

December 2, 2017 1:54 p.m. Edited.

I am getting into legacy and also chose to run a burn list. My main questions is for sideboard graveyard hate. What are your thoughts on Faerie Macabre? Its obvious disadvantage is that you cant mass wipe the graveyard (which makes it weaker to dealing with dredge), but it is much harder for the opponent to play around or respond to and they cant always know for sure if you have it or not. So they sometimes fumble into it or try to play around it even though you might not have it yet.

December 8, 2017 10:56 a.m.

Oh, and second question. What are your thoughts on Mirage Mirror? I would say particularly as maybe a budget alternative to Ensnaring Bridge.

December 8, 2017 12:44 p.m.

@Mortiferus_Rosa Mirage Mirror doesn't really have any uses in the deck. two mana every turn to copy a Sulfuric Vortex is just inefficient.

December 8, 2017 4:23 p.m.

No, not to copy vortex. As a sideboard in against sneak decks or reanimator to copy their fatty to chump or swing first.

December 8, 2017 6:09 p.m.

Palinvigator says... #18

can you update the deck to the current meta? and if you can, can you please also include matchups of this deck against death and taxes, miracles and 12 post\eldrazi post

April 15, 2019 6:56 a.m.

fuster says... #19

Palinvigator I haven't played in a while, but DNT seems worse because of the extra support cards and Recruiter of the Guard turning the deck into a toolbox-style strategy. Miracles seems a lot better due to the top ban, and 12 post still seems easy to shit on (The eldrazi variant seems difficult to beat though; despite us being able to exploit their manabase to our advantage with Price of Progress , they run Chalice of the Void and can quickly outclass our creatures). These are all just my initial thoughts from seeing these matchups on paper though, I haven't really played any constructed format except commander in over a year now, and I haven't had the chance to see if the matchups actually play out like I think they would on paper. Last time I sat down for a competitive Legacy event was towards the beginning of 2018, right before the DRS ban.

Despite my lack of playing, there's not much new stuff that has come out for this deck in the last few years. Heck, I would still probably keep most of the sideboard as it is since this deck is still bad against dredge/reanimator strategies, and the extra removal of Smash to Smithereens and Searing Blood is still highly relevant if DNT has gained meta presence. The only new card that I think is worth considering at this point is Skewer the Critics as a replacement for Lava Spike in the main, and if the prominence of combo decks like Belcher and storm have gone down as a result of the Probe ban, the only Sideboard change I'd make is swapping Mindbreak Trap for either more Searing cards or Shattering Spree (depending on if DNT or Eldrazi are more prevalent in your local meta).

Gameplay wise, I don't think much (if anything) has changed with how you're supposed to play the deck and the general order to play your cards to maximize efficiency with your deck in a blind meta has not changed at all.

I don't feel right trying to update the deck and matchups list when I haven't had the time in my life to sit down and play the game recently though. Without the game time, I couldn't do the updates any justice. My best suggestion is to just build a stock list and try out Skewer the Critics and get reps in at an FNM if one is available for you nearby. You'll learn a lot more about how to play against certain decks through gameplay as opposed to reading about how someone else would play a matchup on the internet.

April 18, 2019 2:01 a.m. Edited.

Palinvigator says... #20

Thanks for the advice

April 18, 2019 6:13 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #21

fuster i been told this card Light Up the Stage is great in burn deck

May 9, 2019 7:13 p.m.

fuster says... #22

SirChris39, the fundamental problem with Light Up the Stage in Legacy burn is that it's not actually a burn spell. It's okay in standard since games go longer and standard burn needs effects like that to make up for the lack of efficient threat density in the deck, but in Legacy, where we have access to all the best burn spells the game has to offer, I would rather draw an actual burn spell while in topdeck mode than the stage since its 3CMC makes further plays that same turn prohibitive anyway. When you're in topdeck mode, you can't rely on anything else to get damage across to enable the Spectacle cost.

Side note: how are you people finding this deck? I haven't deckcycled this list in over a year lmao.

May 10, 2019 11:04 p.m.

SirChris39 says... #23

fuster we looked up burn decks in legacy

May 11, 2019 8:29 a.m.

Palinvigator says... #24

Fuster, I think you should add the new Leyline of Combustion to the side instead of the 3 Mindbreak Traps because generally, they do the same as the trap, preventing storm go-offs

July 11, 2019 2:03 p.m.

fuster says... #25

Palinvigator This is a neat card; I haven't really kept up with spoilers from the new core set so I didn't know it existed yet. Hopefully the git probe ban has abated Storm somewhat so I don't have to worry about that matchup as much overall. I like that this leyline is actually in red and since I'm running a few extra land due to the canopy lands I don't think it being 4cmc is a dealbreaker at all.

The only problem that comes to mind when I read the new leyline is that it doesn't have an effect on your opponent casting spells, which means you're more vulnerable to someone using Empty the Warrens as their win condition, or worse, someone with a wishboard who can switch back and forth between Empty and Tendrils at will. I see that they're stupidly cheap right now though so I'll order a playset and try and attend more legacy events to test it out.

July 15, 2019 10:07 p.m.

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