My first control deck. I'm trying to break out of just playing aggro/tempo decks. Tryin to keep under 200tix for mtgo. I don't want anything older than m15 so this deck will last me long enough to get my money's worth. Suggestions very welcome, as I said, I've never had a control deck so input from control players would help significantly. Thanks.
Card choice break down:
Anticipate: help filter deck to find appropriate answers
Crux of fate: game one this is just a one sided boardwipe for me game one
Death wind: on tempo removal spell for the whole game
Damnable Pact: alternate win-con
(Use as black fireball) or draw some cards when I'm really hurting.
Dig through time: same reason as anticipate. With so many instants and fetch lands my grave yard will be full of delve-fuel.
Dissipate: hard counter, hate against reanimator decks.
Dragonlord Ojutai: hexproof, finisher, helps filter more, helps chances of having a dragon in hand.
Narset: it's Narset.
Sorin: can give me a creature presence and help gain life to push me to the late game.
Silumgar's Scorn: with 6 dragons and a lot of deck filtering, this will almost always be Counterspell.
Silumgar, the drifting death: hexproof, big butt, hoses weenie decks, provides another dragon in hand
Ultimate price: the next few sets will not be multicolor sets, so this is a cheap kill spell for most my worries
Utter end: answer to pretty much everything
Murderous cut: side in against decks with too many threats.
Radiant purge: side in against multicolor reliant decks and conditional enchantment hate
Ruthless ripper: strictly better typhoid rats to slow down aggro decks, can help get some damage in, combat trick free kill spell.
Seeker of the way: side in against burn and aggro. Gives me a body and can mitigate life loss to get me into late game. Plenty of spells to trigger prowess.
Stratus dancer: offers a nice 3/2 body against mirror match, gives me 3 more counter spells for its cheap mega morph.
Tasigur, The Golden Fang: side in matches where I need to be more aggressive. Will probably come down turn 3 or four most games. After delving away my junk, can use his ability to get extra value from my spells.