The Power of Friendship | A True Love Story

Commander / EDH Enral

SCORE: 191 | 86 COMMENTS | 26464 VIEWS | IN 79 FOLDERS

gdm1989 says... #1

thought about running Starfield of Nyx, Glittering Wish, Riftsweeper just in case the second sun is removed from the game?

August 4, 2018 10:35 a.m.

Enral says... #2

gdm1989: Starfield of nyx makes my board fragile to creature removal and boardwipes and if second sun is removed I do have other win conditions like Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest.

August 4, 2018 12:12 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #3

Hey this looks like a great deck you have here, I'm considering building a Tuvasa, the Sunlit deck also I think. I don't have any decks that make use of enchantments much really besides Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, but with Adaptive Enchantments releasing I think this will be another edh deck I build. I might have it built in such a way that Estrid, the Masked can also be swapped in as the general at times I think also.

I have to say the reserve list really sucks though at times, especially for players wanting some good cards for enchantress decks, there's no way i'm buying things like Serra's Sanctum, Replenish, Academy Rector, at those prices lol.

Anyways I have a few suggestions possibly for you and those are: Privileged Position, Exploration, Burgeoning, Rhystic Study, Darksteel Mutation, Open the Vaults, Thassa, God of the Sea, Shield of the Oversoul / Steel of the Godhead, Ethereal Armor, and Ancestral Mask. (Good for winning by commander damage these last few, just thought I would suggest them here but I suspect they may not be good enough if you haven't included them already)? I hope some of these can be of use!

August 4, 2018 10:32 p.m.

Klancik says... #4

I know it might be difficult to find space, but Enchanted Evening is a wonderful deterrent against Merciless Eviction / Austere Command. You’d have a larger Tuvasa as well as even better protection since no one wants to wipe their own board state.

August 7, 2018 9:32 a.m.

Enral says... #5

Klancik: Hi, good suggestion. I've tried that card out before and I find it too clunky most of the time and almost had to include a one sided enchantment boardwipe to justify its inclusion. My deck is also not focusing around making Tuvasa big and people running heroic intervention/avacyn is rampant so the counter-boardwipe strategy can backfire spectacularly.

August 7, 2018 10:13 a.m.

Andros240 says... #6

Hi Enral. I really like this list! I currently have a Karametra enchantress deck and am moving over to Tuvasa. I have a couple questions! The lack of creatures worries me a bit, how has it been in testing so far? Karametra runs around 15-17 which is something I felt more comfortable with. I also enjoyed having Auramancer and Monk Idealist to bring back enchantments. The high CMC enchantments worry me a bit as well(mainly because I don't have an Academy Rector). Any plans to increase the creature count?

August 7, 2018 3:09 p.m.

Enral says... #7

Andros240: This deck fares really well against a creature heavy meta. If you look at my list I have a ton of removals to deal with any aggression coming my way. I also have Solitary Confinement/Sphere of Safety which helps. Tuvasa himself is also great at deterring aggression. There are more creatures you can add to up the creature count if you are worried like Herald of the Pantheon and Courser of Kruphix. You can also add more Propaganda/Ghostly Prison effects. Hope this helps!

August 7, 2018 3:20 p.m.

Andros240 says... #8

Hi Enral, thanks for the advice! I am trying to gear the deck to go against some cEDH so i'm trying to make it the best possible version with minor meta changes. Which is why I was worried about the higher CMC stuff. Would you change up your land base(disregarding duals which will be in my list) or enchantment/win cons to combat higher tier metas? Thanks in advance!

August 7, 2018 4:59 p.m.

Enral says... #9

Andros240: cEDH as in doomsday Zur and flash-hulk? If that is the meta, this commander would have trouble competing but to have a fighting chance you'll have to cut most of the slow enchantments for more lower cmc interaction. We need to start off with the typical cEDH interaction base of:

1x Arcane Denial

1x Brainstorm

1x Path to Exile

1x Swords to Plowshares

1x Chain of Vapor

1x Counterspell

1x Cyclonic Rift

1x Delay

1x Dispel

1x Force of Will

1x Mana Drain

1x Muddle the Mixture

1x Negate

1x Pact of Negation

1x Swan Song

1x Mental Misstep

1x Flusterstorm

From there it's fine tuning on what to cut. If you can't afford Academy Rector, Show and Tell does a fine job cheating Omniscience into play. Hope this helps!

August 7, 2018 5:11 p.m.

Andros240 says... #10

Enral Thanks for the help! Yeah it's that kind of meta. I have an Animar and Edric cEDH I usually play at FNMs but sometimes there are some 75% decks that show up as well and I don't want to destroy them by turn 3. My Karametra deck held it's own against those decks fairly well, at least in the multiplayer games. I think i'll be adding a counter suite as you suggested and some early hate like Stony Silence and Ghostly Prison effects so I can attempt to see the long game. Opinions on Authority of the Consuls and exile redundancies like Banishing Light or Journey to Nowhere to fend off early combo decks? I think the only win con that may be too slow is the decree/solemnity. So I may reduce the win cons in exchange for more counters, what do you think?

August 7, 2018 5:27 p.m.

DrewReaLee says... #11

This is a nice list, you and I have very similar ideas for a Tuvasa Control list including the win conditions. The major difference my list has is that I've opted for Grand Abolisher and Teferi's Protection type cards with an emphasis on pillowfort instead of a counter suite. The blue is a splash for me so outside of Omniscience, I don't think I'm running any other double or triple double cards. Also I think an enchantress deck wants to be more proactive on your own turn, drawing cards and chaining enchantments together.

Also I suggest you run Glacial Chasm. It pairs very nicely with Solemnity. Maybe even Crop Rotation so you can fetch out Serra's Sanctum or Chasm.

August 8, 2018 1:39 a.m.

Enral says... #12

Andros240: Journey to nowhere might not be enough especially when the removal is at sorcery speed. Remember that you want instant speed answers in order to stop them from comboing off. I would actually steer into the more stax route and using Estrid, the Masked as the commander instead. Using her untap ability to untap your lands while keeping everyone in Stasis lock. I would suggest looking into a typical derevi stax list for more ideas. Good luck!

DrewReaLee: Hey great ideas. I love glacial chasm and grand abolisher and would definitely test them out. You're right about being proactive but having some permissions back up is key to protecting my pieces when I can't go off that turn. I've been blown out by a well-timed boardwipe too many times to let go of permissions. Do you happen to have a list?

August 8, 2018 9 a.m.

Andros240 says... #13

Hi Enral, thanks for the advice! I think I just have to realize that Karametra and Tuvasa are both enchantress decks but instead of beating face we are comboing off. Stax isn't my thing but I definitely like the pillow fort aspect of enchantress decks. I'll probably toss together a list and send it your way if you wouldn't mind reviewing it?

August 8, 2018 1:34 p.m.

Enral says... #14

Andros240: Sure just post your list here and I'll take a look.

August 8, 2018 5:25 p.m.

DrewReaLee says... #15

Enral I should have my final list up in a few days. I need to wait to see how many cards from the pre-con I am running. Currently I'm testing an infinite mana combo with Kiora's Follower, Voyaging Satyr and Freed from the Real with lands that have Fertile Ground type enchantments attached to them. I may even cut Omniscience because of its awkward casting cost and I don't have a Rector of my own.

And you're absolutely right that you need some protection against Merciless Eviction. I may run a Mana Drain or Counterspell to protect versus sweepers, but there isn't enough slots for a dedicated counter suite. I don't want to drop my enchantment level too low as currently I think I'm running like 40+ enchantments since the enchantresses are my primary way to draw in the deck.

Also I highly recommend Clever Impersonator.

August 8, 2018 8:38 p.m.

Enral says... #16

DrewReaLee: Clever Impersonator is a great suggestion, I'll definitely add him into my list.

August 12, 2018 9:56 p.m.

mikazukyuun says... #17

Hi there, good primer here

if you dont mind, i need to ask a couple of things since i dont have most old stuffs or higher priced one due to being rather new ^^ What are your opinion about Adding Monastery Siege ,Altered Ego and Curator's Ward

if anything i'd appreciate any input for alternatives that can be found in more recent set, started playing commander recently, but have played MtG in general since RTR block ^^

August 13, 2018 8:30 a.m.

Enral says... #18

mikazukyuun: It really depends on the direction you wanna take Tuvasa (combo, enchantment goodstuff, or aura voltron?). I don't think they are bad additions but maybe Altered Ego could be Clever Impersonator unless you want more clones? Regarding the more expensive cards, Replenish can be substituted with Open the Vaults. Treachery can be replaced with Corrupted Conscience/Take Possession.

August 13, 2018 8:52 a.m.

mikazukyuun says... #19

Enral i guess since my meta is filled with creature heavy aggro, i'm looking for ways to be able to survive a bit by going enchantment good stuffs, and probably semi stax previously, my enchantress deck is GW Karametra, but i'm a bit bad when it comes to adding color and making cuts Karametra Enchantress it'd be a huge help if you can suggest things based on first these list and precons sorry for the trouble

August 13, 2018 8:57 a.m.

Enral says... #20

mikazukyuun: I've left my suggestions on your page. Cheers.

August 13, 2018 10:19 a.m.

jiebie says... #21


I’m working on tuvasa too and have similar concepts (like approach of the second sun as a wincon). What I noticed is that, with tuvasa in the command zone, I ‘d rather get rid of the 3-mana enchantresses to play more reliable sources of draw in the form of enchantments. Like kumena’s awakening or rhystic study. Did you consider this?

August 14, 2018 7:57 a.m.

Enral says... #22

jiebie: Hi, this deck essentially needs enchantresses to win on the same turn I'm comboing off. Sometimes I chain into an extra enchantress which allows me to draw into more enchantments during that crucial turn. Rhystic Study is not needed from playtesting as this deck functions more as an enchantment-storm deck and is usually capable of winning the turn Omniscience or even Serra's Sanctum hits the field.

August 14, 2018 8:19 a.m.

jiebie says... #23

Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Despite sharing a lot of cards, we do play in a different way. I’m going for an enchantment control deck, with a slow win condition. For instance, I intend to use Arcane Laboratory which would be quite a nonbo in your list. I prefer card drawers that will not die to my own wraths, while using every possible enchantress is logical in your case. I’ll post my deck soon, hopefully you’ll be able to look at it and share some ideas.

Good job on the deck !

August 14, 2018 8:45 a.m.

Enral says... #24

jiebie: For sure, just post the link here or something and I'll take a quick look. Thanks!

August 14, 2018 9:03 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #25

I love everything about this. +1

I am thinking of building my enchantress similarly to this but with some Enchanted Evening based win conditions.

August 15, 2018 10:06 a.m.

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