

Jund is infamous for being an expensive archetype in modern. Though very powerful, your wallet will often cry out in pain. Today, i will see if Jund can be viable on a budget.

We run 13 creatures: three copies of Asylum Visitor, a playset of Bloodhall Ooze, and three Scavenging Ooze. The visitor works well with the amount of hand disruption we will be doing, drawing us cards for when the opponent has no cards in hand. Bloodhall Ooze is out threat, our cheaper Tarmogoyf, acting as our big threat to our opponent's life total. Scavenging Ooze is our graveyard disrupter, taking out keep pieces of opponent's graveyards and lowering the power of the infamous Tarmogoyf. Bloodbraid Elf is the largest CMC card we have, allowing us to cascade into any spell in our deck.

Duress and Lay Bare the Heart are our hand disruption spells. Control and removal heavy decks are a problem for us, as we rely on big threats to keep the game going. Hand disruption is key to get rid of those problems such as counterspells or removal cards, to ensure we keep a steady grip on the game.

Maelstrom Pulse, Fatal Push, and Terminate are our removal spells. Removal is key. Fatal Push can get rid of little bitty chump blockers, while Terminate can remove the opponent's biggest threat. Maelstrom Pulse is a boardwipe, helping against token style decks, or multiple of the same threat our opponent has in play. Blightning fills both the removal role and the discarding role, hitting for damage to a player, and forcing them to discard cards when we do. Lightning Bolt is a classic removal spell, helping us in a variety of situations. Stopping attackers, putting in extra damage, killing an early Goyf, this little bolt has is covered.

Our Liliana of the Veil is Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. She helps us get back any of the spells in our deck, and in emergency situations can help create blockers for free.

So in conclusion, Jund CAN be made on a budget. Any modern deck can be budget if you find good alternatives. I plan to upgrade this over the course of high school, so I have the optimal deck when I graduate. Any suggestions would be great.

My Sideboard

Adventure Awaits: This is a card I am looking at to search up my Bloodhall Ooze and Bloodbraid Elf. I would replace Lay Bare the Heart for this card for a more aggressive, creature based deck.

Sentinel Totem: This card is deigned to combat graveyard strategy decks. I would replace Lay Bare the Heart for this card, as it fuels the graveyard. This card also can kill the Goyf, which is always something I want to do.

Biting-Palm Ninja: We'll swap this for Scavenging Ooze, in the event we want to run a more discard heavy deck.


Updates Add

Swapped out the Vraska, Golgari Queen for Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. I realized that sacrificing creatures is not what we want to be doing, and Chandra can provide tokens and recast powerful removal spells. Plus, it can come down earlier than Vraska, and can be cascaded into with Bloodbraid Elf. All around, I feel this card is superior to Vraska.


95% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 8 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.16
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
Folders Modern
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