The Ur-Dragon - The eminence ability is very relevant. We run a ton of big, bad, expensive dragons. The second ability is pretty nifty. You dont really need a horde of dragons to make this crushing, just a few dragons and a card in your hand. Really fun with multiple combat steps!
Sarkhan Unbroken - Kitchen table and flavor (sorta) hero! I think Ill meet some resistance here, so lets break him down. The golden rule with walkers is you dont count on the ultimate. Although this one is pretty nice. The +1 gives us needed card draw and any color of mana. This is great! Oh, the -2 makes dragons, Great! Also this is basically playing a target to help relieve some aggro or bait removal when needed. Itll at least replace itself, and maybe eat removal. Yay card advantage!
Utvara Hellkite - Big, and makes your field a beast if you can swing a few times. I think this one might be win-more but Im feeling it for now.
Dream Pillager - Subtheme of just shenanigans things into play, plus a dragon. I really wish it had a bigger body, or even better haste, but its just neat!
Ojutai, Soul of Winter - Pesky blockers, mana rocks/dorks, whatever. Not a huge fan of freeze effects, but this one is on a substantial body.
Atarka, World Render - Yes. All of it. This is rainbow dragon stompy fodder, duh. Plus look at that maw!
Knollspine Dragon - I really want to cast this after hitting someone for like ten when hellbent. Also a big, angry dragon. Stomp stomp stomp.
Bladewing the Risen - I dont know why, but I always almost cut this card. I want to play this deck a bit more. Im trying to go heavy on the creatures, so some dragon based dragon recursion is great with dragons. Dragon.
Scourge of the Throne - Extra combat! Plus I really like dethrone. The extra combat is great when we have The Ur-Dragon out. Or just a bunch of dragons.
Silumgar, the Drifting Death - I LOVE this card. I think its the art. Or the fact that swinging with a field of big dragons kills a bunch of dorks on attack, through indestructible.
Ramos, Dragon Engine - Kind of want to build a deck around this big, majestic, metal monster. Has a really narrow, fun interaction with Scion of the Ur-Dragon. Cast ramos, Cast baby Ur, remove the counters (after combat if its profitable!) to cast the Big Daddy Ur (Aint no half steppin)
Teneb, the Harvester - Great if you can punch someone in the face. Even better with double strike! From A graveyard, so if your opponent has something nice steal that.
Crosis, the Purger - Remember Teneb? Fun little interaction there.
Intet, the Dreamer - Cheating things into the battlefield is a subtheme here!
Ryusei, the Falling Star - Boom! Clears the ground.
Kokusho, the Evening Star - Amazing with a recursion source. Life in a pinch, and it hurts everyone.
Savage Ventmaw - The mana doesnt empty, dont forget. This helps go another combat or two with Hellkite Charger. I dont run Aggravated Assault but you should if you have another copy.
Hellkite Charger - Synergy with Savage Ventmaw and beating face with dragons. This guy is simple, so lets talk about extra combat. The Ur-Dragon loves extra combat. Doesnt matter if its on the battlefield or not, the main theme of this deck is killing your opponents with big ass dragons. Its great if you can cheat things into play AND get another combat, but most of our creatures are massive so connecting twice makes 40 life seem low.
Steel Hellkite - Most fun when you wipe a ton of tokens by paying zero, but really nice to get rid of something annoying, provided you can hit them. Also colorless firebreathing.
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius - I want this card to be bad so I can cut it. Dracogenius? With that smug, fat face? Not sure why I hate Niv, always have. Came with the deck so Ill try it for a bit. Im told the activated ability can be very relevant.
Scourge of Valkas - can be tough. The effect is intriguing if it sticks.
Scion of the Ur-Dragon - Not sure if it belongs in the deck, but the interaction with Ramos cant be ignored for now. Also the ability is nice as a silver bullet if needed, or to get that extra combat or three.
Wasitora, Nekoru Queen - Really almost just built her. Sac a creature or i get a cute cat dragon. Also, cat dragon!!
Dromoka, the Eternal - Bolster can be fun. If you have a field they get big pretty quickly doing what this deck already wants to do: smash face with dragons.
Spellbound Dragon - Pretty big CMC in this deck. This leaky lazered eye wierdo can get pretty big. We have a little bit of recursion, but generally a card can be a bit more dead in hand.
Scalelord Reckoner - Trades can be very fun.
Thunderbreak Regent - Not sure why this all-star didnt come in the deck. Aggressively costed in this deck, thanks to eminence.
Territorial Hellkite - Random big dragon is nice at a stale table. Helps for those who are inclined to think they are being picked on.
Boneyard Scourge - Recurring dragons are nice. Also aggressively costed in this deck.
Dragonspeaker Shaman - Great! Easily killed by our own effects.
Dragonlord's Servant - See above!
Signets - Run them. Mana rocks are needed in this deck, run what ya brung.
Lightning Greaves - Haste! Yes! Our resources are valuable, so protecting them with shroud is great.
Urza's Incubator - Make dragons cheaper, so fits in the deck well.
Herald’s Horn - Both effects: very relevant. Also it came with the deck! Cmon!
Sol Ring - Until its banned
Fellwar Stone - Almost nobody plays monobrown.
Darksteel Ingot - Any color and its not as easily blown up.
Chromatic Lantern - Why didnt this come with the deck? Really Wizards?
Commander's Sphere - Great to sack when needed.
Thought Vessel - No max hand size and a mana rock.
Utter End - Exile that opposing kokusho! Not a ton of removal in this deck, mainly in protest. I suggest you run more, but my meta is way too heavy with it so games just stall out.
Sarkhan's Triumph - I hear we like dragons? Flavorful tutor. Situational, yes, but this isnt T1.
Winds of Qal Sisma - Fog is nice when you play big expensive creatures. The ferocious trigger can be helpful.
Dragonstorm - Honestly you have to run this! Really funny when you cast a few mana rocks first.
Crux of Fate - Wipe the board!
Shamanic Revelation - Not sure how massive my board state will get with this deck on a regular basis.
Bring to Light - Great tutor in a five color deck.
Wander in Death - Scion of the Ur-Dragon likes this card. Cycling for when youd rather have card draw.
Farseek - Doesnt say basic, so helpful to color fix.
Zendikar Resurgent - Whew lad this card does work.
Lurking Predators - Cheat some fatties into play, at least one hopefully before it eats removal.
Frontier Siege - Khans for when you play in a creature light meta. Dragons for other times.
Crucible of Fire - Great anthem for our board.
Temur Ascendancy - Haste and card draw most of the time.
Elemental Bond - Card draw helps, and we like casting creatures.
Hunting Grounds - Needs testing if threshold is a challenge or not. Had it lying around.
Dragon Tempest - Haste and burn! Alright!
Phyrexian Reclamation - Get the big bad dragons back in your hand.
Haven of the Spirit Dragon - No Ugin in this deck but recursion aint bad.
Cavern of Souls - Counterspell killer. Expensive for sure.
Slayers' Stronghold - Haste and vigilance and pump on a land. Careful with the
Path of Ancestry - Scry!
High Market - Sometimes its better to sac instead of having it stolen. Again, careful with the
Other Land - We need mana symbols.