Scarab Hero

Pioneer BanoMD


Pabs4444 says... #1

The idea of the deck seems really cool. I do have a few suggestions, though. Detention Sphere does not seem all that good when you are wanting to kill creatures and be able to bring them back with scarab god. Alog those lines, I'd recommend creatures that have good etb triggers like Hostage Taker. You have a few, but I'd probably cut something like Lich for Fatal Push. Also, some sweepers in the SB may be good. I know you want to go wide with Hero, but there are decks that can just go under you. Best of luck with the deck!

February 16, 2020 10:56 a.m.

BanoMD says... #2


Hmmm... I hadn’t considered the poor interaction between Detention Sphere and The Scarab God. I like that suggestion. Thoughts on trimming the Spheres for Fatal Push? Likewise, can trim the Spheres from the SB for Supreme Verdict... I was on the fence between those two anyways.

I was toying with Hostage Taker as well. I’ll have to do some play-testing.

February 16, 2020 11:07 a.m.

Pabs4444 says... #3

It depends on what seems to be bad match ups. Deck seems weak to Inverter and Breach decks overall which is an issue as they are the top decks at the moment. You could possibly have Time Wipe to save one of your creatures, Cry of the Carnarium, to clear the board of small creatures that you wouldn't want to bring back anyway, or just the typical Supreme Verdict. Idk if it's good in this deck, but a 1 of Erebos's Intervention may be good hate against Breach decks while also being a source of lifegain against creature based decks. I definitely like trimming Sphere's for Push. One positive Sphere does have in the Sb at least is that it deals with a wide range of permanents. Actually, Deputy of Detention seems almost strictly better in this deck. It is a creature that can get brought back with Scarab God and can deal with the same annoying permanents that Sphere can.

February 16, 2020 11:24 a.m.

BanoMD says... #4


I appreciate all your input. I’ll have to think on some of this stuff for a bit. I love Deputy of Detention and Time Wipe as cards. I also just got my playset of Erebos's Intervention yesterday, so maybe a 1-2 of that would help.

I just made this deck the other day, I haven’t even played it yet. You gave me a lot of really great suggestions. Thank you!

February 16, 2020 11:38 a.m.

Pabs4444 says... #5

Of course! I'm always happy to help whenever possible. Best of luck with the deck! It seems like a sweet idea

February 16, 2020 12:03 p.m.

Garretthook says... #6

Every time I look at a card in the list and think “I’d cut that” I look a little harder and see this list is extremely solid and well thought out. It also has a nice curve as long as the mana base holds up.

February 27, 2020 1:40 p.m.

BanoMD says... #7


Appreciate the sentiment, I’ve been having fun with it! I still find I’m constantly tinkering with it. Lots of cards I’m still learning about in Pioneer since I only started playing in Kaladesh, so the list keeps changing.

Right now, I really hate that I feel like I need to add 3 Damping Sphere and 2 Gideon of the Trials just because of where the meta is at. Feel those slots could be used for cooler things!

February 27, 2020 7:57 p.m.

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