Esper Walkers

Standard angelkreiger


Peccavi says... #1

I would sideboard Resolute Archangel , and lose Sorin, Solemn Visitor (Just doesn't feel like it fits. I understand the synergy with Elspeth, but I think it ends up being a card that doesn't do enough most of the time.) I would also lose 2x Utter End . Great card, but most of the time I don't feel like you'll need the exile. I'd also lose 2x Cancel .

Instead, I would definitely mainboard Hero's Downfall . I would also add two Murderous Cut since you have Jace to feed it. I feel like you should also try and experiment with 1-2x Prognostic Sphinx .

October 16, 2014 2:18 p.m.

Peccavi says... #2


Love some feedback on my own deck. Sultai Midrange... What up my naga? NO.

October 16, 2014 2:19 p.m.

Fizzz says... #3

Sadly, this deck will not beat RG monsters, RGu monsters or anything that ramps faster than your deck.

This deck has issues dealing with Stormbreath Dragon , which is why I would suggest Hero's Downfall over Utter End .

Use the calcify in the side, and mainboard a set of hostilities.

October 23, 2014 1:27 p.m.

Hockeyblum39 says... #4

Great deck!!!!!

December 27, 2014 8:53 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #5

Thanks! Any thoughts on what you would cut out if it was your own deck? The list is currently at 67 cards... I don't mind being one or two over 60, but 7 is A LOT over lol.

December 27, 2014 9:45 p.m.

ScorpioXP says... #6

What about cutting some of the Banishing Lights? You have enough removal in here to not play 4 of them. You should cut 1 of the Nyx-Fleece Rams, and move the Drown in Sorrows to the sideboard against aggro decks. Otherwise, +1 from me!

December 28, 2014 7:18 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #7

I think Utter End is on the chopping block before Banishing Light, simply due to mana costs. I am open to maybe cutting one but that's about it. Nyx-Fleece Ram however, is crucial in this deck. Stalls out aggro decks by blocking and life-gain, and can activate raid on Wingmate Roc. I suppose I could play test running two of them... I'm looking for thingsto cut and I can't make up my mind about any of the cards. Drown in Sorrow I see what you mean. They're effective, but like you said mostly against aggro match ups. Those I'll probably move to the sideboard. Thanks for the input!

December 28, 2014 10:25 p.m.

ScorpioXP says... #8

I sort of see what your saying, but Banishing Light loses out to enchantment removal, and you already have enough creature removal. And I understand what your saying about the Nyx-Fleece Rams, but you might want to add in a Pearl Lake Ancient just for an alternate win-con and a versatile creature.

December 29, 2014 2:13 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #9

True. Banishing Light is a little less than permanent lol. I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm hoping to do some play testing tomorrow, so maybe I'll experiment with cutting some of them then. How do you feel about Prognostic Sphinx vs Pearl Lake Ancient? Seems like most control decks are running one or the other anymore.

December 30, 2014 1:57 p.m.

gogogonzo says... #10

I think you should play Dissipate over Chancel and in terms of cutting I would move two Utter End to the side. How well does Wingmate Roc fo for you?

December 31, 2014 3:35 p.m.

BlatantLizard says... #11

+1 for playing allied colors in an enemy standard!! As for cuts here is my 2 cents. Cancel is just bad. Dissipate is strictly better. Wingmate Roc is a great card but this is the wrong deck for it. Liliana Vess is best as a one of in the sideboard vs midrange. Jace, the Living Guildpact is good, but Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is better. Cut one jace entirely and replace the other one with an ashiok. Utter End is great but expensive mana-wise. Lose some and replace them with more Hero's Downfalls.

December 31, 2014 3:43 p.m.

Why not go with Disdainful Stroke over Cancel? Most the stuff you want to counter will be over 4 CMC anyway, Siege Rhino, Stormbreath Dragon, any Walker except Ashiok, etc. Four Utter End seems like a bit much; I'd cut that down to two or so. Resolute Archangel seems like a good idea, but every time I've tried to use it in a control deck it's just really bad. You have to tap out to gain your life back, and have none left to counter or kill anything. If it had Flash, I could see the include, but otherwise Pearl Lake Ancient and/or Prognostic Sphinx are just so much better. There's a bit of a conflict with the Archangel and the Rams/Rocs anyway. Honestly, I don't think you need so many creatures. Sorin, Ashiok, and Elspeth make creatures to defend, so having your own seems unnecessary. I would probably opt for 2-3 Rams and 2-3 Sphinxes for your only creatures. Again, a conflict with End Hostilities and your creature count. This is a Walker deck after all, so you should focus on eliminating all creatures and letting your Walkers run wild. That's where Pearl Lake Ancient really shines because you can bounce him while your End Hostilities or Elspeth's -3 is on the stack. +1 from me though, a triumphant return of Esper walkers!

December 31, 2014 4:01 p.m.

ScorpioXP says... #13

Honestly, to answer your Pearl Lake Ancient vs. Prognostic Sphinx, from my perspective Pearl Lake Ancient is just strictly better. Flash, to ability to grow bigger, and coupled with the ability to bounce it back to your hand all seem better to me than the ability to scry 3 every time it attacks. Though the mana cost is significantly higher, your getting better value out of the Ancient!

December 31, 2014 11:05 p.m.

ScorpioXP says... #14

CrovaxTheCursed Honestly, am I the only one who thinks Negate is better than Disdainful Stroke? I mean, at turn four I'm usually tapping out for a creature or removal. Negate hits everything except creatures, while Disdainful Stroke only hits anything after turn 4.

December 31, 2014 11:12 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #15

Gogogonzo, to be honest, I totally didn't even think of Dissipate. Will be making that change immediately. Yesterday I did go ahead and cut one Utter End completely, and traded one Banishing Light for a Hero's Downfall, I just didn't get a chance to update my list here. I do like Wingmate Roc still, though in order to make cuts I'm considering moving to only running it as a one of card.

BlatantLizard, definitely going to make the change from Cancel to Dissipate. Already added an extra Hero's Downfall mainboard, in place of a Banishing Light. In my experience running this deck, Jace, the Living Guildpact and Liliana Vess are great to bounce things and then make them turn around and discard it. I only have 2 copies of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver so that count isn't going to change.

CrovaxTheCursed, I think I agree with you about the Resolute Archangel and intend on doing some play testing without it in the deck. Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Wingmate Roc, and Nyx-Fleece Ram normally do plenty on the life-gain side of things that the Archangel becomes unnecessary. I've only been able to find one Pearl Lake Ancient unfortunately (prior to running this deck we traded many of ours away). My intention is to replace the two copies of Brimaz, King of Oreskos with the Ancient. Brimaz just doesn't work near as well as I had hoped in this deck. Creature-wise i think I'm looking at a final count of 2-3 Rams, 1 Wingmate, and 2 Ancients. In regards to the Disdainful Stroke over Cancel, the cheaper cost is nice but I think I'm going to try Dissipate actually. My local meta includes a lot of reanimator and so Dissipate will actually fit much better for me I think.

ScorpioXP, after reading more comments and looking at the two, I have to agree - it seems like you get more bang for your buck using Pearl Lake Ancient.

January 1, 2015 12:35 p.m.

Well, I didn't say Disdainful Stroke was better than Negate, I just meant that the biggest threat to this deck is creatures and Negate ofc does nothing for that. I always keep at least three Negate in my sideboard for other control decks or Ascendancy decks or whathaveyou. Stroke, to me, just gives you a wider range of targets in game 1 especially. I'm sure nobody would disagree that Cancel is just bad when you have access to the other counter spells in the format. I have no quarrel with replacing Cancel for Negate, but I personally would opt for Stroke in the main with Negate in the side. But in any case, Cancel is gone for Dissipate which is all around better anyway.

January 1, 2015 2:37 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #17

Yeah like I said, my local meta-game is pretty heavy on reanimator currently, so Dissipate is definitely a better option. Can't believe I've not thought of it before. I'm really looking forward to FNM tomorrow night after these changes.

January 1, 2015 11:26 p.m.

Caligula says... #18

You should consider Prognostic Sphinx I play esper control as well and having him out (over wingmate and Nyx-Fleece) can win you games just being able to keep him safe with his trigger and clutching counterspells

January 2, 2015 8:12 a.m.

angelkreiger says... #19

I did consider Prognostic Sphinx, but chose Pearl Lake Ancient instead. With the Ancient, you can bounce lands back to your hand in order to save him (bouncing temples lets you continue scrying), he has flash so he can be played on opponents' turns, and prowess is something I'm hoping plays a part with him. I'm still kind of play testing between the two of them, but so far that's kind of why I am going that route currently.

January 2, 2015 1:35 p.m.

Caligula says... #20

It's just the Prognostic Sphinx in a vacuum will be better for you in the long run just because of it's scry, When you can swing and set up your next 3 draw's it become's very valuable in the long run.

Don't get me wrong, i love Pearl Lake Ancient solely because you can flash him in to block or EOT to swing for big damage, but when I've been playing against Abzan the longer the game goes the more it favors you and Prognostic Sphinx is the reason that happens.

Every time a game goes past the 6-7 turns the game seriously take's a big turn in your favor.

ALSO, A bomb card for esper and those that abuse Sorin, Solemn Visitor is Raise the Alarm. Much like Pearl Lake you can flash them in during a block or EOT to set up a back swing with Sorin and his +1 to get a nice boost of life he also pairs up really well with Prognostic Sphinx that just works wonders.

One more thing, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is a house against Abzan/Midrange, I'd recommend getting 2 more in the deck if possible, Or 2 in the SB.

I won a game because of his +2 (and some help from Elly) but because I was able to take some creatures out from Exile it allowed me to stall the game enough to stabilize.

January 2, 2015 2:29 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #21

Past two weeks at FNM I've had issues ending games... Out of the 6 matches from the past two weeks I've won 1, lost 1, and tied 4 times. I did manage to trade for a third copy of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver after the tournament last night, so I'm hoping that helps. Also decided to try the Prognostic Sphinx out for a few weeks, with the lower CMC I'm hoping to see it make a bigger impact than Pearl Lake Ancient since he comes out so late.

January 10, 2015 2:10 p.m.

mpeach1 says... #22

I like the deck, I'm just not really sure on your creature choices. The ram seems more sb appropriate to me, the roc as well. And from personal experience I'd say PLA is stronger in this type of control than Prognostic Sphinx

January 20, 2015 1:38 p.m.

angelkreiger says... #23

I recently cut from running two Wingmate Rocs down to just the one, and it is up next on the chopping block to be honest. I also cut a ram, I used to run 3 of them. Right now, personally I can't imagine not having them. If I were to cut the 2 rams and the 1 other wingmate, what would you put in their places? Divination for draw power? More counter spells (something I wouldn't mind since currently I only run 6)? Or other creatures? As for Prognostic Sphinx vs Pearl Lake Ancient, I've play tested both and the sphinx honestly seems to work better for me. With PLA my deck was considerably slower and leaves me only Hero's Downfall as an answer to Stormbreath Dragon who is lately increasing in popularity in my local meta.

January 21, 2015 12:22 p.m.

Mgrabusky says... #24

February 12, 2015 1:23 p.m.

Mgrabusky says... #25

February 12, 2015 1:26 p.m.

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