Game 1: 1-1 Draw versus Jeskai Fireworks
This match up seems very favorable for us pre-board, we have so many large threats that their burn spells just aren't enough to stop us getting through.
Post board the matchup is more 50-50 depending on what each player boards, I boarded in an extra Dragonlord Dromoka and 2 Mistcutter Hydra's in response to the sideboarded counter spells and Valourous Stances.
Game 2: 2-0 Win Versus Mardu Dragons
This matchup can be pretty bad for us, they run so much removal that our threats can't expect to stick around long, winning the die roll was very important as it gave us the extra turn to pull ahead on mana and start playing threats early,
Post board things don't change too much, 2 Rabblemasters come in along with a second Dromoka to protect us and a third Xenagos to accelerate us and produce a game ending Crater's Claws.
Game 3: 2-1 Win Versus Abzan Aggro
This Matchup is about 50/50 if we don't see double black on their side of the table, it's gonna be a good day for us.
Creature Quality is very high on both sides however we have the added evasion on our side, Siege Rhino and Dromoka's Command are very annoying for us pre-board as Dragonlord Atarka aside, we have no effective way to remove the Rhinos, and Dromoka's command will almost always result in a 2 for 1 should we have a Courser in play.
After board the matchup shifts slightly in our favour, I brought in a second Dragonlord Dromoka, a second Ajani, as well as both copies of Valorous Stance and Radiant Purge to remove their threats, boarding out all 3 copies of Courser of Kruphix and Dromoka's Command.
Game 4: 2-0 Win versus Mono Red Aggro
This is one of the best matchups for our deck, the Caryatids and Coursers gum up the ground making it difficult to get through, we can prevent any damage from their burn spells using Dromoka's Command and then gain life from the Coursers, Dragonlord Dromoka and Ajani before you just go over the top with beefy fliers, often finishing the game in one attack.
Post board the matchup is even better, roast is mainly a non issue as the only real targets are the coursers and surrak, we board in the second Ajani and Dragonlord Dromoka for the match as well as both of our Seismic Ruptures should things get really dicey, boarding out both Dragonlord Atarkas's and Dromoka, The Eternals.
Overall I'm really happy with how the deck played, the mana base was consistent enough and the deck's power level seems really high. Any suggestions to improve the deck going forward would be greatly appreciated.
Link to my final match against mono red is right here: