
From 2009-2010, I did a search online for cool rares (cuz I didn't really know what to make a new deck around) and I came across Concerted Effort in my search. It instantly caught my attention and I created a simple deck that I thought served its purpose of beating face while elevating an underused (and sometimes confusing) enchantment.

This deck has gone on to be one of my favorite original ideas.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 3 Rares

9 - 3 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.79
Tokens Shapeshifter 2/2 C, Shapeshifter 2/2 U
Folders Dismantled
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