Mischief Managed (Fae Tempo-Control)

Modern crypticc0mmand


Saljen says... #1

(too late to)edit: Actually I take that back, you really don't have many creatures at the same mana costs so AEther Vial would not be very effective. Maybe Spreading Seas as a way to disrupt your opponents mana and cantrip? Possibly 2 more Vendilion Clique since that card is so effective. It can also be used to cycle a card in your hand if you just need the creature on the field. Even Favorable Winds might be reasonable, though maybe not. Sower of Temptation is pretty viable and kind of a must have for the sideboard. Its awesome to take Tasigurs and Goyfs. Quickling is a good way to recycle Spellstutter Sprite. Even a copy or two of Glen Elendra Archmage could be reasonable. Its a body that can also counter. Only effective in the mid-late game though. Anyways, just a few suggestions.

July 28, 2015 10:49 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #2

+1 for the name, and blue faeries :)

Dispel, Flashfreeze, Relic of Progenitus and Hurkyl's Recall could be solid SB options.

August 27, 2015 3:02 a.m. Edited.

scarmask says... #3

All that blue and no Vedalken Shackles?

Also consider Cavern of Souls and Mutavault.

August 30, 2015 9:08 p.m.

Daedra117 says... #4

4 Cryptic Command is too much in my opinion; i know its a great card, but it has a high cost.

Some tips for the sideboard: Hurkyl's Recall and Damping Matrix against Affinity, Surgical Extraction against every non-aggro deck, Relic of Progenitus against Delve cards and Junk / Jund / Token / Storm / every deck that has Snapcaster Mage

September 4, 2015 9:48 a.m.

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