SynergyBuild, it's for sure on the list, it's just been a bitch trying to find one locally, since I like to support my LGS's whenever possible
July 8, 2018 2:42 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #3
Other cards you might want to look for at your LGS are Tarnished Citadel, Exotic Orchard, and Storage Matrix.
The first two are budget fixing (Gemstone Mine is also pretty good, but the downside actually might matter here unlike some storm lists like Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder), the last is a really budget replacement for Null Rod/Cursed Totem, because if they use nonland mana sources, they will be split between lands and their choice for source (occasionally they use artifacts, lands, and dorks), and so they really hurt for mana.
It is up to you, but I find a list like this might have use for these underrated cards.
SynergyBuild says... #1
Carpet of Flowers
It is my only suggestion, my favorite card.
July 7, 2018 7:10 p.m.