These are cards I have tested some but never made the decklist. Some people like cards in here but I find that they have proven to be sub-par.
This card hurts this deck more than it does the opponents. This deck usually has quite the swamped board state with Mana rocks as our resource, blowing this up would mean the end anyway, it's not going to save you. Putting fate counters on your permanents would be showing your opponents that you are getting hopeless, not a mindset you want them to gain. In Karn, Silver Golem, it's an option, in here, I find it not to be one.
I playtested these when I had more of a control-oriented Karn, Silver Golem list. These are O.K. They do what they're supposed to, and work even better with the synergy in this deck.. However.. When my Karn, Silver Golem list became a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth list, these went out and will not see a place in here anytime soon.
This one made the cut because 75% of the time, he was a dead draw. In this deck, things that actually stay in the grave are few. Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Blightsteel Colossus go straight back into my library, actually Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre takes the whole graveyard with him. When Wurmcoil Engine was cut, this one went out too. However, a while after both Myr Retriever and
Junk Diver
made it back in the list and it seems that Artisan of Kozilek might make a splashing return someday, taking Duplicant with him.
The Karn, Silver Golem deck pioneer's. These cards can provide protection against mass wipes. Offer more saturation for spot-artifact destruction targets and even help the opponents out sometimes. BUT they feel too much like combo. Players will smell it, keep their frowny eyes focused on them. People don't like these, these belong in combo builds.. Keep them out! If you truly like these kind of cards, think of a Karn, Silver Golem list instead. He blows up lands with them.
It's a hidden gem. It truly is. This card will always be there for you and draw you those lovely cards. I adored it in my Karn, Silver Golem list, but as many did... this made the cut soon after Kozilek, Butcher of Truth became boss.
This is way too slow. I can "understand" running this in a Voltaic Construct build around Karn, Silver Golem. But in here it's terrible. By the time I want to search for anything I'm not able to pay such a huge mana investment for it and if I do, it's too late. Seriously I find this sub-par even in some Karn, Silver Golem lists.
Shimmer MyrHaving multiple Vedalken orrery or Winding canyons cards are nice. This one is even more "out of the blue" thanks to his flash.But what this little bugger can't do, is give me an EOT kozilek. Sorry! not good enough.
PortcullisA card I like to test a lot and build around. Works extra good in combo-oriented Karn builds and the like.But beatdown can't work if opponents start abusing this card. I have seen it used against me too many times and as such, has been cut.
Sword of vengeanceMore haste for kozilek! And trample while we're at it!Nah really, if I were to add an extra equipment it'd be Swiftfoot boots.Too much investment, don't run it.
Champion's HelmProtection for kozilek!But really, kozilek doesn't need any protection, it's O.K for him to die.Not a good card to run in here.
Brittle EffigyMore spot removal! If I were ever to consider running this again over a Duplicant it would probably be because my playgroup started running Torpor orb in each deck.A sub-par choice.
Tower of fortunesAs mentioned many times. This card is not good enough. I will always have better things to do with the mana. The other ways of filtering through my deck are sensei's diving top and the like.Other ways for draw outside of Kozilek are Mind's eye and Staff of nin, which can act as a back-up plan when Kozilek gets tucked. No reason to run more back-up plans that aren't strong on their own.
Prototype PortalThis is terrible.I was kind of shocked when this was spoiled, the inner Johnny in me went crazy! But seriously it's terrible. My advice would be to try it out and see for yourself, here's my explanation.Most of the time it's a dead card in your hand. Why? Because unlike Mirrorworks it can only have one choice imprinted on it. When you do decide you have a good enough choice to keep producing, if it gets destroyed, you will lose two cards instead of one.
Candles of Leng, Otherworld Atlas, Howling Mine, Font of mythos, Bargaining tableOther ways of drawing cards, cards and more cards.I just listed all the options not even close to being viable.Kozilek pilots this deck, there's no need to overswamp your hand with card draw. And if you really want such a thing, there are better choices you can make.Except perhaps howling mine with a viable way of tapping it.
Semblance AnvilSometimes, this card shined and proved helpful.Most of the times, this card meant me losing two cards and losing a lot of tempo.
Arcbound ReclaimerI'm on the edge with this one.It just proves so good on paper.. Anyway go back to the "Recur" section of card choices for my full explanation.
Pentagram of the AgesToo slow. Won't save youCan't do it's job.
Stuffy DollI ran this for quite some time. It sounds fun but really, it ain't that good.It mostly acts as a blocker. This deck is already oriented around beatdown, making sure this collides with the tactic.A fun card but not for this deck.
Platinum AngelI can't offer protection for this card, and it's one of those cards that need it.Either that or combo with it, I'm planning neither of those.
Grafted ExoskeletonGiving Kozilek infect seems like fun doesn't it? he he he he.But he's already really powerful. This won't make the deck faster in killing people and will actually make people sigh, grunt and pff for no real reason.What I do like about it is that when unequipped, Kozilek dies and can enter Juice-mode again. But is it worth the mana investment? No.
HelvaultDon't even..
Ulamog's Crusher, Pathrazer of ulamog, Hand of EmrakulThe little eldrazi trio!Never worth the mana really, if you're set on making an ELDRAZI DECK then the Pathrazer is the best choice out of these.
Summoning StationIt's not bad.It's just that it doesn't make artifacts.. Which is a HUGE thing. No interaction with the deck whatsoever.Sorry!
Darksteel IngotEach and one of my 3cmc mana rocks has an extra effect that could help me progress. Both Coalition relic and Kyren toy can net me a great amount of mana, and pristine talisman gives me life to go with it. The only thing that the Ingot brings is, indestructibility, and this would be nice in a Karn, Silver golem list that can guarantee that it will be animated to become a 3/3 indestructible.In here, it's sub-par
MindstoneIt's just not good enough compared to many other mana rock choices. The -option- to replace itself is also unnecesary with kozilek piloting this deck.
Wurmcoil EngineThis card was in the deck for quite some time, and proved to be quite the beast. It embodied the beatdown aspect of this deck but after playtesting it proved to be strongest at early-game. Early game was for Kozilek.And as such it only really saw play mid to -late game, at that point he was just a mere blocker or a source for lifegain. Nothing you want to waste 6 mana on.
Dust bowlI've actually yet to find one for trade and test it out, might replace swarmyard soon!
Mishra's WorkshopI just don't have the money..If you do, definitely run this!
Maze of ShadowsI just loved it because it was a maze and has nice art.It never does anything..
Gods' Eye, Gate to the ReikaiCould've been fun against Worldfire Zo-zu the punisher decks....Oh wait worldfire exiles!On a more serious note, this is a viable Dust Bowl target with crucible of worlds on the field.Very situational!
Cloudpost, GlimmerpostCloudpost comes into play tapped and will always tap for 1 mana.Vesuva has better targets, not worth it.MAYBE, just maybe if Glimmerpost tapped for each locus. But it doesn't. (I don't even know why not)
Mishra's Factory, Dread Statuary, Gargoyle Castle, Zoetic Cavern, Stalking StonesSome less good man-lands.
Desert, Ice floe, QuicksandSome good choices. Desert helps vs the early stings, ice floe is very situational.If you go to a more control oriented list these might be good for you.
Blasted LandscapeQuite the good land actually. Cycling is awesome in a deck that doesn't need much land drops!
Springjack PastureWhen I ever decide to pay 4 mana and a tapped land for a 0/1 goat..I might as well have a 2/2 ARTIFACT. Play urza's factory. It's pretty and has full art!
Scorched RuinsTerastodon, Sylvan primordialAre you a man? ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH?I know I'm not.
Ghost TownIt's fun when it works..It doesn't work though.
I'm probably forgetting lots and lots of cards I have playtested and will add them as soon as I remember/ as soon as they have been suggested in the comments.