
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."
- Daghatar the Adamant

The Commander

A siege is defined as a military blockade of a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by attrition or assault. This deck was made with that theme in mind and is quite a lot of fun to play. I'm using Daghatar the Adamant as my Commander over Ghave, Guru of Spores, mainly for flavor. Yes, his ability is too expensive, and frankly not as powerful as Ghave's. However, Daghatar does have a few points in his favor. His lower and less specific CMC allows him to be cast more easily. Also his natural Vigilance means he can be more aggressive than Ghave. He is still able to move +1/+1 counters around, can steal counters from your opponents creatures and still benefits from Doubling Season and Corpsejack Menace. I'll take a 16/16 Commander with Vigilance any day.

Daghatar's War Council

Anafenza, the Foremost lives up to her reputation on the battlefield. She fights out front and inspires the troops while making sure her enemies never come back for another beating.

Mikaeus, the Lunarch hangs back and readies the siege engines to ensure a successful assault. He is able to power up the entire army very quickly. He - like most everything in this deck - can get quite out of hand when supported by Corpsejack Menace and Doubling Season. Even though he avoids the front lines, Mikaeus is incredibly vulnerable to removal. Thankfully, we have very dependable reinforcements to protect the troops and offer backup where needed.

Mother of Runes is unquestionably one of the best 1 Drop Creatures in the game and has justifiably earned her place on the War Council. She and her reinforcements offer very cheap yet dependable protection for your army. Her protection can even lead to a swift end via Commander Damage.

Gaddock Teeg is our tactical leader because there is no one better for sabotaging the opponent's plans. Yes, he also affects you; however, our troops are capable enough on their own even without the extra buffs from the few more expensive enchantments in our arsenal. Gaddock saves the Troops from board wipes, kills combos, and is just an all around thorn in the opponent's side.

Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker does all the negotiating. Needless to say, they can be slightly aggressive if an opponent gets too pushy.

Ghave, Guru of Spores really is a power house when he's left to his own devices. Ghave is in charge of breaking through the enemy defenses simply because he can get so out of hand late game that you can win with simple brute force and little else.

The Troops
This is the main fighting force. These hearty creatures will develop on their own while in the thick of the action. They are all capable of generating counters for themselves or doing great things once they can get some placed on them. The Troops will Outlast most other creatures and Bolster each other up when things get tough. They are:

Warden of the First Tree · Scute Mob · Kavu Predator · Bramblewood Paragon · Scavenging Ooze · Shinewend · Ainok Bond-Kin · Tuskguard Captain · Abzan Falconer · Gideon's Avenger · Champion of Lambholt · High Sentinels of Arashin · Abzan Battle Priest · Longshot Squad · Mer-Ek Nightblade ·Elite Scaleguard ·Archangel of Thune ·Phytohydra · Ivorytusk Fortress

Siege Engines
These are the the cards that can quickly get out of hand if left unchecked and can easily build up your army into a force to be reckoned with. They are:

Hardened Scales · Solidarity of Heroes · Forgotten Ancient · Corpsejack Menace · Doubling Season · Kalonian Hydra · Cathars' Crusade · Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

These cards keep us and our army safe, bring more troops into the fight or are just all-around life savers. They are:

Lightning Greaves · Spirit Bonds · Golgari Charm · Green Sun's Zenith · Hindervines · Abzan Ascendancy · Sporeback Troll · Asceticism · Shamanic Revelation · Vigor

Spot removal and more, these are the cards that ruin opponents' plans and otherwise help the siege progress. They are:

Retribution of the Ancients · Brave the Sands · Oblation · Bow of Nylea · Abzan Charm · Austere Command · Ready / Willing

Every good siege at least starts with some proper negotiating. Of course, everyone knows that negotiations are only meant to stall for time until you can crush your opponents, but hey, at least we can say we tried. The cards are:

Blind Obedience · Peacekeeper · Ghostly Prison · Curse of Predation · Tempt with Glory

Breaking Down the Gates
The greatest part of any siege is that moment when your opponents lose all hope and their walls of safety come crashing down around them. The primary win conditions are:

Triumph of the Hordes · Siege Behemoth · Duneblast

The worst thing that can happen to an army at siege is to run out of supplies.These cards are here to ensure that we always have mana to spend or are Lands that give a little extra to the cause. They are:

Sol Ring · Gyre Sage · Chromatic Lantern · Frontier Siege · Mirari's Wake · Llanowar Reborn · Oran-Rief, the Vastwood · Gavony Township · Yavimaya Hollow · Gaea's Cradle

Thanks for taking the time to look at my deck. I'm open to any and all feedback and constructive criticisms. Any suggestions, comments, and +1's are appreciated!


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(4 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #52 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.31
Tokens Saproling 1/1 G
Folders junk counters, a, EDH/Commander, 121196, EDH, Watch, EDH, commander decks of interest, Commander, w3
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