This is Highly work in progress. I warmly accept recomendations, it is casual but if i can make this better then that would be great.
This deck is one part gimmick, two parts tribute and all parts fun. Lets see the cast of this fist pumping show.
Hundred-Handed One as Wrathful Asura, my main man. Get him out, get him punching and make him monstrous to block forever. Activate Vajra Asura with Spectra Ward. You''ll need artifacts or over 100 creatures to stop this angry god.
Fabled Hero as Yasha, the quick and brutal. Buff him up or sneak in some speed attacks with a double heroic boost with Martial Glory and watch the opponent fall apart.
Iroas, God of Victory as Gluttonous Augus, Asuras mentor. He wont get his hands dirty until the fight is getting good! Training his students in combat by making them unable to take damage and taking on multiple adversaries.
Favored Hoplite as Vain Sergei, the crowd pleaser. As long as he's getting attention he can never die. Good to show up early but will probably die later, oh well, hes there to put hurt down early on.
Hero of Iroas as the Destructive Wyzen, one of the weakest creatures gets way too huge with his thirst for mantra.... err, Auras. Madcap Skills or Ordeal of Purphoros and watch him grow to world breaking proportions.
Anax and Cymede as the Proud Deus and the Lusty Olga. When their plan goes off you'll be steamrolled by their allies. Trample and a buff lets you swing for the fence.
Lets of course not forget our Slothful Kalrow. He was too lazy to show up, but makes his mark known in the ever useful Boros Charm and Martial Glory. Why have a spell that does only one thing when you can have spells that give you so many options!