Weenie Hut Jr. [Mono White Devotion]

Standard lll_PANIC_lll


TheRedDude says... #1

whats that 2 mana gods willing that gives a +1/+1 counter?

October 13, 2014 9:06 p.m.

sheepgotnolove says... #2

October 13, 2014 9:06 p.m.

TheRedDude says... #3

Why is everything bold here?

October 13, 2014 9:07 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #4

TheRedDude it's called Feat of Resistance . I tried it out, but it just doesn't beat the 1CMC. If I made room I could see adding it in.

sheepgotnolove the 1CMC creatures need to be multi dimensional. The Hoplite was a big maybe to me, but when I tested with Herald he seemed to put more pressure on the board. I want my opponents to use up all their available control and spot removal on early turn casts so I have more wiggle room for my bigger threats. Definitely wish I had more room for him though haha.

October 13, 2014 9:16 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #5

It was meant to separate the description and the card breakdown so I could differentiate better. Haha.

October 13, 2014 9:18 p.m.

mriddell says... #6

Is twenty lands really enough?

October 14, 2014 7:38 p.m.

TheRedDude says... #7

Considering 17 lands is enough to get 2-3 mana almost every game, and even 4-5 sometimes, yes it is.

October 14, 2014 7:41 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #8

mriddell The meta is full of midrange decks. Mono colored decks in this format require fast paced threat placement. If you are top decking land after the 5th or 6th drop can easily lose you the game.

October 14, 2014 8:12 p.m.

Ghengys says... #9

Ever consider Akroan Horse ? I was very skeptical of it at first, until I watched it work the other day in a draft game. Wont do much for your devotion, but it'll help keep those soldiers flowing.

October 15, 2014 9:40 a.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #10

Ghengys I like the Bitterblossom effect and have thought about adding cards like Akroan Horse , First Response , or even Evangel of Heliod . None seemed to really work in the deck however, because it tends to be an effect you want early in the game so you can benefit more from it to gain early board control. All three options have a heavy casting cost. I found that Evangel of Heliod ended up being a win con, but one that only worked if my opponents didn't have mass removal in their hands by the next turn. Otherwise they would all be toast. Maybe there might be room in the deck as a one-of, but I would rather pull an Elspeth, Sun's Champion than the evangel. Also with the horse, you have to worry about Erase and cards like that, which I have no protection from. It may have been viable in sealed because no one he played had answers for the random powerhouse artifact. It does seem like it could be a huge threat in sealed though!! Thanks for the suggestion.

October 15, 2014 7:49 p.m.

mogee says... #11

+1 for mono-white

I would drop the Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . I also think this deck would benefit from Nyx-Fleece Ram and Ajani's Pridemate , they make a nice synergy. Spectra Ward is very expensive. You may be better off using Gods Willing instead.

November 2, 2014 6:45 p.m.

ZBRMusic says... #12

Have you considered swapping Ephemeral Shields with Ajani's Presence ? It may not have convoke, but it does give your creature an additional +1/+1

November 2, 2014 7:34 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #13


The Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ramps me into my wincons a turn or two early, sometimes granting me a lot of freedom to resolve two huge threats down on the same turn. The ram is great with the pridemate. If I find room for those two card slots I will keep this in mind! I use Spectra Ward to increase my devotion and because the second it resolves it makes the creature it enchants a very dangerous unlockable threat. I do use gods willing as well.

I love Ajani's Presence but in this deck, having convoke is more important than saving more than one creature from a board wipe or removal.

November 2, 2014 8:58 p.m.

fryiee says... #14

How would you deal with Stormbreath in this deck?

November 3, 2014 1:13 a.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #16

I rely on Elspeth, Sun's Champion and her -4. I was also considering sideboarding End Hostilities or Mass Calcify . I realized that Phyrexian Revoker was more use, as he can stop monstrosity on the Dragon and on Fleecemane Lion in case I run into any of that nonsense.

November 3, 2014 3:58 a.m.

This makes me wanna brew Super Weenie Hut Jr.

November 3, 2014 8:03 p.m.

a great way to deal with Stormbreath Dragon is to keep it on defense. Eidolon of Countless Battles is a great way to do this with your multitude of creatures

November 4, 2014 noon

Leonheart210 says... #19

I am very happy to see someone is still working on a mono white devotion deck, I'm still working in gathering the cards needed for my build. I was wondering how the aegis of God was really helping or not? Also godsend is such a sweet card but how does it play? I like your build a lot. Would love to here how it's all actually playing out.

Also what I was thinking was a more mid-late range with both lagonna and nyx fleece to just build and make the later pain come around. A bit slower but against a heavy agro/creature deck it may work out better

November 4, 2014 2:13 p.m.

Wolfninja says... #20

Soldier of the Pantheon is a solid card and Aegis of the Gods is better suited for the Sideboard, so I recommend -4 Aegis and +4 Soldier.

November 4, 2014 7:24 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #21

@selesvyaloverer8:The Eidolon is something have been considering but ultimately, cut it out in favor of brimaz and the one copy of Godsend , which can be a real threat on its own. I may have to definitely check this out since I have 4 copies just chilling in my trade binder haha.

Ever since I saw the lists for khans, I knew I wanted to do mono white. I wanted it to be very creature heavy, but still wanted answers and control aspects to contend with some of the bigger threats and board wipes since Brave the Elements was gone. ----- The Aegis of the Gods is awesome! I can't recommend it enough. I see so much red played in my meta that it is an auto 4x. I found it important to have it in your opening hand though. Hand disruption can be a nightmare for this deck early on. This is why I have a full set. It does end up becoming a dead draw against every deck that doesn't play red.... hasn't ever been an issue before though, since all it does is add another pressure point to the board. ------ Godsend can be a real game winner. I wish it made sense running 2 or even 3 of these because I would if I could! It takes care of aggro, putting them into a defensive position. Most aggro can't do this! It can also make reanimation or delve a real flop! It can stall control if I attach this to my Wingmate Roc , rendering their Prognostic Sphinx useless as well. ----- midrange isn't a bad place to be at all with mono white. That's actually how mine tends to curve out. I want board presence and chump blocks ease my game and mid game ramp out with nykthos for elspeth or wingmate.

Agreed. My meta is full of rdw, jeskai, and r/g devotion. So keeping them in works for me, obviously if you play more green aggro or azban I would say, play the soldier instead. I might still consider this because there isn't a lot this deck does on turn one...!

November 4, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Maximus87 says... #22

This is the best weenie deck I have seen, how are your current wins?.... Looks a bit expensive to build though :-(Looks really well balanced. ...

November 5, 2014 11:44 a.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #23

This deck fairs really well against Jeskai and Azban builds. It falls into a tight race with American control if you can't resolve a Spectra Ward early enough. It has some bumps when I play against RDW or against someone running r/g devotion. This is mainly due to Stormbreath Dragon there are plenty of ways around him though in the 75. Having some sort of life gain is necessary in order to stabilize against direct burn as well.

The real issue is that as a mono colored build, you don't have access to a ton of ramp, so sometimes you need to be aggressive with your mulligans. This deck can still win with a hand of 5 to start.

The cost is pretty high. Unfortunately, you need to put your opponent on the defense and the best way to do that is with cards like Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Wingmate Roc. Giving your opponent control of the board limits your chances to win. Wedge decks will have a larger pool of cards to pick from so accessing the best cards white has to offer is necessary.

November 5, 2014 1:43 p.m.

cletus008 says... #24

I'd drop two Nythkos. You can only play 1 at a time, so having 4 will screw you out of mana sometimes. Drop 1 Elspeth and 1 Wingmate. Consider Favored Hoplite and Ajani's Presence (+1+1, indestructible AND strive? you gotta do it). Aegis is weak because it'll get zapped very quickly. Spectra Ward should be down 1 because it is too expensive, unless you include a Hero of Iroas (Hero of Iroas + Eidolon of Countless Battles = MONEY). Spear of Heliod would be excellent here. Also, Hall of Triumph. Don't forget that Godsend can exile a Stormbreath Dragon. Brimaz + Godsend = Almost Magical Christmas Land.

November 5, 2014 2:51 p.m.

kvttrs says... #25

i'd throw out Spectra Ward and add in Soldier of the Pantheon. I feel Spectra Ward is more of a casual player's card. Even (1) Wingmate Roc would be a better choice. I'd also throw out Godsend, it takes too long to set-up. An equip isn't always guaranteed.

November 5, 2014 7:29 p.m.

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