SCORE: 4549 | 971 COMMENTS | 379269 VIEWS | IN 1149 FOLDERS
irindumaster says... #2
Why not, instead of playing a Fatal Frenzy , play an unblockable spell? Aqueous Form is a safer way to play than Fatal Frenzy ...Also why not Dryad Arbor ? Won't hurt the combo, can chump block till you win.This is great though... +1
June 25, 2014 7:44 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #3
Is this the highest-rated deck on T/O ever? Even if so, it needs more +1's.
June 27, 2014 9:04 p.m.
ClansInitiate says... #6
HEY! I love your deck so much, I made my own version....
Countryside Fling Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 0 COMMENTS | 32 VIEWSTell me what you think!?
June 30, 2014 3:49 p.m.
Well, I have to admit that I bought this deck and I'm planning to use it on our next gaming session. I plan to tell nothing about the deck to them (other than the fact that I will only play 1vs1 with it) and see their reactions :D
July 4, 2014 1:02 a.m.
biggestmtgnerd says... #9
+1 for the anchorman reference, and another +1 for the awesomeness of the deck!
July 6, 2014 4:28 p.m.
VampireYuriGirl says... #16
Dryad Arbor is a land that you can use to block with to stall a little. And any of the man lands. Don't need to win with them, just stall. As it is I think I want a copy of this deck as is for lulz.
July 15, 2014 7:58 a.m.
UnknownDemon says... #19
To.. many... comments.... But i read em all +1 from me :D
July 18, 2014 9:23 a.m.
find a way to put Scouting Trek in there, then it doesn't have to be 58 mountains. but that would take away from the novelty of it. +1
Whacker_Slacker_2 says... #1
Also, you should make your mountains the Zendikar FA ones. Much prettier to look at when endlessly milling them...
June 25, 2014 6:56 p.m.