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I'm not Heartless, I LOVE Beating!




Enchantment (3)

Instant (6)


Hey guys, DeeBee again. Welcome to Impact Summoning. Currently I'm working from this stock list I've put together, so all comments and suggestions appreciated.

The Idea

Heartless Summoning - the linchpin to the deck. It is both the strongest and weakest card. With it the deck can do some really dumb stuff, but without it the cards feel clunky and super slow. More ways to find this such as Muddle the Mixture may be needed.

Win Conditions

The Namesake

Heartless Summoning + Impact Tremors : This is what you're aiming for a lot of the time. If you can land these 2 enchantments then you've got a good chance of closing out the game from there. Assume all combinations of cards below involve either Heartless Summoning or both of these cards in play.

The Easy One

Myr Retriever + Myr Retriever : In combination with the above this creates an infinite damage loop. You simply cast one, it dies instantly and goes to the grave, fetches back the other, etc.

The Priest and the Lich

Havengul Lich + Priest of Urabrask : As above, infinite damage. Cast Priest of Urabrask for R with Havengul Lich in play already, add RRR to your pool, cast Priest of Urabrask from the bin using RR with Havengul Lich, rinse, repeat.

The Aggro Plan

Myr Superion + Tuktuk the Explorer You may have seen these two cards and thought they were a bit of an odd inclusion. I'm still unsure about them too, however I thought them neat as an insurance policy. Myr Superion acts as a 0 mana 4/5 and Tuktuk the Explorer is effectively a R 4/4 - not bad wen put like that. Obviously these cards become very weak without Heartless Summoning, but they're something I'll be playing around with as an aggro option.

The Shoot'em Up

Havengul Lich + Perilous Myr : With Heartless Summoning in play (yes, there's a trend appearing here) you can effectively shoot something/someone for 2 damage every time you have 1 mana up. This can also use Priest of Urabrask to make infinite mana with Havengul Lich to then shoot them with Perilous Myr as many times as you want - an advantage over playing Priest of Urabrask over Myr Moonvessel.

Card Choices


Hearltess Summoning: I would hope this is fairly self-explanatory by now. It is required for the deck. Fin.

Impact Tremors: Possibly the most consistent part of the deck. If you don't go infinite it'll at least wear your opponent down to within beat-down range, and if you do go infinite then everybody dies (apart from you obviously).


Grim Haruspex: Your draw engine. This is how you find your combo once you have half of it online. With Heartless Summoning in play a lot of your creatures will cost 0 mana and die straight away, drawing you a card, plus giving their usual effect. For example, if you're missing your Impact Tremors but have the 2x Myr Retrievers you need to go off, Grim Haruspex allows you to draw as many cards as you like, letting you find it. Most of the time he will just allow you to cycle cards you don't need to find the cards you do however.

Havengul Lich: This is your value engine. With Heartless Summoning in play you can pay 1 mana to cast a 4/5 from the grave with Myr Superion, go infinite with Priest of Urabrask or even just ping something for 2 with Perilous Myr.

Mulldrifter: A great card on it's own for trying to piece together one of the combos, with Heartless Summoning in play it becomes 2U to make a 1/1 flyer and draw two cards, but more importantly you can evoke it for U to draw two cards. It ALSO means that with Havengul Lich in play you can continuously draw cards for cheap since you can cast it for it's evoke cost from the 'yard.

Myr Retreiver: This is included for obvious reasons.

Something to bear in mind is that you can obviously only do these at sorcery speed, so I'd like to try out Shimmer Myr to make all of these combos instant speed and end-step-able. In doing so I'd replace Priest of Urabrask with Myr Moonvessel which is something I've considered anyway since you can tutor for it with something like Trinket Mage.

So you may have seen some variations of this deck whether it be on this site or another, however a lot of the builds I have seen have looked sub-optimal and underwhelming.

This is a deck I'm gonna be theorycrafting over the next few weeks. I saw it on MtG Salvation a couple years back and it grabbed my attention. It's a deck I've been wanting to brew for a while and now that I've finished building Jund and Junk I'll have the time to experiment with it a little.

If you have any suggestions then please leave them below, would love some help with this!

Cheers, and don't forget to +1!



Updates Add

Just to let you guys know over the next few days I'm gonna be adding to the description to explain card choices, combos within the deck and more, so keep an eye on this space for more details!


Revision 12 See all

(8 years ago)

+1 Radiant Flames side
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 12 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Interesting, Decks of Interest
Ignored suggestions
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