GhostChieftain says... #2
Preturbed Thanks for having a look! I do like the primordials a lot, I just dont know what I would take out for that.
luvcheese It is a sweet card, but I want sac outlets that I can abuse on other players turns. Plus I dont want to gain too much life.
Komrade_Kore it works when you have other creatures with it. Say you have mikey, the sages, ashnods altar, sepulchural primordial, and massacre wurm. Sac the wurm and primordial and get 4 colorless and the wurm and primordial come back with +1/+1 counters due to mikey giving undying. Pay 1 of your colorless to remove the counters on those two using the sages then rinse and repeat as many times as desired. Infinite etb and infinite mana
August 7, 2014 8:31 a.m.
I'm planning to include Ghostly Flicker in my Marchesa deck. It's a great way to keep creatures as well as reuse ETBs.
August 7, 2014 4:57 p.m.
If you have things like unspeakable symbol and phyrexian arena/necropoetence and stuff the lifegain is fine imo. And if you're planning to use marchesas ability you should def consider running unspeakable symbol this is my list: Marchesa see if it gives you any ideas
August 8, 2014 10:05 p.m.
YourRivalGaryOak says... #7
It's probably just a clerical error but, just in case you weren't aware, Triskelion / Mikaeus combos without a sac outlet. Triskelion can ping itself with its last counter.
Komrade_Kore says... #1
Ignore my comments, I can't read obviously.
August 6, 2014 11:50 p.m.