

As of 22/01/2022 I've decided to lift the infinite combo rule from the deck, because it couldn't keep up with my playgroups meta. This version of the deck will keep that rule intact. You can find the new version as well as the deck breakdown here: Muldrotha Value town Unchained


This is a jack of all trades type of deck that tries to have an answer to all threats. You could say that it's objective is to stop anybody else from winning in a non combo way, and by doing so you eventually out value your opponents. Field of the Dead and Avenger of Zendikar were added for easier closing of games once you've reached the out value part. Infinite Combos do exist in the deck but are not the point of it.

To all other players that are looking to build a Muldrotha, the Gravetide deck that doesn't focus on infinite combos I'm happy to say that you won't see that much power difference with a Lion's Eye Diamond, so don't believe you are missing much if you don't have it. If you do plan to win by comboing out in a single turn however then it's a huge power boost. In fact not comboing with it lead me to remove it from the deck.

Suggestions are greatly welcomed, however I would like to keep the average CMC of the deck low.

1. Zagoth Triome => Gaea's Cradle

Finally got a copy.

2. Malakir Rebirth   => Underground Sea

Finally got a copy.

3. Voidmage Prodigy => Caustic Caterpillar

Might have managed to use voidmages counterspell once or twice, its far more likely for an artifact or an enchantment to need destroying.

4. Squandered Resources => Slithermuse

I rarely risk saccing my lands without World Shaper down, making this usually a dead card.
Trade for card draw

5. Yavimaya Hollow => Boseiju, Who Endures

The new EDH and legacy staple if you're in green.

6. Phyrexian Metamorph => Dauthi Voidwalker

Trade inconsistent value with more disruption.

7. Baleful Strix => Kenrith's Transformation

Also replaces itself but, has a better effect.

In no particular order:

1. Hullbreacher => Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir

Ban replacement, with the addition of Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir we can remove the counterspells that we mostly used defensively.

2. Seal of Doom => Executioner's Capsule

Costs the same, has the same effect but is an artifact, which we have less of.

3. Aura Thief => Agent of Treachery

Aura Thief was at most an annoyance and more often than not, not even that. I much rather pay 3 more mana and immediately get the best permanent on the board.

4. Swan Song => Blood Artist

The deck always struggled with gaining life back, this might remedy that.

5. Counterspell => Avenger of Zendikar

With Squandered Resources and World Shaper loop, this is probably worth another try.

6. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove => Mesmeric Orb

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove was mostly played for the extra land drop, but the deck lacks early card advantage. Mesmeric Orb should provide us with card advantage while hopefully disturbing our opponents plans

7. Spore Frog => Viscera Seer

We have enough land tutor to get Glacial Chasm if we need attackers protection, time to try more sacrifice outlets.

In not any particular order:

1. Coiling Oracle => Survival of the Fittest

Coiling Oracle has always been an option to remove. Initially I was planning to turn this into Fiend Artisan. But that soon changed when I realised that it's just a bad Survival of the Fittest (kinda).

As a side bonus, this can also fetch Grist, the Hunger Tide.

2. Lion's Eye Diamond => Hullbreacher

I rarely risk losing my hand for ramp and since I am not comboing with it, it's not worth the slot. Hullbreacher is more disruption that can also ramp us.

3. Clever Impersonator => World Shaper

World Shaper was removed on 20/10/2019, but with the addition of Squandered Resources, I think it can propel the deck further.

4. Tamiyo, Collector of Tales => Grist, the Hunger Tide

Tamiyos passive is an okay thing to have, that you also don't care about when it's not there. The Eternal Witness effect is what made this card be in the deck, but this deck is about disrupting your opponents and Grist, the Hunger Tide can do that right away (almost). While Tamiyo has to -3 and then spend more mana to cast whatever you got.

5. Homeward Path => Urza's Saga => Yavimaya Hollow

I've only used Homeward Path for politics and usually when I am behind. With this context replacing it with a land tutor seems like an obvious choice.

After testing Urza's Saga I've found that, with not so many targets (it just usually grabs Sol Ring which is just 1 mana more (since you lose the land)) so I'll try Yavimaya Hollow instead.

6. Waterlogged Grove => Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth

More color fixing strapped on a land, yes please.

7. Fetid Pools => Malakir Rebirth  

A tap land replaced with another tapland that can save my commander, but can't be tutored.

8. Decks in my playgroup has been getting way faster lately, so in response I am adding some ramping myself.

Sakura-Tribe Elder => Nature's Lore

By the time Muldortha's out there is almost always something better to play from the graveyard. Sakura-Tribe Elder only fetches basic lands and they come in the battlefield tapped. Nature's Lore costs the same amount of mana, can get any missing color and come into the battlefield untapped.

9. Hex Parasite => Wild Growth

I kept Hex Parasite in the deck mostly for planeswalker removal, it had some occasional other uses, but that was pretty much it. Now that Job is being fulfilled by Grist, the Hunger Tide so this can become more ramp.

10. Kenrith's Transformation => Three Visits

No real explanation for this, since I haven't playtested Kenrith's Transformation enough to make an informed decision (Only drawn it like 2 or 3 times). But it was in the previous test phase so why not kick it out for the new test phase?

11. Azusa, Lost but Seeking => Arcane Signet

Azusa, Lost but Seeking is only good if I have Crucible of Worlds or Ramunap Excavator. Even then it's not guaranteed that you will have a fetchland to play. Additionally I have many times held back on destroying lands in the early game with Strip Mine or Wasteland just to keep the tables mood nice.

With that context in mind removing it from the deck makes sense.

12. Claws of Gix => Squandered Resources

Claws of Gix is really nice, but that mana is a real pain. Squandered Resources is an experimentation, that I think can excel in this deck.

13. Expedition Map => Life from the Loam

It's very important to hit the land drops in this deck, more so than fetching Glacial Chasm, Cabal Coffers or Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth later on.

14. Phyrexian Arena => Confounding Conundrum => Seal of Doom

Drawing cards is nice and all, but denying your opponents land ramp? ...

Turns out this is only good on curve, So I'm replacing it with more disruption.

15. Gravebreaker Lamia => Teferi, Master of Time

5 mana for Entomb is a bit too much, the discount is nice and all but you have to cast atleast 4 other cards that get discounted for it to become as mana efficent as Entomb.

Trying Teferi, Master of Time in its place. It can dig and also disrupt combos.

16. Bojuka Bog => Field of the Dead

Removing Bojuka Bog solely because it comes into play tapped.

With the addition of Squandered Resources and World Shaper this becomes a super threat.

17. Sensei's Divining Top => Scroll Rack

95% of the time I use Sensei's Divining Top to look for a land, I believe Scroll Rack should be able to do that better.

18. Sower of Temptation => Realms Uncharted

With the addition of Field of the Dead and removal of Expedition Map I feel like adding back a way to find needed/wincon lands.

Since this fetches 4 (at instant speed) that should be more than I need.

Sower of Temptation is chosen for this replacement, because the steal is easier to cancel (in comparison with other creature steals) and it costs 4 mana.


Avenger of Zendikar


Mesmeric Orb

Greater Good


Can remove

Voidmage Prodigy

1. Woodland Cemetery => Zagoth Triome

It's fetch-able.

2. Tolaria West => Cephalid Coliseum

As per Last_Laugh suggestion. I haven't used Tolaria West to fetch something in a long time, time to try something new.

3. Vesuva => Mox Diamond

The last 10 times I've used Vesuva it was as a normal land drop, and it enters tapped. Mox Diamond should ramp us, while retaining the land in the graveyard for later play.

4. Liliana, Death's Majesty => Kenrith's Transformation

Just testing Kenrith's Transformation. And Liliana, Death's Majesty didn't bring enough board presence / value.

5. Vendilion Clique => Liliana of the Veil

I just didn't like Vendilion Clique it's especially bad when you use it and effectively help your opponent by filtering his hand. Liliana of the Veil has the same CMC can keep ticking up for discards and threaten with a -6 with a "creature removal" strapped on a -2

1. Tatyova, Benthic Druid => Sower of Temptation

Replace draw for disruption. Also fuels Voidmage Prodigy.

2. Disallow => Vendilion Clique

Replace counter magic for hand control. Also fuels Voidmage Prodigy.

3. Avenger of Zendikar => Notion Thief

Avenger of Zendikar used to be a wincon for this deck, over the course of its development and maturity it is finally time for him to go and be replaced by more disruption.

4. Protean Hulk => Vraska, Golgari Queen

I've found due to the direction of the deck, resolving one Protean Hulk didn't win (or almost win) me the game, I'm letting Vraska, Golgari Queen have another go since she's a sac outlet, disruption, draw and life gain source.

5. Mirrormade => Coiling Oracle

I've finally managed to draw and play Mirrormade it was good but I don't feel like it keeps up with the rest of deck. Coiling Oracle might not be the best replacement, but it will do for now due to draw/rump cababilities.

6. Copy Artifact => Venser, Shaper Savant

With the removal of Mirrormade I've realised I would rather add more disruption than a copy effect. Additionally Venser, Shaper Savant also fuels Voidmage Prodigy.

7. Solemn Simulacrum => Secrets of the Dead => Liliana, Death's Majesty

Secrets of the Dead was removed on 19/01/2019 due to no immediate effect and probably will be again for the same reason. However I'm willing to try it again since mid-to late game can provide a substantial advantage. Solemn Simulacrum got the shortest stick, ramping is good but its 4 mana.

Yep, no immediate value is really bad. Let's see how Liliana, Death's Majesty will do.

She did good.

8. Reliquary Tower => Entomb

By cutting our most high cost cards we created room for cutting a land.

1. Yavimaya Elder => Dryad of the Ilysian Grove

Color fixing while allowing us to play additional lands. Additionally it only requires 1 green mana to play.

2. Entomb => Gravebreaker Lamia

Trading one entomb effect for another.

3. Forest => Bayou

4. Island => Tropical Island

1. Cultivate => Sakura-Tribe Elder

Can be recast and it costs less.

2. Harrow => Lotus Petal

Can be recast, increases our artifact count, provides mana fixing at 0 costs.

3. Kokusho, the Evening Star => Claws of Gix

Provides another sac outlet, wanted to move away from Kokusho, the Evening Star win conditions for a while now. The 1 mana to sacrifice something is a pain but it seems to be good enough for now. If not I might remove it in the upcoming months.

4. Chainer, Dementia Master => Hostage Taker

Removed one value for another, Chainer, Dementia Master is awesome, but also a big target, for this reason I chose to replace him with Hostage Taker since it also provides great value (removal-steal) and it costs 1 less mana.

5. Mulldrifter => Gonti, Lord of Luxury

Draw 2 from your library, or scry 4 draw 1 from an opponents library for 1 less mana?

6. Mana Vault => Siren Stormtamer => Voidmage Prodigy

Mana Vault was in most games a 1 time use effect, that would ping me for the following 3-4 turns. Since that 1 time boost didn't push me forward enough, I believe Siren Stormtamer might be a good replacement. Turns out Siren Stormtamer wasn't that good and was cut during testing phase, since I wanted the permanent type counterspell it was replaced with Voidmage Prodigy

7. Archaeomancer => Aether Spellbomb

With most of instants and sorceries being cut out of the deck and with the addition of Tamiyo, Collector of Tales this card no longer provides enough value. On the other hand Seal of Removal has been MVP for many a game and Aether Spellbomb appear to be a close relative.

8. Copy Enchantment => Mirrormade

Easy replacement, Copy Enchantment doesn't usually have value targets, probably the only reason I haven't removed it before is because I haven't drawn it in ages. Mirrormade has the same cost and can target artifacts which there are more going on in a game.

9. World Shaper => Night Incarnate

World Shaper is a good card, but the games that I used him and won, I had already won (by being way ahead) before his ability resolved. In this sense I consider him a "win more" card in the deck. Along with the fact that I don't mill me he was an easy target to pick to remove. Now I didn't think Night Incarnate would be that good in replacing World Shaper's value, but damn I'm glad I added this.

10. Sakashima the Impostor => Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

Another card I haven't drawn in ages. I believe I've only played this card once or maybe twice. However I have tutored my deck a hell of alot times and my goto clone is always Phantasmal Image. Now Yawgmoth, Thran Physician was an unplanned addition but an easy one once I thought not only is it another sacrifice outlet, not only does it draw me a card, but it can also kill creatures, and in combination with my other unplanned addition Night Incarnate it can kill creatures that have > 3 toughness, and he himself survives.

11. Maze of Ith => Glacial Chasm

Been wanting to trade Maze of Ith to Glacial Chasm for a long while now. I've finally got myself a few copies of Glacial Chasm

12. Vraska, Golgari Queen => Narset, Parter of Veils

Vraska, Golgari Queen is good and it also provides a sacrifice outlet, but Narset, Parter of Veils provides passive value. Not only it prevents players from drawing extra cards, they have to spend resources to remove her as soon as possible, whilst Vraska, Golgari Queen they could easily ignore for a few turns.

13. Sylvan Safekeeper => Ramunap Excavator

I've found that more than 95% of the time I played Sylvan Safekeeper it was either useless, or it was used to recur a land ex: Bojuka Bog. I might have used him once or twice for his actual ability. On the otherhand I'm almost always happy to see Crucible of Worlds in my hand, so I'm hoping Ramunap Excavator will provide the same happiness.

14. Damnation => Oblivion Stone

I've been straggling a bit lately with planeswalker removal, with only Hex Parasite as my answer I thought I'll replace one board wipe with a board clear.

15. Elvish Reclaimer => Expedition Map

Elvish Reclaimer looked so good when he came out, unfortunately he is slow and usually you only need him to fetch one specific land. Summoning sickness made this little guy move out. Expedition Map is basically the same thing for that 1 land, but it also increases our artifact count.

16. Lightning Greaves => Courser of Kruphix => Tatyova, Benthic Druid

I rarely use haste and also very rarely care about the protection. Although I've used it as a sac outlet for Phantasmal Image once. Lightning Greaves is definitely getting out of the deck. However I'm not quite sure if Courser of Kruphix is going to take it's place yet. After some testing I'm giving this spot to Tatyova, Benthic Druid

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Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Insect 1/1 BG, Pirate 2/2 B, Plant 0/1 G, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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