This is my GUR Face! | Temur Midrange

Standard* SevynnthDimension


Krishnaaaa says... #1

Im agreeing with what svtdbird is saying here, in the past with my R/G Monsters deck Xenagos is an amazing ramper and token generator, lacking bodies? he gets them out, need mana? he produces amazing amounts, need both? his ultimate gives you both! He's really worth it, you could sideboard him for now or cut down a kiora or burn spell for him, very very strong card, makes crater's claws that much powerful for a fireball to the face!! Loving it so far man! Im trying to make my aggro work but if it doesnt its just going to stay as my midrange build.

November 13, 2014 5:21 p.m.

I did some testing today with some of my buddies and I was drawing into that or 3rd Kiora and it was just a dead draw. I do miss my Xenagos, the Reveler and I'll be putting 1x of him in instead of that 3rd Kiora. Again thanks for the support man. If you want some help with midrange (or other builds) just let me know, and I'll get on it as soon as possible.

November 13, 2014 7:48 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #3

Thanks man! I think Xenagos will benefit this deck mana wise, crater's claws this guy and he's mental and you'll probably have Old Knuckleblade or Stormbreath out to ferocious it. Being honest Kiora hasn't really benefitted me as well these last few games, il give her another try but drawing her even early hasn't been as effective, a Xenagos will pump mana, give you bodies and support you throughout the game :)

November 18, 2014 12:12 p.m.

Spootyone says... #4

Random, witty comment about you being in an article.

Showdown #29

November 19, 2014 9:01 p.m.

RazorBackBean says... #5

This is a pretty awesome build but no Sagu Mauler ? i like it just think that Sagu Mauler would be nice. here is what i came up with My deck:

[[Savage Mauling Temur]] Playtest

Standard RazorBackBean


November 19, 2014 9:19 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #6

Glad to see Polukranos back in here, i really like the card, I'm loving how the decks getting along so far since its been a while since i've seen this deck. My only suggestion would be to add more Temur Charm, its an insane card in any Temur deck due to us having the biggest stuff, +1/+1 knuckles and kill a Siege Rhino. Its mana leak is always good to stop any unwanted things from resolving rather than just non-creatures since you use Negate. Its last ability i won't see this deck using but you never know! if the boards full of mana producers then you can chuck it down and swing for lots with dorks!!

Thanks for helping with my deck, its been performing solidly lately and I'm hoping Dragons of Tarkir brings something cool for us, great job here! :D

November 26, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Yeah I'm glad to see him again too, they kept sitting in my binder reminding me that they should be in here haha. To be completely honest I think there's no real need for a 3rd or even 4th Temur Charm, I've found Negate to be really useful and if I see a creature that I don't like I'll take care of it in other ways (Kiora, Lightning Strike, Sarkhan, even Savage). Anyway thank you for helping me with this deck, I'm nearly complete with building it (no proxies) and I'll be using it at my FNM every Friday haha, hopefully.

I hope DTK and even FRF will bring some nasty creatures and other spells for our decks as well. Thanks again and good luck with your deck!

November 26, 2014 1:38 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #8

Stubborn Denial needs to be (ideally) in your maindeck, but almost certainly somewhere in the 75. It's too good of a card to pass up.

November 27, 2014 11:07 a.m.

Yeah I agree its a great card but if I were to put it maindeck it would replace Negate most likely. I feel like hard counter is better, but I'll play around with it to see how it plays in comparison. Thanks for the tip GlistenerAgent, as always it appreciated.

Is that the only thing you'd change here?

November 27, 2014 11:12 a.m.

I'm less of a fan of the planeswalkers in this deck than most. I really like Ashcloud Phoenix, especially against the control decks and the mirrormatch, and really feel it would be better here over Kiora, the Crashing Wave. Nissa, Worldwaker also seems like a perfect fit for your deck, but you have to cut something somewhere.

I'm sure you've considered Goblin Rabblemaster, though I'd like to hear why you decided against it.

November 27, 2014 11:43 a.m.

In my experiences and opinions Kiora, the Crashing Wave is a phenomenal card. She has been able to save me in several situations and I just like her as an overall walker. I'm not the biggest fan of Ashcloud Phoenix tbh, I'm not a fan of the morph because I feel it's a little slow and I just don't enjoy playing the mechanic. I've used the phoenix before and didn't quite enjoy it's playstyle. However Nissa, Worldwaker seems like she really could fit here, but I kind of think I'd have to focus the deck more around the way she plays if I were to put more than 1 in. If I can get my hands on one I'll try it out over Xenagos, the Reveler because they almost play the same way IMO. He makes creatures, she makes creatures, he ramps, she ramps, etc.

As for the mighty Goblin Rabblemaster, I think he's the card you want 4x if you're going with an aggro style build. I dislike the fact that he doesn't have a base power of 4 or more and that he's an easy target. If you play him, he's going to be watched like a hawk by your opponent. And yes a lot of the creatures here have some bounty on them as well but they've got evasion like Stormbreath Dragon has prot white and Savage Knuckleblade's got the return ability. As for Polukranos, World Eater I wouldn't say he's got evasion, but he's a strong card non-the-less.

Perhaps this helps you view the deck as I do a little better. Thanks again, and happy Thanksgiving!

November 27, 2014 12:10 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #12

Thanks @SevnyythDimention I agree with you on DTK and FRF, I want some creatures and spells for my deck, Im getting a bit bored of Theros block now and since i only really run Polukranos and Stormbreath Dragon from that set il leave it behind. Glad your enjoying this deck, its solid so far, great in play testing and I think its near its completion... for now haha until FRF of course, thanks for help with my deck :)

Il update my binder! Never got around to that due to being busy with my EDH. Il get that done asap!

November 27, 2014 1:17 p.m.

This is a solid list. +1

December 3, 2014 3:06 p.m.

justinclarkv1 says... #14

One recommendation I can give for you is to exchange Tormod's Crypt with Burn Away. It manages to kill Doomwake Giant and Soul of Innistrad which are extremely common in the whip decks where you care about removing their graveyard.

You also don't care about removing their graveyard until they get the whip out, so taking it out early isn't that effective.

December 6, 2014 6:36 a.m.

Thanks! I really like that suggestion man. I'll make the change and we'll see how well it plays.

December 6, 2014 7:16 a.m.

firestar157 says... #16

I would suggest Temur Ascendancy because it's a great utility card in decks likes this. It essentially makes a hasty Savage Knuckleblade without paying the extra red mana and it adds a card draw. For any ferocious creature!

December 6, 2014 12:24 p.m.

I honestly don't think this deck needs any Temur Ascendancy. I understand the card draw is nice but I've playtested with it before and it just doesn't need o be in the deck, I feel like there are other cards that would work well in this deck.

December 6, 2014 2:24 p.m.

Enriquecido says... #18

Hey, I would recommend Hornet Nest over Burn Away in the sidedeck. It has a nice synergy with Temur Charm and it's good agains all the abzan/ whip decks. Also, Genesis Hydra might be nice for some card advantage without having to add a draw spell. I'm actually trying out a very similar build since yesterday so feel free to check it out and share your wisdom :).

I'm glad I found this, nice build and will learn from the discussion too!

December 11, 2014 4:01 p.m.

Thanks Enriquecido, this build's been through a lot of changes. I'd like to know why you'd switch out Burn Away with Hornet Nest, not that I don't like the suggestion, because I do, but because I'm not sure Burn Away would be the right subtraction.

I would love to share my "wisdom" with you, I'll check it out before tomorrow and give some feedback. Thanks a bunch for the suggestion and support, tis much appreciated.

December 11, 2014 5:17 p.m.

Enriquecido says... #20

I assumed Burn Away was meant for sidisi/ abzan whip decks. It's nice, but I think Hornet Nest works great against big creatures and can be good against tokens or aggro decks as well.

December 11, 2014 9:39 p.m.

You're right about the purpose of Burn Away but my point was Hornet Nest doesn't focus on grave based decks. I already put the card in the sideboard, I found room for it.

December 12, 2014 5:10 a.m.

Comfordor says... #22

I like using Temur Ascendancy. It great for card draw and also allows immediate board presence.

I also like using Clever Impersonator in the side board. He's such a versatile card. He can copy your own creatures, copy their creatures/planeswalkers/whips... Anything you need him to.

I also find Ashcloud Phoenix to be a pretty nifty card too!

December 13, 2014 2:05 p.m.

I like using Temur Ascendancy too, but I feel there are better cards that could go in the deck in its place. I do like Clever Impersonator, a lot. Perhaps I'll find a use for it whether it be side or main. I know a lot of people like Ashcloud Phoenix but I'm not one o those people, I feel like the card's a bit too costly for its grand finale so to speak. I'd rather have a flyer like Stormbreath Dragon. Anyway thanks for the comment and input, it all helps.

December 13, 2014 2:46 p.m.

Vatofrog says... #24

Nice deck! Why don't you have any savage nuckleblade a? Also would you wind helping me with my deck?

December 15, 2014 5:51 p.m.

Vatofrog says... #25

Never mind ! I looked again and saw some!

December 15, 2014 5:52 p.m.

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