How to Train Ur-Dragon

Commander / EDH flawlesscowboy


chaosumbreon87 says... #1

Have you ever considered the group hug route with rites of flurishing, helping everyone and having 1-2 dragon based combos to kill the table? cards like aggravated assault and hellkite charger can kill with assistance from mana dorks, savage ventmaw, bear umbra (sword of feast and famine when you can afford it).

September 12, 2017 6:19 p.m.

flawlesscowboy says... #2

I had never heard of Rites of Flourishing before, but that's a really cool card. I'm absolutely open to going for group hug effects to a certain degree, since I know "kill the guy with the dragons" is a pretty no-brainer call to make. If I can lower my threat profile, I'm happy to give that a shot!

September 12, 2017 6:27 p.m.

Abidingprism says... #3

Honestly, the name. Perfection.

September 13, 2017 6 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #4

Sorry for the late reply. I mean if you can show that youre toothless (obligotory reference) then people are shown to deal less damage to you unless winning on the spot. So if you can hold back and just wait a bunch (makes your commander relatively cheaper due to less threats from you) you can burst down the table. That or hellkite tyrant and steal their base

September 13, 2017 6:13 p.m.

flawlesscowboy says... #5

Hahaha, oh my god I didn't even think about Mycosynth Lattice and that dragon's ability. I'm absolutely going to have to run that once to see the looks on their faces, though I'll forever be their first target. Worth it, I think.

Currently I'm trying to determine whether or not I can cut to 37 or fewer lands to both bring my total below 100 cards again which would then allow me to have room for some additions. I'm still trying to determine which lands can be removed to accomplish that. While I think the conventional wisdom would say to start removing with Temples, I'm not sure that the Battle lands being fetchable (by only half of my land fetches) is more valuable than they scry effect a temple provides me.

I'm also not completely sure I have the correct sets of land for this deck either. I might get more mileage out of the filter lands (Lorwyn/Shadowmoor versions that provide various combinations, not the Odyssey style ones with a set combination) since I don't seem to have any trouble getting mana made in general for amounts three or less, but it may be safer to run the fast lands in case that's all I happen to see in an opening hand. It seems like the obvious place to start trimming is the lands though since I have more than what I see as the average especially counting alternative sources and fixers. Figuring out what can be removed is always the hardest part!

September 13, 2017 7:18 p.m.

It may just be me but why not Glorybringer? Good creature and removal

October 1, 2017 11:17 p.m.

flawlesscowboy says... #7

Haha, that card is really cool! I admit, despite my rah-rah dragons pep rally up in the description, I've actually not pulled a list of all the dragons ever printed. In my defense the last pack I opened was Onslaught and apparently Magic went and did a million cool things in my absence so I'm still catching up in some ways. I may have gotten a little too focused on my other projects, but that's a really choice dragon. Gonna find a spot for the new hotness right now.

October 2, 2017 12:03 a.m.

Sismir says... #8

Ihave only two things to say. everything that comes from you hand to the battlefield, should follow standart rules of "entering" another area/zone, through a DOOR/GATE so... Dragon Arch or Cryptic Gateway??Ps. i love the flavor of dragon arch

October 2, 2017 12:40 a.m.

flawlesscowboy says... #9

I didn't consider the flavor of Quicksilver Amulet versus the so aptly named DRAGON ARCH. The Amulet is still really good, but I have to run the doorway named after my patron saints. Adding it to my list.

October 2, 2017 12:48 a.m.

snotice says... #10

Hey flawlesscowboy,

Regarding your land base:

I know your running a casual five-color dragon deck, but I think in order to improve your efficiency, I would go one of two routes.

1.) Continue to have no basic lands and change out the original filter lands with the shard/wedge lands combination.


2.) Add up to 6 to 10 basics and along with a few of the check or tango lands.

I think this will help balance out your mana fixing and make that part of the deck less of an issue.

October 2, 2017 4:12 p.m.

snotice says... #11

This is a good site to help with the mana base building as well:
BUGRW mana fixing

October 2, 2017 4:15 p.m.

snotice that site is great, thanks! It's nice to have that reference instead of having to put one together freehand each time I want to check or build a base.

The times I've brought this deck out I haven't run into mana problems so far (between fixers and "now your mana counts as any mana!" cards I had something on hand when I needed it) which is mostly telling of how casual my regular group is, but I do want to keep improving it, and it's definitely option number two that I see as my goal. I do not ever anticipate nonbasic land hate from my regular folks, but I know it's out there so I would like to be prepared. My first go at a five color deck was when Domain was a thing and that required having one of each basic under your control so that's a familiar direction for me anyway.

Now that I've finally gotten to a place where I'm happy with the state of my other active decks I'm going to swing back around to this one and start work on the base again for sure, that link is definitely going to be useful for that!

October 2, 2017 4:40 p.m.

snotice says... #13

flawlesscowboy: Glad to help a fellow The Ur-Dragon deck builder! Glad to know your LGS is a lot less hostile. My group spends a good amount of invest into their decks, so I'm an easy target with a 10/10 flyer for 9 as a commander.

October 2, 2017 4:49 p.m. Edited.

Wow great name lol, wish I'd have thought of it! +1!

I'll have to come back later to look at the list in detail

October 2, 2017 7:56 p.m.

scooter36 says... #15

Just my opinion, but I like Scion of the Ur-Dragon as the commander for a dragon deck. Its easier to get out and can tutor for any dragon. Ur-Dragon is better in the 99, just my opinion though.

Also, the Vizier you have in the deck, I think could be replaced with another dragon.

I also like Cascading Cataracts in the main deck.

October 2, 2017 10:43 p.m.

scooter36 Scion is definitely the more competitive commander for dragons with a tutor effect that allows reanimation tricks to avoid the two most difficult parts of playing dragon tribal: finding the one you want, and figuring out how to pay for it. Were I running this in a more difficult/competitive (take your pick of adjectives here) meta I would probably run either him or Ramos in the Commander slot.

I've considered replacing the Vizier several times, and have actually replaced him in a few of those instances, but I always come back because in a deck that I'm trying to push towards such a heavy (and expensive) creature focus having him out on the board is effectively giving me hand size +1, negates colors in my mana pool, ties with Fist of Suns to allow me to pay 5 of anything to drop Ur-Dragon, and if not dealt with says, effectively, "your deck is capped at 5 mana cost where creatures are concerned." If this weren't such a heavily creature-centric tribe and deck it wouldn't be as good in my experience, but it works for me. As always YMMV.

I liked Cascading Cataracts as well as a concept, but in practice between so many dual lands, Prismatic Omen, Fist, Vizier, and other mana cost replacement or mana fixing effects I just never really needed it. I may bring it back eventually, but it seems unlikely for me.

October 3, 2017 12:37 a.m.

My favorite dragon overall is Thundermaw Hellkite. Not only is a 5/5 flying haste for 5 a solid deal, but tapping down every flying would-be-blocker is ridiculous. Skyline Despot also really powerful and has awesome art (yes it's wearing armor).

Also a fan of Scalelord Reckoner, Crucible of Fire and Haven of the Spirit Dragon. Balefire Dragon is another fat fatty you may enjoy.

October 3, 2017 1:23 a.m.

Jimmy_Chinchila I... I swear there was a Balefire Dragon in the list and I'm wondering wtf happened to it now, and as soon as I can find it I'll bring it back.

I had the Reckoner in there for a long time and only ended up removing it because while I liked the rattlesnake effect I needed room for more active removal of permanents, and it was technically filling that role in a way. This was several iterations back IIRC, and right now I'm trying to decide if I want to bring him back in or some other large white dragon. (I would like to try to get a "tiamat" cycle of five dragons, one of each color if I can find some candidates I like!)

I ended up cutting Crucible of Fire because, well, I only wanted the dragons that had bodies to begin with and so I never felt like the three additional power or toughness was taking me from "not winning" to "winning" but rather from "winning" to "plus size winning."

I really like Skyline Despot! I should see if I can get a stronger "Dragons who make dragon tokens" theme going and slot in Parallel Lives to really make that a problem on the board. Time for more research...

October 3, 2017 5:48 a.m.

Balefire is there, I just can't read.

October 3, 2017 6:19 a.m.

Skywatch says... #20

I love the movie/books that you named your deck after. They are awesome.

October 6, 2017 1:58 p.m.

Sionmon says... #21

Upvoted , just for the pun

October 6, 2017 8:09 p.m.

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