Burn Baby Burn

Tiny Leaders Mortiferus_Rosa


DavidBray says... #1

I can't help but feel Brimstone Mage is gonna take a lot of mana just to be acceptable. Cinder Pyromancer is far more likely to do three damage in a turn than this guy, considering your build. Other than that, it seems a strong build with all the necessary pieces. +1 from me.

If you have time, take a look at my Li'l Berserkers and give me your thoughts.

April 20, 2015 1:56 p.m.

Thing is I havent been able to playtest this deck unfortunately because noone at my playgroup has tiny leaders. I will say that i debated heavily about putting Brimstone Mage in over Cinder Pyromancer but really need to playtest the deck to be sure. I understand that the Mage will take mana but since tinyleaders is such a low CMC I think that it will work.

Gave your deck a brief look before turning in for the night. There are quite a few cards I like in there that I will probably consider placing in my deck/sideboard. Red is actually not a color I run so I am not as familiar with all the goodies the color has to offer.

April 20, 2015 11:25 p.m.

piki10 says... #3

I would use Punishing Fire instead of Price of Progress because I don't think that this format uses as many non-basic lands as you need to make a cool Price of Progress. Sorry if my english is not perfect, I'm Portuguese.

May 28, 2015 9:48 a.m.

Naw, it is fine.

Im sticking with Price of Progress for now because, if my opponent doesnt have enough nonbasic lands for it to be profitable, I can still always just pitch it with Jaya's ability. And I personally have seen that nonbasics are still reasonably popular enough that it is worth still including.

Punishing Fire I am really thinking of putting in my sideboard for those pesky lifegain decks that make burn that much more difficult. I just need to get a copy of it for myself first.

May 28, 2015 1:23 p.m.

pryoplasm says... #5

maybe consider Darksteel Plate in case you want her to Inferno and live?

August 3, 2015 7:13 p.m.

piki10 says... #6

If you really like Acolyte of the Inferno i guess the best option to take out is Taurean Mauler

August 10, 2015 5:13 p.m.

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