Shatter Bros

Commander / EDH Artemis_Swift


aznb01777 says... #1

you should run a Rancor for continuous enchantment sacrifice fuel and a Spine of Ish Sah , btw check out my version of shattergang Shattering Shenanigans , 1+ for being a shattergang player also

October 13, 2014 8:02 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #2

aznb01777Made a few changes, gonna make more as the days go by attmepting to streamline what I want from the deck. The win cons are a huge Dragon Throne of Tarkir Overrun effect and another are the X cost spells I have, mostly Comet Storm and Comet Storm .

October 14, 2014 7:05 a.m.

aznb01777 says... #3

you don't run a lot of creature to get Domri Rade 1st ability, Altar of the Brood doesn't seem to fit your streamline win con, since you want to focus on x spells and you sacrifice a lot, you should consider getting a Black Market , and lastly Coat of Arms is a good card but u are set on a single creature type, I think Beastmaster Ascension would be cheaper and benefit u more also there is no downside when u play against a tribal deck where they would benefit from your coat of arms

October 14, 2014 8:53 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #4

True, Altar of the Brood is mostly to have some form of mill. I don't play against a lot of reanimation decks in my playgroups. I do like Beastmaster Ascension , it might replace Coat of Arms if it becomes too much trouble with other decks. I didn't realize the coat affected all creatures. Black Market , oh yeah, need one of those. I cut Doomgape for a RUne-scarred Demon, a decent body and a tutor effect all in one.

October 14, 2014 5 p.m.
October 19, 2014 9:47 p.m.

nayrash5 says... #6

Sylvan Library and Necropotence are both very good card draw options in your colors, Phyrexian Arena is cheeper then Library, and is also pretty good.

October 21, 2014 5:53 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #7

@Chargingbadgerrrrrrrr Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is good, but doesn't really fit the theme of this deck, even though she does tutor. I do have a copy of her in my collection, so I can test her out eventually.

@nayrash5 I do need card draw, so far it's only Skullclamp and Dark Prophecy . I do plan on making space for draw engines such as Phyrexian Arena , I didn't think of Sylvan Library TBH.

October 21, 2014 8:09 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #8

Hammer of Purphoros ~ Get an enchantment artifact creature.

October 23, 2014 8:35 a.m.

Cool deck! I found Necrogenesis to be quite a bit better than Night Soil . Check out my deck for some ideas, I already saw a few good ideas in here to add in mine. The Capitol of Thailand

October 23, 2014 9:49 p.m.

caesarsalad77 says... #10

Always love to see a Shattergang deck. Mine went more goblin heavy than yours, but I've got some non-Goblin stuff in there too. I can't suggest Mitotic Slime or Purphoros, God of the Forge hard enough.

October 24, 2014 2:02 a.m.

Nifty fact of the day:Hammer of Purphoros makes artifact enchantment creature tokens, and Shatter Bros loves that shit.HOLY VERSATILITY BATMANS

October 24, 2014 10:55 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #12

I am torn between the two Necrogenesis does offer better chances since it's only one creature, but it does cost a bit more than Night Soil . I will end up getting both to test them out.

Yes, Purphoros, God of the Forge should be in this deck, but what to take out?

The thing about Hammer of Purphoros ' ability is that you have to sac a land. I don't like that.

October 25, 2014 10:01 p.m.

nnewbury9469 says... #13

Pharika, God of Affliction and Momentous Fall could both be good here for card advantage and grave tech.

October 30, 2014 10:46 p.m.

SaberTech says... #14

I've found Awakening Zone to be a strong support card in my Shattergang Brothers deck. The tokens mana ramp and interact well with a number of other cards in the deck. If nothing else, it gives you a free creature every turn to sacrifice.

November 2, 2014 6:09 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #15

@nnewbury9469 I do like Momentous Fall and Pharika, God of Affliction , I might add them in later testing.

@SaberTech I also like that card, will need to find a place for it.

November 2, 2014 11:01 a.m.

SomeDipshit says... #16

Fallen Ideal is a god inclusion for this deck:

Low devotion to B, Rancor Recursion Clause, evasive pumping to commander (or other creature)

November 3, 2014 11:40 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #17

@illumfolly I will look into including Fallen Ideal , right now I am looking at ways of increasing my card draw and advantage. Currently, thinking of adding in Demonic Tutor in okace of something but I don't know what right now.

November 3, 2014 2:46 p.m.

carpecanum says... #18

Each color has at least 3 enchantments like Rancor and Fallen Ideal that return to your hand instead of graveyard, although Sluggishness is the only other jund color enchantment like that i can think of right now.

Thopter Assembly will provide (possibly) infinite artifact/creatures and could replace the Myr Battlesphere .

Heartstone helps your boss sac things and you have a few other creatures (like the Ant Queen ) that would also benefit.

November 4, 2014 2:41 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #19

@phantomsts It's right here, still in the pre-bought stages.

November 5, 2014 12:01 p.m.

Solayeth says... #20

if you want you can take a look at my shatergang bros. deck I've had it for a while who knows you might find some good ideas in it I've worked on mine for a while and it has gotten really consistent

November 13, 2014 10:09 p.m.

Solayeth says... #21

mbentley6 a good card for grave recursion that also causes your opponent to sac is Sheoldred, Whispering One Grave Pact Mikaeus, the Unhallowed

November 13, 2014 10:22 p.m.

NigelOBody says... #22

I currently am also running a shattergang bros control deck, though with more of a reanimator win-con, and have found some of these cards very useful:

  • Grave Betrayal. This card is great at closing out the game as the ability to steal your opponents creatures when they die creates endless fuel for the bros. If played right this card can some times become a pseudo Insurrection allowing you to permanently steal all of your opponents best creatures. Ogre Slumlord also provides a similar effect as the betrayal with the advantage to create early deathtouch creatures if necessary.

  • Hammer of Purphoros is a staple for this archetype as it produces the only artefact creature enchantment creature, allowing it to be sacrificed for any one of the bros mode. It is also a strict upgrade to the Fervor so it can easily find a deck slot.

  • Sheoldred, Whispering One + Sidisi, Undead Vizier is a very powerful tutor combo that allows you to always hold an answer for whatever matchup you face.

  • Courser of Kruphix is a powerful card in this archetype as it provides creature and enchantment destruction with the bros as well as fixing your draws and providing you with a small life boost to keep you in the game longer against aggressive decks.

  • I would also include the Mirridon artefact lands (Great Furnace, Tree of Tales, Vault of Whispers as bonus artefact destruction.

  • Eternal Witness is a green commander staple. I also like to run her less know big brother Charnelhoard Wurm for more recursion.

  • One of this deck's worst match-ups is tokens as it can become incredibly hard to control their board. I have found that Archfiend of Depravity can solve this problem nicely as well as being decent against other decks.

  • Another fairly bad match-up can be reanimator decks. Though we can usually keeps their bombs under control some hate is still very useful. I personally use Bojuka Bog, Agent of Erebos, and Coffin Queen to name a few.

However, even without these inclusions this is still a sweet deck. I have yet to upload my shattergang bros deck to Tappedout but I'll link it when I do if you want to view another version of the deck. +1

July 24, 2015 8:07 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #23

@NigelOBody - Thanks for the ideas! I didn't even think of adding the Courser of Kruphix as a potential double sac outlet. It's abilities will work nicely as well and I happen to have a copy of it in my binder. my only problem with Hammer of Purphoros is the land saccing, but with Charnelhoard Wurm out that won't be much of a problem.

July 25, 2015 7:11 p.m.

Tangerinefox says... #24

Ever thought of Zealous Conscripts ? Or similar red steal effects. (Zealous would also combo with Kiki-Jiki)

Think of this though, Conscripts someone's biggest threat, attack with it, use the bro's sac outlet to be super cheeky

July 25, 2015 10:15 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #25

Someone may have mentioned him in the past, but I think Solemn Simulacrum would be great in this deck. He counts as both artifact and creature and you profit off of his death, and he has built in ramp.

July 26, 2015 1:37 p.m.

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