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Kynaios and Tiro Enchantress

Commander / EDH


K and T Enchantress. Started off as a hugs deck and then just evolved into a hugs deck that eventually strangles the field. Not a high tier deck, but definitely enjoyable as it plays a lot of cards I personally enjoy playing with. Lots of Enchanted Evening shenanigans with an Enduring Ideal package. There are several different modes you can play from Hugs to Pillow Fortress to aggressive Enchantress soft-locks.

Ramp Show

Enchantress Effects Show

Pillow Fortress Show

Combat Denial:

Leave My Stuff Alone:

Sandwurm Convergence

Song of the Dryads

The Enduring Ideal Package includes:

Enduring Ideal is an interesting card that you may have seen pop up in a rogue Modern deck. It lets you tutor up any enchantment in your deck and put it into play and then Epic locks you. What you get first and the order in which you get the next enchantments all depends on board state and threats.

  1. Dovescape: This tends to be the first card you may go for to prevent opponents from casting obnoxious things. Uncounterable and Split-Second spells make it through Dovescape's trigger.

  2. Paradox Haze or Sandwurm Convergence: Depending on what the board-state looks like prior to casting Enduring Ideal will help you make this decision. The extra upkeep from Paradox Haze will allow for more triggers from Enduring Ideal. Copy Enchant Can help speed things up by giving you a third upkeep if you copy Paradox Haze. Sandwurm Convergence will prevent your opponents from beating you down with birds.

  3. Enchanted Evening + Opalescence : By this time, you should have multiple upkeeps going on, so locking out the opponent's mana base may prove useful, especially if you have a Ghostly Prison or such in play. If Mirari's Wake is not in play, it may be useful to try to get that in there some where, so you don't lose all your lands when Opalesence comes in. This will be relevant when it comes to the Win Con.

  4. Form of the Dragon + Second Chance : These two will bring you into a Win Con. Form of the Dragon will set your health to 5 and with multiple upkeeps, you will start doing 10-15 damage to an opponent per turn. Second Chance will give you extra turns. If you have Mistveil Plains or Starfield of Nyx in play, you will now have infinite turns. Either tuck the Second Chance with Mistveil Plains after you sacrifice it, or use Starfield during your first upkeep to bring it back to play so that it triggers during your second upkeep.

  5. Epic Struggle: At this point, if you are in a situation where, A) you don't have enough cards in your library to be able to machine gun down your opponents with Form of the Dragon, multiple upkeeps, and infinite turns, or B) an opponent has an absurd amount of health or you are not able to target an opponent for whatever reason, make use of the fact that your enchantments (and possibly lands) are creatures due to Opalesence and just win the game with Epic Struggle. Sounds odd, but a majority of the games I win once I go into Enduring Ideal ends up being with Epic Struggle.

If you would like to be a hugs player during a pod for political reasons or just for a change of pace, then this is the package for you:
  • Beast Within: Even though this spell destroys something, you are giving that player something back in return for playing traffic cop
  • Dictate of Kruphix : Who doesn't love drawing more cards?
  • Eureka : No better way to give the game away than by letting everyone put all their permanents into play! Set your friend up for the win, or just win the game yourself
  • Heartbeat of Spring: All the mana. All of it
  • Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis: Besides hugging each other, they love hugging everyone else as well. Card draw or land play for everyone!
  • Mikokoro, Center of the Sea: Because everyone loves drawing cards
  • Rites of Flourishing: How can extra card draw be more fun? If you get to play additional lands as well!
  • Show and Tell: A watered down version of Eureka with fewer options
There are several strategies you can aim for:
  1. Steal all the permanents in play with Aura Thief + Enchanted Evening and then proceed to beat down your opponents with them.
  2. Destroy all the permanents in play with Cleansing Meditation + Enchanted Evening and then proceed to beat down your opponents with animated enchantments.
  3. Make the game grindy with the Enduring Ideal package and then release your inner dragon with Form of the Dragon or show them the struggle is real with Epic Struggle.
  4. Be the "Nice Guy" and enable a friend to win by hugging everyone with Rites of Flourishing, Dictate of Kruphix , Heartbeat of Spring, Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis, Show and Tell, Eureka , etc.


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