Avacyn, The Worldslayer

Commander / EDH* Boscogn


Poptartz95 says... #1

Mana Crypt all hail the god of ramp.

Words of Worship good card draw I used it to fill a spot in my deck till I got ahold of a card I needed but it just eh... its mono white you need every draw you can get, you could miss a Ravages of War or a Iona, Shield of Emeria in the long game Words of Worship is ok but early/mid game I can be a curse. I would add Ugin, the Spirit Dragon or Karn Liberated. Both would make great additions.

Nahiri, the Lithomancer she is great, she is fun to play with as well. But so many better cards that can take her place, and if you arent "equipment heavy" she can be a waste of space, if you added Karn Liberated or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon I would remove Nahiri, the Lithomancer and add Expedition Map cant go wrong with ramp.

Resolute Archangel she makes plays she heals you like a champion, she can save the game for you, personally I would remove Nevermore but I can understand why someone would want to keep it, I personally do not like Nevermore for the simple fact all you gotta do is get rid of it and your good. Also its EDH, so you can only shut down one card really which can be huge, but most decks would have a couple answer to that card.

It looks like a good deck, and no offense cause I am not saying this as a dick, its a compliment, I can see what you meant in the comment on my deck, so many cards in here mixed from mine, and ZombieCat deck with a hit of your own stuff, its cool. Also I know your testing the cards in your maybeboard but the ones I suggested I feel should DEFINITELY be a mainboard and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in my opinion would be better then Karn Liberated incase you decide to add one of em, you have 17 creatures which is completely fine, but its always nice to have a walker who is like "hey I can do it all dmg, removal, stupid ultimate that wins instantly cause fuck ya I am Ugin"

May 19, 2015 2:15 a.m.

Boscogn says... #2

Poptartz95 Funny you should mention that. I put in the Words of Worship after seeing it could combo with Well of Lost Dreams. I just played a game and it was in my hand for awhile then I played because I had nothing else to do and never activated it once lol. Well of Lost Dreams does fine by itself. Those planeswalkers you suggested are good and of all the games I've played I think I might of got Nahiri, the Lithomancer's 10 ability off once. I really like her for her -2 ability though however most of my artifacts get exiled anyway. Also her +2 ability has saved me when I couldn't draw a creature and I needed to bounce my Lightning Greaves to something to attach another equipment to my general. I've never played with Ugin and don't like Karn because I feel like he drags out games. I'll print a proxy of Ugin and see how he fairs before I drop $30 on him. His 10 ability is sweet and can go off in two turns! Expedition Map has always been in my deck I forget what i replaced it with. Buried Ruin + Expedition Map + Crucible of Worlds can be fun if you don't find Weathered Wayfarer. I added Nevermore because I thought it was more competitive. However I'm finding it just gets player's aggro. Although I love it for Gaddock Teeg. Mana Crypt is the bomb but I can't play it because I'll prolly never buy it haha. A rule my friends have is you can't proxy anything your not willing to buy or don't own.

May 19, 2015 3:19 a.m.

ZombieCat says... #3

Hey Boscogn,

I'll be going through your deck later today for sure and will comment again. Thanks a ton for the shout out and I'm glad my deck list inspired you!


May 19, 2015 7:42 a.m.

Boscogn says... #4

TY ZombieCat! I look forward to your critique.

May 20, 2015 5:35 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #5

ALRIGHT! Finally not mentally drained from work.. Great build by the way! Here is my main concern:

Creature count. Since it's so low, it's highly possible to get swarmed by token builds and faster builds. I'm impressed that you can win games with so few. Maybe add in another token producer like Martial Coup?

I was wondering... how/where did you come up with your user name...? It's really familiar to me.. Berserk?


Masterwork of Ingenuity - One drop, copy any equipment on the field. Slightly faster than Sculpting Steel but less versatile.

Unwinding Clock - Untap all your artifacts!! Slightly better than Voltaic Key though it doesn't target...

Spectra Ward - Protection from all colors! Even better when Avacyn is on the field.

Mox Opal - You have enough artifacts... reprinted in MM2015 so hopefully price drop.

Abeyance - A fun card I used to have in my build.

Cataclysm - Game winner right here.

Mind's Eye - Card draw, pretty good in multi-player games. Only downside is that you have to save the mana for each player.

Comeuppance - One of my personal favorites. I once used this card to deflect 22 damage back at my opponent.

Karmic Justice - In case your meta has too much destruction

Tormod's Crypt - Graveyard hate at no cost!

Enlightened Tutor - Artifact or enchantment tutor. Highly recommended.

Pristine Angel - Protection from artifacts for that one friend that runs coffin whatever thingy

Journeyer's Kite - replace with Expedition Map. Reason: You're paying 4 mana and need a 3 cards to combo for a basic land. That's way too much... Just one card, pay 3 and it's the same effect.

Runed Halo - Replacement for Nevermore...?

If you'd like to add any of these suggestions in, feel free to let me know and I'll help you thin out your build a bit. I'm extremely happy that my build has helped you out.

May 20, 2015 7:34 p.m.

Boscogn says... #6

ZombieCat good recommendations!
I love Masterwork of Ingenuity but find since it sits in my hand for awhile. My Meta my enemies don't play lots of equipment and for me to copy it i need to put the real one down myself great for when my enemies play Lightning Greaves or a sword I don't have handy. Which is why it's in my list of maybe cards.
Unwinding Clock I usually need to untap artifact excel to cast things on my turn. However this would be amazing with Vedalken Orrery it would allow you to play artifacts on you're opponents turn or if you save your white mana creatures and etc on opponents turns. Though a little too combo for me.
Spectra Ward Very good but I would normally only use it on my general who usually has all the swords anyways. Also I could only tutor this with enchantment tutor and there are better options. I have played quite a few games with this in my deck already and have decided not to run it. It's a great card but I personally always wished it was something else when i drew it.
Abeyance I love this card. It's been in my deck for ages and I love the card draw effect too. I cut it for something though I'll have to go back and figure out if I can use it over something else.
Cataclysm I don't like very much as it hurts me as much as my opponents. I'd rather pull a board wipe.
Mind's Eye There's one I didn't think about! However, I feel I'll be gaining life Well of Lost Dreams much more than my opponents drawing cards. I do play vs a lot of blue though I might try having both.
Comeuppance I love this card too. I've had some lethal swings come my way and this is like a fog + boardwipe lol. Not sure what I put in for this to come out but it's a top priority to get back in.
Karmic Justice This is good I just think maybe something like Open the Vaults would be better? Also I think this works only on destroy effects?Tormod's Crypt Great card that I could bring bag with Buried Ruin although dead draw if I didn't need it right then but great to put out for political bargaining. Don't attack me I'll nuke your sweet graveyard of dragons mr. Scion of the Ur-Dragon
Enlightened Tutor This has always been in my deck ;)
Runed Halo I like this as it's more pillowfort than control. However if it's something used to combo out it won't do me much good.
Great Suggestions! I'm having fun trying them out.

May 20, 2015 8:30 p.m.

Boscogn says... #7

Martial Coup Is in the maybe list. You make a good point in my meta I don't face a lot of aggro mostly control/combo. Also why I threw in Brave the Sands into the maybe list was thinking that could help out immensely with a few dudes on the board.

May 20, 2015 8:35 p.m.

Boscogn says... #8

Oh I forgot to comment on Pristine Angel Great card but I'm worried about my general or other angel with great ability getting canned this just looks like a bruiser.
Journeyer's Kite can only tutor basic land where Expedition Map can tutor any land! Great way to ensure you get Ancient Tomb or any land that can ramp you to your general faster even if not repeatable.

May 20, 2015 8:43 p.m.

kingshunter says... #9

Hi Bosogn,
I like your deck I also run a Avacyn deck and am working on tuning it. Have you thought of using Herald of War. It would combo quite nicely with Archangel of Thune and by itself can help get other angels out fast.Unwinding Clock + Vedalken Orrery is another great combo if you can pull it off. Then you can untap your artifact lands and cast during their turn as well. If you want to check and comment on my deck you can find it at Snow White and the 7 Board Wipes.

September 22, 2015 8:55 p.m.

garruk3 says... #10

Nevinyrral's Disk + Voltaic Key + avacyn,Angel of Hope. That's another combo, a better combo than just disck and volatic key combined. Nevinyrral's Disk does the same thing as Worldslayer, but it is cheaper and easier to use, but only destroys arfifacts, creatures and enchantments. It is good to see that your not just relying on one combo in a commander deck, as you have a whole bunch of win conditions. Great deck overall. Also, add Isochron Scepter, the Isochron Scepter+Silence combo is a win condition for you right there.

September 23, 2015 8:06 p.m.

November 30, 2020 4:03 a.m.

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