Hellbent Rakdos

Modern supa_tim


RobertFischer says... #1

Maybe Undertaker , Undead Gladiator , and/or Oona's Prowler as discard engines?

August 11, 2014 9:25 p.m.

supa_tim says... #2

Honestly, I'm just not sure I'll have cards in hand that I NEED to discard. Most things I'll just want to play immediately. This also helps get tokens with Young Pyromancer . Drawing card though Blood Scrivener is more of a bonus than a needed strategy.

Although, Oona's Prowler might just be good here as an evasive beatstick.

I'm on the fence for the Terminate spot. Should it be more burn, like Chain Lightning or Incinerate , or keep it as strictly creature removal?

August 12, 2014 11:55 a.m.

RobertFischer says... #3

I'd keep it as removal, since you're going to want the way to be clear to the other player. I'm personally a fan of Dreadbore , but I hate Planeswalkers in a way that is downright unhealthy.

August 12, 2014 2:05 p.m.

supa_tim says... #4

Yeah, I think dreadbore might be the way to go. It isn't instant speed, but it gets the job done. I suppose I shouldn't have gotten rid of mine...

Although I don't play against planeswalkers very often (this is casual after all), so I'm leaning toward chain lightning, as it gives me some reach as well.

August 12, 2014 3:10 p.m.

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