All Rise!
You may be seated.
The trial begins with our deposition at the hands of our opponent. But fear not; we have on retainer the Shining White Knight, Gotham City’s District Attorney Harvey Dent.

Having greased the palm of the presiding Judge with cold, hard cash, Harvey needn’t worry about the outcome of the case. Luck, you see, always seems to favor this Gothamite.
•Chance Encounter predicates everything we do. The backbone of the deck, our spells and abilities and such are all designed to trace back to this card. Once in play, Chance Encounter shall accrue one luck counter for each and every coin flip we win. As per the most recent rule revision, “winning” a coin flip entails that we be the flipper, not the flippee. In other words an opponent losing a flip of their own does not constitute a win for us. Still, a mere 10 luck counters and it’s an automatic win once our next upkeep rolls around.
Obviously, if one were to seriously consider building around this then the optimal path would probably be to proliferate, combo Liquimetal Coating into Vorel of the Hull Clade, or at least run spells like Doubling Season or a Modern legal imitation of Deepglow Skate (if there even is one). Not to mention running Revel in Riches in tandem with Tavern Scoundrel as backup.
We won’t be doing any of that. No, we’ll be relying on Lady Luck to smile upon us.
Let’s examine the spells that will start stacking counters on our Enchantment.
•Goblin Traprunner is a welcome new addition from the most excellent Modern Horizons 2 expansion. Whenever it attacks we get the opportunity for 3 successive coin flips, with each win plopping down a 1/1 goblin token that’s tapped and attacking. Phenomenal utility on this guy!
•Yusri, Fortune's Flame is our draw engine. Attack, win 5 coin flips and draw 5 cards. Oh, and then play your hand for free :D
•Molten Birth is a great way to augment our board presence while simultaneously feeding our Enchantment’s total number of luck counters. Best of all, when—I mean if—we win the flip, we get to return the spell to our hand.
•Fiery Gambit is a great multi-tiered value card. All we need to do is win 3 flips in a row to zap a chump blocker, skewer our opponent for 6, then gas up with a gluttonous 9 card draw—then untap all our lands, sit back and smile at a bewildered opponent. Technically we can farm all 10 coin flips with this spell and secure a win on our next upkeep...but for reasons detailed under the final spoiler block, it might be prudent to choose to stop flipping after the 3rd correct guess.
•Stitch in Time—An extra turn for a mere 3 mana? Yes, please. We do need to win a coin flip first, but that’s easier done than said.