Rob_who_breaks_the_game says... #2
Hiya! Thanks for commenting and for the kind words! I have now looked at your deck, and if it's not too bold, I'm gonna make some suggestions!
Prophet of Kruphix- Absolutely love this chick. In EDH. Use her all the time, that said, with no evasion and a five mana cost, she's not really worth the effort in standard. In standard, dropping her needs to be on turn 8 or 9, so that you have contingencies to save her. I'm not kidding when I say people target her first for removal. She's too good to let your opponent even use once. If she does stick, great. But if not you essentially just wasted a turn. I've been disappointed.
Rattlclaw Mystic- I know what he can do, but if you can't use the ability, you're out alot, at least early game. On turn three, you have so much to do, so do you really want to play a morph creature? On turn three, you can drop a Riddick with Stubborn Denial backing him. Or playing Courser of Kruphix, or holding back a counter for their turn 3 or 4. You have better options to you.
Crater's Claws- Between Knucklblade, Polukranos, Surrak, Kiora, and Sarkhan, I think your win-cons are set. If you're just using it for removal or as a finisher, I think the Charm serves you better.
Temur Ascendancy- I know you have problems with draw in this deck, but that's ok. I'll explain below.
What I would add:
+1: Courser of Kruphix, Sylvan Caryatid, and Savage Knuckleblade. Caryatid adds the mana you want, stops early-game beaters like Soldier of the Panteon and Bloodsoaked Champion, and has evasion. Staple in any deck playing green, second best green card in standard. Courser of Kruphix also has stopping power, plus has great mana fixing, especially useful with the new fetches. Savage Knuckleblade is too good! It has evasion, it triggers the power 4 threshold, it can pump itself, you can possibly hit on turn 3 with it, etc. Just an absolute bomb in your wedge.
4 Taigam's Scheming- More deckfixing. It's ok if you can't draw when you can set up your next five draws. And you can set your draws up to combo with Courser, ensure some big fatty is hitting the board every turn, or if none of it is helpful, you can trash it. I think that this will serve you better than the ascendancy.
3 Stubborn Denial- I just like this card. I know it's a perfect hand scenario, but turn two Caryatid into a turn three Knuckleblade is guaranteed with this card. And, if your knucklblade sticks, then you have the perfect answer for removal or whatever bomb they try to play. Just an absolutely golden card in your deck.
As a recommendation: If you happen to use this advice, try playing an extra Charm and Denial, instead of Dissolve. Just as a test.
I'll try to get to your land base tomorrow! Hopefully before your FNM! If not, post what fixes you made, and how well you did.
September 25, 2014 6:56 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #3
No problem man!
Anyway let's get to deck talk. I agree completely with Prophet of Kruphix , honestly the only reason she's still here is because I wanted to try and make her playable but she's not worth it. The Crater's Claws were bound to get cut sooner than later, I kept drawing into them and leaving them right there in my hand...The Temur Ascendancy s weren't doing enough work for me, they were almost just irrelevant haste enchants. Now Mr. Rattleclaw Mystic is going to be staying here in the frontier because of the many times he's helped immensely.
Alright addition time. The Savage Knuckleblade , Courser of Kruphix , and Sylvan Caryatid will all most likely make their way in here. Taigam's Scheming I agree is great and will be added at 3x. Stubborn Denial will most likely remain in the sideboard for now.
And I hate to break it to you but I'm not going to this week's FNM, I'm 15 and the deck is still a WIP, therefore I'll be playing against competitive decks within my reach, per say. But do not fret, eventually, when I'm satisfied with this deck's potential and results I'll be acquiring the cards ASAP and playing on fridays.
Anyway thanks for commenting and giving me the advice Rob, I appreciate it!
September 25, 2014 7:59 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #4
Nuu... Crater's Claws is a very good card. Bonfire of the Damned was a very good card, and Crater's Claws comes close to its power level.
Temur Ascendancy is also remarkably powerful, just like Fires of Yavimaya back in the day. I don't like Taigam's Scheming for a midrange deck, it's much more of a BUG control card to me.
September 25, 2014 8:05 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #5
Ik Crater's Claws is a really good card but I just wasn't using it as much as I would've liked. However I might try and bring Temur Ascendancy back depending on my playtesting, I did like that card a lot. With Taigam's Scheming I'm able to plan ahead and get the finishers I'll need.
No worries, cards will be going back and forth with this build due to playtesting so some of these may return in the future.
September 26, 2014 6:02 a.m.
DonkeyPunch says... #6
I would take out one surrak for another Stormbreath Dragon. Just my 2 cents
September 26, 2014 6:41 a.m.
Rob_who_breaks_the_game says... #7
Hey! Here's your land base before my day starts.
If you can switch the numbers of Temple of Epiphany and Temple of Abandon . I would drop one polukranos and add one Wooded Foothills . Drop Frontier Bivouac to add one Forest, one Mountain, and one Temple of Mystery . That should balance out your curve a bit!
And as always these are just suggestions! But hey, you should take what you have to FNM anyway! It let's you playtest your deck, and if you do well then your winnings can be used in the deck or as trades to up your deck. Being young is no excuse, you can still go and clean house.
September 26, 2014 8:13 a.m.
DonkeyPunch says... #8
I agree with this guy above too your mana is a little wonky
September 26, 2014 9:02 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #9
I think it's almost necessary to play four Frontier Bivouac in this deck. You are trying to cast RUG spells and 1CC spells, meaning that you need good fixing. The mana guys are great, but I still think playing Bivouac is a good idea.
September 26, 2014 2:52 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #11
Rob_who_breaks_the_game- Haha alright Rob I'll fool around with lands a bit, thanks. But when I said I was 15 I was referring to getting to event lol, my parents aren't always available. :P Btw I see you're getting the hang of linking the cards haha. Anyway I wanted to know how you felt about the sideboard...what would you change?
DonkeyPunch- The -1 Surrak Dragonclaw , +1 Stormbreath Dragon thing isn't really needed IMO, based on my testing I think I've got a good balance of dragons and surrak, not to mention Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker becoming a dragon. But thanks for the 2 cents anyway.
September 27, 2014 8:25 a.m.
wasterbaster says... #12
so i'm aware of the card advantage that keranos gives you, but have you considered Xenagos, God of Revels in his place. he can do more damage if you have any of your 4/4's out. plus i think thhe prognostic sphinx is slowing you down a little. IMO, you could add another stormbreath and knuckleblade.
October 22, 2014 5:09 a.m.
wasterbaster says... #13
also, i think that if you took out one Temple of Mystery for another Temple of Abandon , it would basically perfect you mana base
October 22, 2014 5:11 a.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #14
The Keranos, God of Storms will be staying because of the card advantage, he's helped out many times. I have considered Xenagos, God of Revels and he was fun no doubt, but the added damage wasn't really necessary, however i might try him out just to see if I missed something. Prognostic Sphinx is for sure staying here, the scry 3 on flying 3/5 body is a nice addition to the deck, scry is a big part of this build. The mana base will be tested, I've been waiting for someone to stop by and fix it up. :P
Anyway thanks a bunch for commenting, I appreciate the feedback and suggestions.
October 22, 2014 5:33 a.m.
wasterbaster says... #15
i forgot that the sphinx scrys. well then the only other thing i can think of is Aqueous Form , whuch would be a great enchantment for flamespeaker
October 22, 2014 5:38 a.m.
Krishnaaaa says... #17
3x God of Revels? I tried it in play testing and it's really good, was thinking you could cut it down to 1 or replace with Keranos
November 11, 2014 6:55 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #18
First of all, thanks for playtesting and commenting. Second, I had 3x Xenagod in there because I wanted to get him more often, I'll try 2x Xenagod and 1x Keranos, and see how it plays. Notice anything else when you were playing? I'm trying to make it complete before FRF comes out, because that'll change some stuff I'd assume.
November 11, 2014 7:05 p.m.
Krishnaaaa says... #19
Xenagos is a strong card, could run one of each Keranos and Xenagod because they both benefit the deck really well, either a card to draw or a free lightning bolt OR making your creatures insanely powerful. Im finding with my deck that the charms are working amazing, lightning strike and dissolve not as much, Temur Ascendancy id definitely recommend, at first i turned it down but after play testing its worked wonders.
November 12, 2014 12:02 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #20
Right now I'm running 2x Xenagos, God of Revels an 1x Keranos, God of Storms and that's been working out quite well for me. However the Temur Ascendancy will probably stay out of the deck for now just because its a bit of a dead draw later and Xenagod already gives a creature haste as well as double stats every combat. Right now I'll test the deck out some more and I may change my mind on some cards. Thanks again Krishnaaaa. Good luck with your deck!
November 12, 2014 12:33 p.m.
Krishnaaaa says... #21
Awesomes, look forward to seeing what the next set brings for this deck! Liking this so far it looks strong and consistent :)
November 12, 2014 12:41 p.m.
I've done a lot of playtesting with Temur. Went 4-0 last 2 weeks fnm. I started with Kiora, the Crashing Wave but replaced her with Xenagos, the Reveler and he works better for me. I consistently pull off a win with a +1 to Xenagos, the Reveler and Crater's Claws for 10+ damage to the face.
You have the right idea with Sylvan Caryatid over Rattleclaw Mystic. Caryatid just stays on the field more. I also use 3 Elvish Mystic
Absolutely need 4 Savage Knuckleblades. That dude does so much work.
I'm also using all 4 Temur Charms they are really the only counters you need and if you don't need a counter you still get to fight with it.
I feel like you don't need so many mountains. You've got 4 Wooded Foothills already. Add another Yavimaya Coast and Shivan Reef.
Hunt the Hunter in the sideboard does work against those abzan decks. Another reason why I use 4 knuckleblades.
This deck is a lot of fun. +1
November 12, 2014 1:59 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #23
I can definitely relate to the power behind Xenagos, the Reveler. I used him in a previous form of this build and the mana ramp is nice, however I find Kiora, the Crashing Wave better for me, I'm taking more of a control look with a good amount of beatdown.
As for the 4 Savage Knuckleblade, I feel that Stormbreath Dragon, being my other main ass-kicker, is a lot better than Savage Knuckleblade. Idk about you but I'd rather draw a 4/4 flying, haste, and prot. white for than a 4/4 for and another for the haste.
Trust me Negate has done some work for me in the past, and Temur Charm isn't that definite counter I'm looking for.
And as for the land base, my mana is pretty good in terms of consistency and the right amount. What's your reasoning on me a reason why I should put the Yavimaya Coast and Shivan Reef?
The sideboard needs some work for sure though...If you got anymore tips for it I'd be happy to take them into consideration.
Thanks for support and tips, svtdbird, I appreciate it.
November 12, 2014 4:13 p.m.
Of course Stormbreath Dragon is better but I meant in addition. Having 4 of each is killer. Works for me anyway.
Yeah, Negate is good, I just prefer to have it in the sideboard.
Maybe one less Kiora, the Crashing Wave for a Xenagos, the Reveler? I gotta keep pushing for my dude. He's done too much work for me.
Honestly, I was thinking I might need to have another red land or two in my deck. So maybe you do have a good amount already. But, I do like having the dual colors better though. I really don't want to get stuck with two mountains opening hand and not get to throw down my ramp creatures. That just means I have to mull down.
Your sideboard looks good. It really just depends what decks you're seeing a lot of at your local fnm. I have two Surraks. One in main and one in side. I also keep a few Mistcutter Hydra's for blue, but I see a lot of dimur decks at my local fnm.
November 12, 2014 4:54 p.m.
SevynnthDimension says... #25
Ah I see, well I made the addition of a 4th Savage. I moved Surrak Dragonclaw to the sideboard.
I'll try the Xenagos addition just because I've got one. I'm sure he'll work out fine.
But thanks for the help, again, I appreciate it
SevynnthDimension says... #1
Okay, thanks. Any suggestions on what I should remove? Also before you do I was thinking about taking 1x Surrak Dragonclaw and 1x Savage Knuckleblade out for 2x Anger of the Gods ...Thoughts?
September 24, 2014 3:12 p.m.