Heartless Eldrazi is a deck focused on the card Heartless Summoning to lower the cost of your Eldrazi Creatures. Since Eye of Ugin was banned (Modern) this variant of deck was forgotten.
I love this version of Eldrazi because Heartless Summoning will work like previous Eye of Ugin. By other hand I tried to create a deck that worked even if you did not have a Heartless Summoning in play.
Early game we have Kozilek's Return to kill small creatures and abuse it's "comeback" when you cast a 7 mana higher Eldrazi. To help with mana ramp and card advantage we have Simian Spirit Guide,Matter Reshaper and Solemn Simulacrum. Playing those cards will help to ramp your game even if you don't have a Heartless Summoning in play. Even if they play Blood Moon or exiles your Eldrazi Temples you can still play because we are not focused on that single land.
Elder Deep-Fiend and Distended Mindbender give this deck a more control kind of game since you can emerge them sacrificing the early creatures (while getting card advantage). Heartless Summoning also reduces the emerge cost and don't forget that they will trigger Kozilek's Return if it is in your grave.
Oblivion Sower is very underestimated card but this card is very strong. It will occasionally ramp and even under Heartless It will be a 4/7 creature. Ruin Processor helps you to recover early damage. World Breaker will remove any annoying land/artifact or enchantment.
If you want a more control game or sideboard against control/combo I suggest Thought-Knot Seer. You can substitute Distended Mindbender/Havengul Lich and/or Ruin Processor.
I have one video gameplay of this deck in my youtube channel, take a look, if you like don't forget to subscribe for more interesting rogue decks and don't forget your "like"! It helps and motivates me a lot!
https://youtu.be/XtoAlpJf2ZM (VIDEO LINK)