
Creature (4)

Land (2)

Instant (6)

Sorcery (3)


Artifact (1)

Sorcery (1)

A new discard deck featuring Waste Not. Whether or not you play Waste Not, discard the opponent maliciously, damaging their life total in the process; ensure ample board control; exile any hope of their win-cons; all with 100% no creature spells.

Suggestions very welcomed. +1 if you're liking the deck.

Mono-Black; I'm not splashing.

Also, I certainly cannot afford Liliana of the Veil, Dark Confidant, Ensnaring Bridge or Bitterblossom.

Discard Engine

Thoughtseize: a typical T1 discard for 2 life. Doesn't discard land, but sets us up for later (more specific) removal.

Blackmail : a highly underrated discard spell, especially now with Waste Not on the board. Force discard of any land and gain two mana in return, enabling further discards on same turn.

Inquisition of Kozilek: great in play at almost any turn, but shines early on due to < or = 3cmc hand population. It's like an Abrupt Decay for the hand.

Mire's Toll : a decent discard spell, especially after T3 or T4. Once again able to feed Waste Not in a variety of ways, including more mana for more discard.

Raven's Crime: solid, yet miscellaneous discard. Retrace ability enables further casts from the grave. Especially handy if you've somehow run out of discard spells, but have some land to spare in your grip. Soft discard lock Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime .

Wrench Mind: two discard spells in one. Unless facing affinity, the chances that someone either has or desires to discard an artifact is very slim. And if they do, so be it.

Dark Deal: new from FRF we get a nice little 2-of added to our rack. Specifically included for Waste Not, it also work extremely well when Liliana's Caress is on the field. We discard, as well, but this is a card with specific purpose. Save it until the time is right and watch the magic happen. The fact that the opponent draws one less than they discard is also exactly what we want to help mitigate hand control. At 3cmc this is the highest cmc in the mainboard.

Damage Engine

Liliana's Caress: I have actually never seen this in an 8rack deck and the only reason why I can understand this is due to higher dollar cards. But this is so good and even lessens the opponent's clock. If you can get this out early it becomes a major threat even before pieces of the rack enter into play. Also think Wrench Mind equaling 4dmg. Nasty. Dark Deal could even potentially end the game.

The Rack : 4 of the 8rack combo. Easier than Shrieking Affliction to push damage through, but 8rack wouldn't be 8rack without a playset of both. Once you get the opponent's hand-size down to below 2 or 3 it's hard to stop the combo.

Shrieking Affliction: the other half of the 8rack. Does more damage with one card in hand than The Rack , but a little harder to get the damage rolling thanks to The Rack being effective with 2 cards in hand. Get even just 2 pieces of the 8rack in play and the clock starts ticking.

Creature Control

Smallpox : does a few things at once, making it very versatile, when needed. Unless you sack a zombie generated by Waste Not there's nothing for you to kill of your own (surely you wouldn't kill your own Mutavault); 1 damage dealt and received; everyone discards a card (discard a Raven's Crime or a Dakmor Salvage) feeding Waste Not, The Rack , Shrieking Affliction and Liliana's Caress; and everyone sacks a land (Dakmor Salvage if we're lucky). Smallpox beats hexproof and indestructible, too.

Bile Blight: you shouldn't have to face much opposition in the form of creatures, but if you do this ought to handle some smaller aggro. Tokens never live.

Utility Lands

Mutavault: chump-blocker, damage-dealer. Manland. Also detrimental to the Pack Rats in the sideboard.

Dakmor Salvage: specifically included for Raven's Crime soft lock. Also taps for . Comes in tapped, which is the downside.

Control the Hand, Control the Game


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I've decided I'm not just going to keep this deck casual, so I'm now working on a sideboard. My main concerns are the possibility of my opponent gaining hexproof via Leyline of Sanctity, of course. I already have a playset of Pack Rat, which fits perfectly. Again, no overly expensive cards.

Help with the sideboard would be really appreciated.

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Revision 11 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Mutilate maybe
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 10 Rares

22 - 2 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.48
Tokens Copy Clone, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Interessting Stuff, Decks I like, decks im building
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