Sliver Vial

Modern addaff


dbreal82 says... #1

This is pretty good. I would almost suggest losing a few slivers for artifacts. But all in all its a nice setup.

September 22, 2014 1:28 a.m.

Tayjay says... #2

Door of Destinies for superchargingDescendants' Path for getting more and more of themCoat of Arms for superchargingMegantic Sliver for a quite good boostAdd another Manaweft Sliver Thorncaster Sliver can replace Quilled Sliver as it doesn't require Sentinel Sliver out.Diffusion Sliver can also be useful alongside hivelord for protection from bouncing or disabling.Galerider Sliver can also be useful for evasion of blocking.

September 25, 2014 10:31 p.m.

addaff says... #3

thanks for the comment Tayjay. Coat of Arms > Door of Destinies . Descendants' Path is something i will have to test/play around with before making a decision. The thing about Manaweft Sliver is that he is only in there to get another 2-drop sliver out on turn 3(now that i took out Distant Melody ). The thing that turns me away from Megantic Sliver and Thorncaster Sliver is the CMC. If i don't get the Manaweft Sliver out there then I won't be able to hardcast them on turn 5 or 6 due to the low mana count. I also don't want to be skipping an attack & tap out for one sliver. Diffusion Sliver added to the side board along with Coat of Arms

September 26, 2014 11:47 p.m.

firestar157 says... #4

I suggest Worldly Tutor , Muscle Sliver , Ward Sliver , Crystalline Sliver , Quick Sliver , Essence Sliver , and Shifting Sliver . Personally, I don't like the black or red slivers so I run Seaside Citadel .

September 28, 2014 12:07 p.m.

addaff says... #5

Nothing suggested is modern besides for the the Essence Sliver and Seaside Citadel . When it comes to the land i can not afford for lands coming into play tapped. I have 11 lands that can produce any color i need for my creatures. So instead of the Essence Sliver I run the Syphon Sliver instead. Sadly, I have to run Blur Sliver instead of Heart Sliver . Curse you wizards!!

I will probably add in 2 Mutavault s depending on how testing goes.

September 28, 2014 2:55 p.m.

OpenFire says... #6

January 3, 2015 3:33 p.m.

addaff says... #7

I had a playset of Ancient Ziggurat, but i often found myself staring at two of them and a vial or turns 3-5 and sitting on Lead the Stampede with no color mana to cast it.

January 3, 2015 6:32 p.m.

DH_Cell says... #8

Add 1 more Cavern of Souls, the best land for this deck (I know, it is expensive). I would take out one Lead the Stampede in exchange. Take out one Sentinel Sliver for one more Sliver Hivelord, the vigilance is good but do not stack. I found Frenetic Sliver more useful on some matches and Diffusion Sliver on some others, so I run 2of MB and SB.

I would take out 1x Diffusion Sliver and 1x Leeching Sliver for 2x Striking Sliver,1 mana and first strike :)

Most of things Ive said are personal choices after playing with this deck for some time, I hope it can help u! +1

January 10, 2015 7:22 a.m.

Drkpaw says... #9

Slivers are kinda hard to comment on because they just work. The question is does it work in your meta. Love the deck check out mine too please Quick Slivers over run to control.

January 10, 2015 2:58 p.m.

AllAroundGeek says... #10

the Manaweft Sliver/Gemhide Sliver ability is so valuable I think you should have at least 6 in your deck, maybe cut one Sentinel Sliver because the ability doesn't stack and you should be faster than your opponent anyways. Some haste giving sliver might be useful too, but I don't know if they are necessary

January 10, 2015 9:08 p.m.

addaff says... #11

@DH_Cell - i found Galerider Sliver to be all around better than Striking Sliver. It gives slivers flying that most decks have a problem dealing with. When it comes to Frenetic Sliver i tend to have crappy luck when it comes to mtg and don't want an ability to test it ;)

@ Drkpaw - you hit it on the head and all you can really do is to suggest things.

@AllAroundGeek - i do agree with you, but the Sentinel Sliver is what makes the mana slivers that much better. Having the ability to attack and tap during the 2nd main phase is what allows me to empty my hand quickly.

Lead the Stampede is something that needs to stay at 3 in my opinion. I empty my hand quickly with AEther Vials & mana slivers and it's one of the best cards to refill my hand.

I'm still debating on putting in more strength. The cheapest cmc is Bonesplitter Sliver giving them +2/+0.

January 12, 2015 1:40 p.m.

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