Embermaw Hellion Is expensive but mana does it break tremors and Purph
July 19, 2015 5:46 p.m.
I've been thinking about this for about two weeks, congrats for giving it a form. :D
July 19, 2015 8:33 p.m.
ouch.nicekick says... #8
I would try out Monastery Mentor. He will give you a prowess monk with every non-creature spell. Valorous Stance and Rending Volley are better removal than Roast IMO. The Stance hits Stupid Rhino and the Volley hits Ojutai when it attacks. I have a similar deck myself, but I splash a little green for Atarka's Command. I don't know what I'll do come October though...
July 21, 2015 4:32 p.m.
heres my purphoros win con deck, i really like purph as a way to win, but i hate having to take a turn off from pressuring my opponent to cast him. I went 4-colors instead, with no red, and use Rally the Ancestors to bring purph back from the GY for lethel turn 6. check it out
Competitive Rally-Purphoros Combo Playtest
July 21, 2015 8:09 p.m.
Balefire Liege definitely has a place in the maybeboard.
Curchanus says... #1
You need to sideboard enchantment hate. Virulent Plague would really make you an unhappy camper. Luckily, you run white, so there are plenty of options for that.
July 15, 2015 1:03 p.m.