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UB Faeries





Welcome to the UB Fae, a primarily control deck with the occasional capability to win out of nowhere.

The deck originated from its time in standard, where 4/4 flyers at instant speed for 4 cmc could be unbeatable. The faeries would control the game until it could take all of its value and take the game.

However, that was then and in modern, things are a lot faster. U/B Faeries in modern can only survive as a control shell with midrange aspects, and therefore adopts more control into its strategy.

Core cards

  • Bitterblossom -This card is one of the most powerful engines printed. At the cost of one life per turn, this card gives you a 1/1 flying faerie. These guys serve 3 main purposes: Chump block, swarm of flying damage, and Spellstutter Sprite count. They can also hold swords, trade in large numbers for bigger dudes, helpful in recovering after a Damnation and only die when Engineered Explosives is set to 0(which is almost never is).

  • Inquisition of Kozilek/Thoughtseize -These two cards are some of your most powerful turn one plays. Not only do they 1 for 1, but the information gained allows you to determine your future plans like when to hold up counter magic. The ability to pick your opponents hand apart is very strong in the modern meta, due to its heavy control and combo meta, and even aganinst aggro decks being able to take their Goblin Guide and force them to use a Lightning Bolt turn one will give you alot of health that you wouldn't have in the next few turns.

  • Spellstutter Sprite -One of the most iconic cards, it represents faeries' playstyle. It's both reducing the opponents tempo and furthering your own, and it doesn't become less good as the game progresses. It's noteable that Mutavault can tap, use the colorless mana it produced to animate itself and add another faerie to your faerie count.

  • Mistbind Clique -If successful, a solid mistbind will seal a game out. It's a wall against aggro and stops control by forcing them to tap lands to stop Clique or get their lands tapped by his effect. Also enables you to stop Bitterblossom from killing you

  • Vendilion Clique -Flashed in during draw step allows you to make sure their hand is generally weaker. You use it to ensure that their hand has nothing you can't deal with. Also can come down during combat, Bolt an attacker, and ensure you can deal with anything in their hand.


  • Mana Leak -Early game can stop stuff but late game they generally play at least 3 off curve so they can get away with it.

  • Cryptic Command -I have it here in counters because you get a Time Walk if you time it right, but it's other modes ensure alot of value no matter how you use it. Although the meta has gotten alot faster so if you draw too many of these it can lose its potential. I tend to run 3

  • Countersquall -It's a small tempo play. Basically negate but our manabase let's us hit this consistently turn 2

  • Dispel -Counter wars. Ez $. But seriously, paying U to counter anything is awesome, so when you know it will find targets it will help immensely. V.S. another deck with counters, it allows you to turn an land drop ahead into a huge value swing


  • Go for the Throat -Between Doom Blade there are more "must kill" creatures in black than in artifact. Plus, Spellskite can't redirect this spell to itself because it's targeting condition keeps it from happening.

  • Dismember -GG Gods. Seriously is good, kills almost everything and can do it turn 1.

  • Murderous Cut -A Murder for one black late game. Only one because of diminishing returns though.

  • Disfigure -One of in the side board, it helps against decks that have creatures you must remove early (Delver of Secrets, Glistener Elf, Etc)


  • Tasigur, the Golden Fang -Can be cast for B, and has an activated ability that gives you gas. Big enough body to fight on the ground and seal out games when you've stabalized. Because we only run 4 fetches and part of our counter magic is Spellstutter Sprite you may find he doesn't come out very quickly

  • Snapcaster Mage -Small body, can kill x/2 or less guys during combat, and allows reuse of counters and kill spells. Very important to the deck.

We also have our manlands, which I chose to include here because of their use beyond mana.

  • Creeping Tar Pit -a slightly better version of Insectile Aberration   in terms of body, it chips in damage late game and can be a blocker on defense, enabling a bolt on an attacker. It also can't be killed on our opponents turn when we attack with it, which makes it a lot safer to animate and swing with. If attacking, it costs 4 mana (3 to activate, one from the opportunity cost of tapping tar pit)

  • Mutavault -a very versatile, well rounded creature. It lacks evasion, but can contribute to our Faerie count and can even tap for and activate its own ability to become a 2/2 tapped Faerie to increase Faerie count.


  • Sword of Feast and Famine -This card will help against attrition based strategies by taking away one card per combat step usually, and will enable you to extend your own cards by tapping out and untapping. Landing this card while stable will usually save you, and this+countermagic/removal will help stabalize.
  • Batterskull -Helps against aggro decks and BURN. Can be a guy on its own or thrown onto a faerie if it dies.

Tech cards

Because we're a control deck, we like to have cards that can really hose certain decks while still retain a bit of value across the board. We keep these in small numbers though.

  • Liliana of the Veil She can help put the game into topdeck mode, which is very valuable when our cards have a larger power level than our opponets on a per-card basis. She also negates many methods of negating our removal, such as Hexproof, Indestructible, Protection, by causing our opponents to sacrifice. Goodbye, slippery boggle

  • Jace Beleren While his ultimate may not win on the spot, his ability to draw us cards means a lot. Against decks like Jund, they have cards that are stronger per card, but lack decent synergy. Our cards, while weak on their own, get progressively stronger the more of our deck we hold in our hand. We can use his +2 to increase our hand and incrementally increase our quality against certain decks, or use his -1 to give us something personally. That choice is difficult but if done correctly will give a game winning advantage over the long game.

  • Grafdigger's Cage Adds grave hate to your deck, relevant against storm (Past in Flames) and the occasional Varolz, the Scar-Striped deck.

  • Hurkyl's Recall A hose against Affinity, and can also help in certain matchups where a problematic artifact must be stalled. I've used it to bounce a Wurmcoil Engine and then counter it next turn.

  • Spreading Seas Does wonders against tron and decks that like to have manlands. Unlike Ghost Quarter it does not cost us a card, and can mana screw our opponent occasionally.

  • Spellskite Helps against Infect, helps against Twin decks, helps against Boggles, and all around slows down decks that aim to interact with creatures. It has been a huge help against burn, often 2-for-1ing them by redirecting burn spells

  • Damnation/Engineered Explosives These cards might have been qualified as removal, but I find them much more situational. These cards aim to help against decks that try to win fast. They both aim to kill massive amounts of creatures, and a turn 4 Damnation can do a lot of work, but Engineered Explosives requires a bit more thought. A turn one Engineered Explosives set to 1 can help a lot against burn and zoo, and setting it to 0, 1, or 2 can help against affinity. You can blow up Ornithopter and Memnite and Mox Opal at 0, or a Vault Skirge and Cranial Plating at 2 to name a few uses.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 2 Mythic Rares

30 - 9 Rares

9 - 1 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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