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Budget Living End




When I saw the Living End decklist, I thought about how cheap most of the pieces are, besides the things like fulminator mage, living end itself and etc. As you know, budget in Modern is typically much more expensive than budget standard. I have tried to keep a reasonable mana base while also removing certain cards to keep a budget. Fulminator Mage This is a hard card to take out, as many say he is a major piece within the deck. The only replacement I could think of that does even close to what this guy does is Avalanche Riders. He costs 1 more mana, but destroys any land and still goes to your graveyard. Blackcleave Cliffs Again, hard to replace fast lands, we are running Copperline Gorge because it is almost 3 times less than the other fast land currently. Lands in General - We cannot run Verdant Catacombs because of the insanely high price it serves at the moment. Maybe once it getsd a reprint we can run it. The landbase is mostly based around the khans fetch lands (which are very low for how much they are played atm), and shock lands, which is not the preferred land for this strategy. The notably expensive cards are Living End itself, and the fetch lands. There are many ten dollar cards atm, but for less reliability, you can replace some of the lands for basics or other duals you prefer. Simian Spirit Guide doesn't really have a replacement however, so I recommend if you don't use them, use some maindeck Dismember and Shriekmaw. If there are any ideas you have, please, let me know. Thank you for reading.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 0 Rares

4 - 5 Uncommons

32 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.05
Tokens Beast 3/3 G
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