
Credit goes to Shaper, and Sleepy for doing most of the work. Here is a more budget version of Paradox Scepter. This build exchanges some dorks for a few more rocks. This helps smooth out nauses and such. As wheels aren't as common, I cut notion thief for another cantrip, finding that without twister thief is pretty wonky. Opt is the most suspect card in the list, with such high counter density I cut counterspell so I could play impulse as it offers strong dig and can be helpful on combo turns. Thanks


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96% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors R
Splash colors WURG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.71
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C
Ignored suggestions
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