
Enchantment (3)

Artifact (3)

Instant (3)


I'm doing this in preparation for M14.Its pretty straight forward, Slam down some creatures, let the counters hit, and add to it. Now I know its tough to combat faster paced decks, because It's a Mid-range deck but there's a lot of nifty tricks, too many to count. synergy is there.


  • Gyre sage- is here for Master biomancer and Corpsejack. Bioshift counters onto it and enjoy the free green mana.

  • Fathom is there for 2 reasons- 1) its a constant source of draw, which is GREAT in this deck. 2) loleth troll which in turn will directly affect scavenging ooze. Double Dipping for 1 mana!Example- I have Predator ooze with 5 counters, Bioshift to Fathom, Draw 5, 3 are creatures, discard, add counters, pay mana cost, add counters. Just throw Corpsejack into the mix now.

  • Master Biomancer and Corpsejack are here because It flows so much easier with them on the board.

  • Korozda Guildmage is perfect with Master Bio, the 4 mana ability is Crazy with counters + Sideboarding Deaths Presence? Game changer. Besides, I dont like seeing my big guys going Poof so I'll just exchange em for lots of potentially bigger guys. :)

  • Champion of Lambholt is just a massive threat, Especially with Korozda.

  • Predator Ooze is a constant +1/+1 counter maker and indestructible.

  • Scavenging ooze just rocks with increasing confusion (or even Mind grind).

  • Lotleth Troll can work scavenging ooze straight into it, which is why I like it, you know...apart from being trample, regen for 1 and having +1/+1 counters.

  • Kalonian hydra is just CRAZY.


  • Switch out for Vorel and get stupid.

  • Ratchet is mainly there for tokens, Because I think tokens are going to get HUGE with M14.

  • Death's Presence is great if you want to just keep recycling counters and Korozda's ability, and cropsejack's.

  • Dispel is there for control decks or nasty little instant suprises.

  • Rancor because you need to push through some damage with only 3 tramplers in the deck.

  • Cyclonic is there for Planeswalker's mainly, or just in case you really do need to swipe there stuff away for alpha or whatnot.


  • Deathrite would just make sense here. Like Really really make sense. If anyone has tid bits to throw me as to get this in side or main, let me know.

  • Experiment one is cool but Idk, My friend told me to throw it up in the maybe section to see what others thought.

  • Bluster, Maybe?

  • Slither is just a free counter.

Tell me what you think, I want to refine this deck Perfectly, Even down to the mana. The Black is a little more than suggested because I want to get lotleth + Korozda out PRONTO.Any advice is good advice, even if its a flame.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 9 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.42
Tokens Saproling 1/1 G
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